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Marco A Luna A
-Have knowledge of spirituality and metaphysics.
-Have Gnostic knowledge and practice it
-Having completed ACIM and practicing it

And the last requirement is the most important of all for the
understanding of the book and if you meet this requirement it
is not necessary to have gone through the previous ones, the
latter is to have experienced the light of the heavenly father. I
say that this is the most important requirement because all
religious experiences of whatever kind lead us to this last
experience, which is the prelude to definitively entering it.

The requirements that I mentioned at the beginning are the

knowledge that I practiced and led me to that experience. At
the beginning, like all unbelievers, I let myself be seduced by
materialism that led me to lose myself in the darkness of the
lack of divine knowledge, where it made me make many
mistakes and kept me walking very badly in life.

Thanks to different factors I had access to this knowledge in

an organic way, although the motivator at the beginning was
hatred towards the ego, I was able to understand later that
thanks to it I was able to rise to see the light of the father, and
this made my journey very Contrasting from start to finish.
That is why I ask everyone who reads this book, if they do not
understand what I am talking about, to comply with the
requirements that I mentioned above.


If you are reading this I assume that you already meet the
aforementioned requirements.

Previously, a fraternal greeting, I rested in your presence,

whoever writes to you is just one of many who have arrived
and will arrive, I was lucky to have a lot of spiritual help in a
material and subtle way, as you will already understand the
angels, older brothers, ancestors and other adjectives guide us
through various paths and always for our well-being, growth
or liberation.
Because there are no such things as chance, but destiny and
chance form successively intervened paths, I am very glad
that you found this book. In these years not many people have
resonated with me and seeing you reading these words fills
me with emotion and joy. I hope with all my heart that the
information you receive from this book is what you are
looking for at this moment.
table of Contents
For the analysis of the discomfort, the objectification of the
person himself must be taken into account, this is what I mean
by seeing ourselves objectively, without any preference, or in
simple terms, observing ourselves without thoughts and
feelings of ourselves, the first thing is to use the imagination
to be able to visualize the small things that are around us little
by little we are adding more things and when we already have
this ideal state of self-observation of what is around us, we
will go on to self-observe our body, we observe in which
position it is find our hands, our feet our back and new head.
after this we identify the discomfort we have, where we have
these discomforts. We observe ourselves completely and
What follows now is to try to see your thoughts (putting into
images what is thought), feelings (putting into images what
feels like imagining when you are feeling that specific
feeling) and tensions in the body (putting into images those
involuntary movements ).

Now we have to specify the affected parts of the physical

body, we self-observe the part of our body with that
discomfort, we separate it from the other parts, we do nothing
else for the moment, we only observe it in a defined way.

Once we have that image in our mind, we try to remember

when we were children, and from then on we slowly
remember all the events of our life, we remember even when
that condition originated in the body, how it happened (or how
you think it happened). occurred in specific cases).


This process is similar to the previous one and entails a higher
degree of courage, it is about seeing the origin of that
condition, its development and its end, reflecting on it in a
raw way.

Repeat after me: I am an immortal spirit, this body is just an

image, it has nothing to do with what I really am, which is a
perfect spirit. This sentence is taken from Gary Renard's
lectures. These words were of great help to me personally, I
could feel their power, because it was so bad that a single ray
of light became very distinguishable for me.

Accepting this is even difficult for those who know it to be so,

due to the diverse magnitude of entities we believe to be,
these entities enter physical bodies giving us the belief that we
are what we think, feel and act. In different sacred texts these
entities are understood as demons, which are commanded by
the 7 deadly sins. To better understand it, let's have the idea of
​this, as ego, the ego is the state that encompasses all these
entities in a single term, then the ego is; EVERYTHING
tell you is that you have to observe how you think, feel and
act, only when we observe ourselves do we wonder why we
do this and that. And we will realize that we do it
unconsciously and then we regret it, we lose our minds and
we are mechanical when acting.

Once we understand what these egos or egos are, we see that

the origin of everything was that ego, due to his way of life,
due to his impulses, due to the fact that he controlled the
physical body at that moment.


The next thing is to identify which entity is the one that
caused such condition in the body, for this reason the process
of complete retrospection is important, once detected we
submit it for analysis, we ask how it makes us feel in the
body? What involuntary movements do you have in the
physical body? What do you think of yourself when you are in
the body? Once this entity is known, we write it down in a
notebook so that we do not forget it, this is due to the
multiplicity of entities that we have.

