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Asalamualikum wrwb | hope Allah has kept you in the best of imaan and health in this beautiful month of ramadan. | wasnt able get through to you so i though id write you a letter. Sadly you neglected us last year and no response this year. It hurts me that my brother who took care of me, was like a father to me can abandon me and my orphan child at such times of difficulty. Have you ever heard the saying when nobody is there for you in life, you will turn around and see your sibilings standing behind you.... SubhanAllah mums not well and we dont have dad but Alhamdulilah Allah blessed me with such loving siblings that i didnt need to feel the emptyness of not havnt parents since i was young. Truley life has been a roller coaster but never did | imajine that | cannot ever ask my brother for help or that | would be abonded and ignored by you. Do you ever wonder how we are? In what conditon were are living? SubhanAllah we only speak once a year and thats me having to build up the courage to ask for help and support for our living but that shouldnt really be the case bhai. Allah has given men dutie and woman dutie and since i dont have a father or a husband you as my brother are responsible for me. Really. .. This should be your concern if i am eating well, living well and provided for.... Know that your baby sister didnt die, unfortantly im still alive, That is the reality but sadly you choose to treat me as if am dead. A ummath is like one body if one part is hurt then the whole body hurts but you are more than that to me.. you are my blood brother so where is the concern for your baby sister and orphan nephew in this month of mercy?? Who do you want me to seek help from when Allah has blessed me with a mother and brother? Im sorry for being such a burden for you all, i wish i wasnt and if i could change things i would, but thats not in my control. We can plan all we like but Allah is the one that plans and this was always written for me... its my gadr and what Allah has destined for me. Once a father gives his daughter in marriage does not mean that he has handed her over to her husband and he has no kinship with her he is still her father just like that our ties have not broken you are still my brother. That relationship can not be broken and in islam it is a great sin to break ties. SubhanAllah if we could plan our lives then things would be so different and i would not choose to be a burden on anyone but Allah is the best of planners this is what he destined for me and this is my test as well as yours. | have noone to cry to about my difficulties and struggles except Allah. | remind myself just like our prophet did in times of hardship the the real life is the life of the hereafter... truely the real life is the life of the hereafter. But as muslims we believe that in times of good and difficulty theres khair init weather we acknowledge it at the time or not and if only you realise Allah has paved a path for you to attain such reward that you can be with the prophet s in jannah and what more can a person want than to be with the best of mankind in jannah and i make dua Allah reunites us all in the highest of Jannah. May Allah make us all people of Jannah tul firdous The excellence of someone who provides for an orphan in the company of his parents Umm Said bint Murra al-Fihri related from her father that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "/ and the guardian of an orphan will be in the Garden like these two." (His two fingers) One who cares for widows and the poor is like those who fight in the way of Allah or those who spend their days fasting and their nights praying.” |maam Al-Bukhari in chapter “The Virtue of Those Who Care for Orphans” Allah gives us oppertunitys and ways to enter jannah and this opertunity has come knocking on ur door bhai but its whether we choose to grab the oppertunity or not If only you looked at it as a blessing rather than a burden If only you understood the great ajar it holds which will be a sadaqa jariaya for you on the day of judgement inshAllah as my sons quran education everything is only from the help | get. Its the last ten days and Ramadan is the month of giving and a month of mercy. | hope this reached your heart bhai and i hope i get a response from you and not abandoneded for the third time. You are always in my duas and i make dua Allah eases your affairs as i know your situation is not easy either. A muslim is a muslims brother he does not wrong him or abandon him, if anyone cares for his brother needs , Allah will care for his needs; of anyone removes and muslims anxiety, Allah will remove from him, on account of it one of the anxieties on the Day of ressurrection and if any one conceals a muslims fault Allah will conceal his fault on the Day of ressurrection. Sunan abi dawud | may not say it often or even ever but know that i really appreicate you and everything you have done for me over the years. Know that your ajar is with Allah and has not gone unnoticed. Expecially after all the loses iv had teaches you that every moment is special with your loved ones | love you for the sake of Allah and make dua Allah eases ur affairs in dunya and raises your ranks close to the prophet s in Jannah. From your forgotten sister

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