At this point forgiveness helps to mentally cleanse ourselves

of resentment and thoughts of guilt in ourselves, for this we
the meaning of these words will gradually sink into the inside
of memory On the other hand, memory is used by these
entities to reaffirm that condition to the physical body. Now
we will understand why forgive that situation from the past
where we believe the condition was born.
Once the previous steps have been carried out, we have to
take into account that the intention is not required if we do not
do it with the intention of the heart, that is, do it honestly and
humbly without hypocrisy.
Now we have to take into account the recovery of energy lost
by the hands of those entities, we have to take care of our
psychological, emotional and involuntary movement energies.
For this, we observe the internal processes of the body, what
do we involuntarily think about? What do we feel
involuntarily? how and why do we move that way? And the
most important thing is to take care of the most powerful
energy we have, I mean the creative energy, this energy is
born from the depths of consciousness, which is why it is
considered instinctive in this world, just as breathing is
something deeply instinctive and It is necessary, in the same
way the creative energy is what allows life to exist and is in
itself something immensely deep in its existence. You have to
not waste this energy, because the body uses it as an enhancer
of the whole system, it is extremely important to be aware of
this energy. For this reason, the waste of this energy makes it
easier for these entities to enter the body. We lose this energy
when we are excited by an image and instinctively touch the
reproductive organ, when we masturbate and also when we
spill the seminal fluid. This energy does not have to be wasted
for any reason, however, there is a work called arcane AZF
for married people and transmutation practices for single
people, with this secret man can recover his health as well as
awaken consciousness.

If you have to choose between light and illusion, we would

choose light knowing what constitutes each thing.
The body itself is an image, every body you see anywhere,
even a screen, is an image, try to feel how it moves, then try
to touch those images with your mind, try to feel the features
and more.
This sensitive image is analogous to a single cell that
represents the entire body, this is the protoplasmic body, it is
also called the substance of the mind, and it is necessary for
the evolution of living beings as well as their involution, in
this specific case we will treat of the evolutionary pole. This
body itself is similar to a single cell, a protoplasmic sphere
that works with frequencies. When it wears out or involutes,
the frequency becomes inharmonious. Think of this as a
station that has to be well synchronized to be broadcast
correctly. In this case it is the same, this process is done at the
molecular level and because it is imperceptible it needs a lot
of concentration, so that it can be reproduced in the mind.
However, this reproduction is possible, with this use of
frequency we can regenerate ourselves as when we were in
the womb maternal.

In this state, mental non-interference is paramount, since with

self-observation it is easier for us to control movements and
emotions, however, in this practice the mind will be very
active, so we must not interfere with any thought.
For this we have to change two basic concepts of time and
space, we have to see time as force, and space as
consciousness, while we are focused on work, little by little
we will have more strength and where we focus there will be
our consciousness .

The consumption of medicines at moments of concentration

or during the process, before or after, is irrelevant.


In this second topic, we have to be self-critical and honest in
our self-observation, we have to see our defects, how they act,
not simply detect them and realize how they make us think,
feel and act, but we have to see them in action, at a level of
the mind with self-observation, see it crudely in your thinking,
feeling and acting.

This ego is also what makes you believe that you are a body,
but it does not see the body as a psychological, emotional and
motor instrument, but rather confuses itself with these
processes, for this we have to ask the divine for help, since
they give us the sword of consciousness to detect these
entities, it comes like a whip in the moments that we are lost
in these entities.

On the importance of describing them with the name of (I),

we have to clarify that when one of these entities possesses a
body, this body becomes for that person itself, it is like a kind
of possession without seeming macabre, but in the
background being so subtle ends up being much worse, for
this reason it is important to have an awake conscience at all
times to realize the incessant harassment of these entities.
These entities were classified in ancient times into seven: lust,
laziness, gluttony, envy, greed, anger, pride. These were the
ones that encompassed different human defects, such as
ambition or greed, which was included in greed; violence and
murder in anger; tardiness and carelessness in laziness; malice
and gossip in envy; dissatisfaction and possession in gluttony,
and that was not only unidirectional but also combined with
each other, for example ambition and possession plus conceit
constitute pride, these seven terms were used to define these
demonic states that we call them as I's, ego, entities. However,
these are the generalizations of thousands of egos, when one
feels that it is him, he thinks that it is him and acts as he
should act, that is an ego, example: a person who believes that
he is better when drunk, thinks that he is more sociable, feels
that it is more sociable and acts being sociable, that is a self
that distorts reality and makes you believe that it is that state.
Now with the seven deadly sins, these generalities make you
believe that you are a body, not that the body is a tool.


We will analyze this entity, this self gives us the main thought
of discomfort in the specific parts of the physical body, it
gives us the feeling of defeatism and resignation, it also
makes the body feel tired and faint-hearted. The self is from
time and all these entities are based on time for their
existence, that is why we must analyze even the smallest
detail, the end of these entities is the essence of the negative
way, experiencing their defects to the max. These creations
need much more life to satisfy their needs and thousands of
bodies for their same objective, even so, in other planes of
reality they continue to involute until the essence is released,
for this reason this self makes you believe that you are a body.
and I create a world for the comfort and survival of bodies, of


We will enter the depth of these four selves, this for example
is a deeply complex selves since it seeks to satisfy all needs, it
is made up of lust, greed, envy, vanity, violence, etc. to this
we would give the name ego in general. we synthesize it
because, inside it, there is the belief that sustains all the
selves, that is, that we are a body.

Analyzing this self, we will be able to appreciate that the main

characteristic is the satisfaction of our desires and refusing to
do what does not fulfill our desires and vices, this self clearly
makes you think that you are a body, it makes you feel that
you have positive and negative emotions, you makes you
move instinctively and involuntarily.

One of the prayers that help us is that of the Holy Spirit; Holy
Spirit, take charge of my mind, take charge of my decisions, I
am willing to listen to you, I am willing to follow you. The
true feeling of the spirit comes as a touch that brings joy and
peace. For this, we first have to detect the ego, and frequently
remove it from the body, the essence will gradually reveal
itself and there will be a day when you feel it completely, and
that will be your recognition.

Now we will enter the depths of the ego, there is no doubt that
the human concept is universal, however we have to radically
transform it, not only in ourselves, but also regarding how we
see others, this self conditions the habit , habits and vices,
normalizing and generalizing them all,
This self makes us confuse what is essential for the physical
body, with desires, satisfactions, mechanical habits, hidden
vices, etc.

In this I we have to work on how it makes us think, feel and

act, justifying the humanity that it encompasses, makes us
think that being greedy or lustful is the condition of being
human, that feeling, in this case, feeling superior or inferior,
ecstatic or melancholic is the human state, that seeking
comfort by promoting laziness and situations of pleasure are
the conditions of humanity, however it is not denied that the
body can rest, in fact the organism regenerates globally from
10 pm to 12 noon , two hours are necessary for the
recomposition of the physical body.
To work on this self, we have to go against our own identity,
we have formed complex patterns of thoughts, feelings and
actions in specific situations, with which we must question
ourselves, these patterns also condition us to certain things
that we can or we cannot do, incite us to prejudice, and fear of
the unknown. All this constitutes many selves, however, we
will synthesize it in our own identity, this identity is formed
with the influence of other people with characteristic selves,
when we speak and behave as that particular person would do.

This self has certain characteristics that individualize it,

making it believe that it is really him, on which these entities
are based, on believing that they are separated from God, that
they are independent of him. Where a personality is formed,
an individualization of other people; the videos you like, the
music you listen to, the posts you make, the sex characteristics
you are attracted to, etc. But what is really the most important
thing in the work of eliminating these entities is memory,
memory is extremely important. Because these entities that
we create have source information in memory.

Closely related to the above is that they make memory work

as a strengthening amplifier for these entities, because it seeks
its survival, in different life situations, repeats the same things
that cause satisfaction or pleasure, it also uses memory to
remember complicated situations of resentment, envy,
antipathy, hatred, fear, malice and many characteristic defects
of the person.
Now we will enter the most complicated subject for the mind,
which is the light of the heavenly father, in ancient times there
was much talk about this subject having a huge variety of
names such as; revelation, mystery, illumination, suchness,
communion and many more synonyms but what really matters
is not the definition but the experience, this experience that
transcends everything, when we talk about everything we
mean everything literally.

The father of all, the celestial creator appears as a tiny point of

light, brighter than the sun and stars, the light extends to cover
the entirety of your eyes, and continues to expand without any
limit, the body begins to secrete the most powerful energy in
the organism, the light continues to expand more and more.

When you open your eyes, disbelief disappears and all the
divine experiences gradually make sense, inner knowledge
materializes, however the work continues, the
non-identification with things, self-observation and the edge
of consciousness, with which the days can become very
heavy, however the ego is so subtle that we can create new
ones, a supposedly conscious self 24 hours a day, which will
move for different interests, one will be for the vanity of being
enlightened or spiritual pride, each will have to be analyzed
when you get to that point.

When looking at your hands, you will become aware that you
are not a body and that the world is convinced that you are,
because of this, the development of society is based on this
principle, however, you have to learn not to judge, In fact, we
have to start this work by changing judging for forgiving,
forgiving for remembering the father light that eliminates all
forms of information (everything has a form, things, places,
people and more, in addition to this they have information of
As are the forms, this information is given by itself or by the
interaction of the forms, the latter also brings with it
emotional and physical information about things)

All these forms (forms of information as I call everything that

we perceive and do not perceive) are developed in memory,
memory is the most interesting aspect of the human mind
because that is where I consider the door of the subconscious
(akashic records) to be. ). All the forms that appear in us keep
their information in memory due to this, it is there where we
have to carry the sword of consciousness and the light of the
heavenly father to release the knowledge of our own identity.

The forms will always be present in this world, due to this the
recurrence of past lives will also appear, for this reason it is
important to cleanse the memory and enter the subconscious
to eliminate any form of information that is there, the
interesting thing about this practical is that it can also be done
with eyes open and in fact it is more convenient to do it this
way in places of prayer, contemplation or places that have the
same energy as the truth (light). Now the practice has to be
done also with open eyes, remembering the heavenly father
with open eyes. That is the vision of the son of God, who sees
as his father sees.

At this point we are going to be presented with the ego, the

stronger that each of us has, this ego is the most characteristic,
it may be an ego from the past, the first one that manifested
itself forcefully and gradually forgetting that we had it with
As time goes by, that I (ego) will present itself to us in a
subtle, but profoundly strong way, it will be so strong that we
will be lost in it. However, there are many workers of light, as
in each mountain there is a divinity, a protective father, in
each sector of the ground there is a holy land, a virgin, they
help us in an extraordinary way, they do it in a way that is not
perceptible to us, because most of us still have a sleeping
conscience, we don't even remember what we dream about.
Despite this, they have their job and they do it efficiently. That
is why it is necessary to ask for their help, and also be
grateful, light a candle, give offerings not from the ego, but
from the heart and with will, from a sip of soda to a plate of
food, always being aware that they are subtle beings.

It is important at this point to understand that free will and

will have to lead to the truth more than illusions, even if one is
beyond good and evil on an earthly level, the only thing that is
beyond is the heavenly father and there we always have to


When we see the light of the heavenly father, the sexual

glands transform the seminal fluid into energy, this energy
allows us to be connected with him. This energy begins with
the stimulation of the organ, this is stimulated in two ways:
negative sexual stimulation is guided by what is perceived
from the outside, it is stimulated outwards and has the purpose
of spilling the seminal fluid, while positive stimulation is
guided by the internal, the contemplative, the concentration on
the transmutation of creative energy. For this work it is
necessary that the couples be of the opposite sex.

However, this must be natural in the human state, I mean the

internal and contemplative of sexuality, where it occurs
naturally that man does not seek bestiality and unbridled
desire in these processes, especially when the man who do not
have a partner, when you do not feel the need for negative
sexual stimulation.

This brings with it the abysmal difference of these two poles,

each of the two are energy and we decide which of them to
guide us; the negative has the vices, the places of illusion and
comfort; the positive never forgets the father and always
remembers the truth in his brothers and in himself, he also has
places where he connects with him and regenerates.

Energy manifests in us in three types of forms; the

intellectual, the emotional and the motor; This energy is
recharged from 10 pm to 12 noon, these are the hours where
healing occurs, such as regeneration and cell restarts. What
must be taken into account is not to waste energy with the
negative pole, but to save that energy in this case to regenerate
body cells.

The really dangerous thing about energy is wasting it with the

self of vice, this self is tremendously subtle and harmful to the
body, it is generally associated with laziness, however, as we
said before, these self make a link between them, and they
become lose the observation of this self of vice, any situation
that is uncontrollable for yourselves, is that self of vice or
vicious self to (___).
One of the things that also affect us for the positive use of
energy is resistance to the truth, where we are shown the
crude reality and because we want to enter and explore it, we
fall into the pleasure of wasting energy. For this reason it is
important to be aware and work on those selves, before
entering this section.


For the perpetuity of the physical body, the vision of the son
of God is necessary, this vision is the unity of all minds. The
exercise that is done is to see people with the light of the
heavenly father (his true identity, the essence) what he really
is, and with this eliminate our judgment on others and see
salvation in him, therefore, in ourself. Because in Christ we
are all one and this is the vision of who knows his father.

At this point we will first discover our most characteristic self,

we will even realize that the self we thought was the
characteristic one was only the one who covered the true
characteristic self, for this we have to meditate retrospectively
on our life.

Many times unconsciously when we forget our true being, we

judge the world as the ego does, and we receive dense
energies of materiality and negativity, which is why it is
seeing the truth in everyone else and not imprisoning anyone
in judgment. (it is to see as he sees without the intervention of
Something very important is to forgive the outside world, that
is, our resentment in general to all the people who treated us
terribly badly, forgive and cancel all moral debts with them.
Forgiving becomes essential in this whole process until it
becomes an innate attribute in us.


Once we fully remember the father, we focus on the lessons,

discomfort or disease of the physical body and let him show
us the truth that will set us free. Now we will enter the true
prayer, but we will say the introduction so that our
intellectual, emotional and motor centers are cleaned. (It can
be any prayer you know, but always remembering the
heavenly father).

our father who art in heaven

Hallowed be thy name
let your kingdom come
your will be done lord
on earth as in heaven
give us today our daily bread
forgive us our offenses
as we also forgive
To those who offend us
Do not let us fall into temptation
more deliver us from evil. AMEN

Forgive us our illusions, Father,

and help us to accept our true relationship with You,
in which there are no illusions and in which none can ever
Our holiness is Yours.
What can there be in us that needs forgiveness if Your
forgiveness is perfect?
The dream of forgetfulness is nothing more than our
reluctance to remember Your forgiveness and Your love.
Lead us not into temptation, for the temptation of the Son of
God is not Your will.
And let us receive only what You have given, and accept only
that in the minds You created and love.

The introduction, whatever it may be, needs to be recited as

one more mantra if its presence is felt, recited in a normal way
is just as important, this apart from the vibration and the
chakras, allows us to be focused on remembering the father,
but to this is necessary it is necessary to cleanse ourselves,
many times karma prevents us from straying further and
further from the truth, this is due to a lack of forgiveness,
when we forgive and cancel as a debt those faults that were
done to us or were done to us, we cleanse ourselves, forgiving
and canceling moral debts wholeheartedly. (I have forgiven
you …… your debt has been cancelled, you owe me nothing)
these words have to be with all your heart, but before we are
going to be reluctant (not wanting) to forgive, only when we
see the damage we do to ourselves will we understand what is
important in this step. Those deep and intense resentments
that come to us suddenly are the ones that do not allow us to
do this introduction correctly, because they keep us distracted
doing other things even in the middle of prayer. Even if he is
guilty for some reason, we are guilty too and therefore
unconsciously we have to pay with some condition to the
body and this also includes the reluctance to remember the

Example; In my case, the spilling of the seminal fluid is very

difficult and serious. When it happens I feel very, very bad. I
feel that this is something tremendous that I committed. Now
comes the repentance because I have certain deep-rooted
beliefs on this subject. What I will do it will be to forgive
myself and cancel any debt that I have in my unconscious, we
all come with an original sin that is lust, because we have all
been born from it, then we have a debt with it, because it gave
us existence, this is evidently at the level unconscious, then
your conscience has to forgive that part that is not conscious,
it has to forgive what makes you believe that you are a body
and makes you believe in bodies consequently in the pleasures
of it. For this very reason tell yourself from your true identity
to your physical body: I ​have forgiven you and canceled my
debt to you. This is our last debt with the ego or in my
process, that's how I feel it is.

The ego comes as an impulse that does not want to make the
true prayer, it is reluctant to remember the father, this is why
we must cancel and forgive that debt.

Once connected, free of all thought and feeling his presence,

we calmly connect with the heavenly father, which is Prayer.

This is:
Beyond the body, the sun and the stars; beyond all you see and
yet somehow familiar to you, there is an arc of golden light
that as you gaze upon it expands to become a huge, luminous
circle. The circle fills with light before your eyes. Its edges
disappear, and what was inside is no longer contained. The
light expands and envelops everything, extending to infinity
and shining eternally without interruptions or limits of any
kind. Within it everything is united in a perfect continuity. It is
impossible to imagine that there could be something that is
not within it, since there is no place from which this light is
absent. ACIM

The experience is what matters in these words, the feeling that

comes with the experience, the understanding that comes
after, this is the truth, but it is not true because you read it or it
was explained to you, but you experienced it and this is the
truth also for you, but the truth is the truth and we have to
continue. enter the truth, unite with the truth this is the true
prayer. Words are symbols of symbols, twice far from the
truth, this experience is what we seek in all religions,
knowledge and it is what makes us free, it is difficult for me
to explain this in literary terms, however that definition of
light of the father, is the one that many have experienced
before knowing what it was. For this reason I am not alone in
saying what is revealed to many of us.


At this point one knows their identity, that is, that the truth
they experienced is their true being, and with that conscience
say from the heart (I mean the conscience of oneself, observed
the physical instrument, say with honesty, respect and
humility); I have no need for this, referring to the condition of
the physical body, we see it objectively.

Another of the important things in this step is objective

self-observation, seeing oneself objectively in all facets, and
possibly at this point we have many conditionings on the
things that have to be done, many of them good and they will
feel guilty. by others and this is tremendously harmful because
spiritual defeatism will keep us at very low frequencies (way
of being, habits, feelings, thoughts). However, we have to put
ourselves in the Tao. In general there is a pendulum with two
opposite sides and in the center there is the Tao, where what
happens around you cannot affect you because you know your
true identity.

One of the important points for this step is to realize that your
self-pity prevents you from forgiving yourself from the heart,
we have to realize that when we feel self-pity for ourselves or
for other people referring to us, it is because we do not forgive
ourselves. ourselves honestly. The damage that we once did to
ourselves is hidden as self-pity, which causes a lack of
forgiveness and with this the unconscious guilt not only
continues in force but is also protected, with which the mind
seeks to cause discomfort in the body as punishment for that

When we forgive and cancel the debts we have on other

people, it will feel like a weight is lifted off our shoulders, the
same thing happens when we forgive ourselves, this time the
discomforts of the physical body are removed, we already said
that the self it makes us believe that we are a body, and the
essence knows the truth that it is what we are, then we
become aware and we say to ourselves: I recognize the
damage I did to you, I forgive you and your debt is cancelled.

However, without the help of the angels, the healing could not
take place, since the organization of the different planes of the
mind is very complex, for this reason we ask with all our heart
that they help us and we continue practicing the things that we
have seen before. One of the impediments to this is that the
ego wants to be special, to be different and to do its own will,
in wanting to be different is not asking for help from the
divinity that surrounds it, because all divinity is one and that
ego does not he wants to enter into unity, for this reason he
denies the help of the divine.

Now we will talk about what is essential for healing, which is

the use of creative energy as the basis for healing, even
though we are in the Tao, this does not allow us to do
anything we want, such as wasting this energy, in fact, we
enter into the Tao with it to the elimination of the ego in this
case would be lust.

In order to connect with yourself, it is necessary to be alone

with yourself, without any device to distract you. This point is
very difficult because when trying to do this, impulses of not
wanting to be alone with ourselves will come, therefore
situations guided with the help of angels will be important at
this point. At that moment is where we must see those selves
not detect but see them, observe how they think, what they
feel and how to act and become aware of the negative things
where they take us, the next step is forgiveness and
cancellation of any debt (resentment , guilt), remember the
father and decide the truth before his illusions.

However, there may be something that still does not allow us

to move forward and attaches us to illusions (it can be
materialism, traumas or another), this can be something
hidden by ourselves, even something that we believe we have
forgiven, however, even this lack of confidence. sorry, it is
necessary to understand it deeply, and we will realize that it is
feeling, how it makes us feel if we observe it deeply without
judgments or justifications, or evasions. we have to sincerely
forgive that situation and keep moving towards the truth that
we already know.

Faith is the acceptance of light. Lack of faith is the reluctance

to remember the same.

Remember the light and repeat; I have no need for this.

(referring to the condition of the physical body) Recognizing
your identity.


There are spiritual beings around us all the time, every

thought, every feeling, every action is guided, ask for help,
ask the holy spirit that constitutes everything, what we should
do in different situations of the day, even put the holy spirit in
charge of our day, saying: Holy Spirit, take charge of my
mind, take charge of my decisions, I am ready to listen to you,
I am ready to follow you.

The tree of life, and the tree of knowledge, are two forms of
life, one is to remember and love the truth more than all
things, and the other is to love illusions and what is fleeting.

When we experience the truth, we know that it is preceded by

the strongest and most normalized illusion of all. however,
choosing the truth over illusions is what provides us with
immortality or the ultimate cure.

When I wrote the title of this chapter, I thought it would be the

complete acceptance of the light in us, however, it goes
without saying that it is also the renunciation of having a
separate entity from that light. To fully accept something it is
important not to reject that something for something else.

The complete acceptance of the light in us constitutes the

correct relationship on the sexual plane, at all times these two
poles were present, the tree of life and the tree of knowledge,
where in the latter of knowledge ejaculation and sexual
intercourse were normalized. unbridled action of this attribute,
the act was romanticized alluding to passion and the practice
was recommended for a happy and well-being life, something
that I analyze and find very interesting is how each organ that
secretes something, always does it only once and with a
specific element of its own that occurs organically, in
extraordinary cases such as bleeding and in this case
ejaculation occurs intentionally or manipulated, I find it very
interesting that being so observable we would not have
recognized it, this tree of knowledge which is next to the tree
of life, tells us about the knowledge of separation and the tree
of life of unification with divinity. The tree of life has in itself
eternal, conscious life.

The more we take the fruit of the tree of life, the more
faculties will reappear in us and we will see things that we did
not see before, this is not a matter of believing but rather of
experiencing, in many sacred texts chastity is spoken of and
this is usually be misunderstood as the faculty of not feeling
the sexual part, however, having faith that you have already
experienced what is most found of all and is the truth or as I
like to call it the light of the heavenly father, you will realize
that it is the It is the most active part of all, where it does not
extend outwards nor does it feel stimuli from it, but rather
inwardly. What's more, when one has the gift of this faculty
guided by the tree of knowledge, one will realize that for a
rapid ejaculation he seeks brutal external stimuli, while when
he is guided by the tree of life, he seeks the internal and for
the internal without any purposeful frantic search. In the area
of ​the couple it is still the same, the internal is magnified in
two parts that become one and for the internal it is when they
return to each other.

Another important aspect to understand in this case is that of

the body, the image we have about it is individual, and we
always believe that we are that, however, all the processes that
we see outside are internal processes, the true form of what
we call the body. It is a protoplasmic cell. And the things that
we experience, such as aging, occur in that cell, with the
passage of psychological time after the evolution processes
have finished, the cell becomes deformed, due to the initial
frequency distance that occurs at conception. If we remember
that frequency that we had at conception, we can regenerate
ourselves every night, seeing all bodies as they really are,
images. Initially, we will have access to that protoplasmic
cellular part that changes according to the vibration of the
different frequencies. We will see how that altered vibration is
repeated over and over again, deforming the protoplasmic
cell; however, we are cured when that vibration vibrates again
according to the initial frequency of conception and thus alone
it modifies that protoplasmic cell.

By this point the rampant desire for illusion will be so intense

that the person needs to be totally revolutionary. This merit
leads the human to act as someone divine without being so

1. We remember the light that the father

showed us
2. We say with all our hearts: I have no need
for this (alluding to illness, injury,
condition, etc. There are no degrees in
miracles, nor is anything more difficult,
whatever the case is the same)
All this at the same time.

The alignment of the chakras and the healing of the different

bodies, and the more technical parts of the healing as well as
the more metaphysical parts, occur in this process. That is
why we say Seek first the kingdom of heaven and the rest will
Taking into account the eagerness and the diverse experiences
in the world, make the explanations that are poured in this text
very difficult to conceive perfectly, for this reason at the
beginning I introduced texts and previous knowledge for this
book, which have to be fulfilled. However, if you have
already experienced the light of the father through other
practices, this book will also be helpful.

Despite my attempt to create the last cure, the holy spirit and
divinity are the ones who heal directly, we should only ask
from the heart to heal any disease, the world and its illusions
keep us in a pure and hard materialism that is It is difficult to
escape from their clutches, but not impossible, since there is
much more life in this world and outside of it than we can

Everything in the book is interrelated, so make the first part

last and the last part first, according to your advancement and
spiritual understanding.

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