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Smartpass:The situation on crime inside the walls (first part)

“The Streets of Corruption”
The second part has already been translated by:
—The situation on crime inside the walls (first part)
"Honestly! Would you please be more alert?"
In the old headquarters of the Survey Corps, several soldiers shouting loudly walked into
the ancient castle which had just been cleaned up.
"Squad Leader Hanji seems to be a little later than the scheduled time, it's strange."
The members of Squad Levi, who were responsible for guarding the titan boy Eren, came
out to meet them.
"Oh, on the way to buy the materials for Eren's experiment, the bag containing the funds
was stolen."
"Eh.... What about that?"
"Moblit soon got the bag back, so it's no big deal, did not even lose a dime." Eren was
worried, but Hanji didn't seem to care and just stretched lazily.
During the preparation for the experiment, Eren, Hanji and her subordinates, as well as the
members of Squad Levi, gathered in the courtyard.
"... It's amazing that someone would steal from the soldiers."
"Didn't they teach you during the period of training? Soldiers are surprisingly easy to
become targets because of their stable income."
After Eld explained, Petra said with a smile, "But he was unlucky because the target was
Squad Leader Hanji, even if Squad Leader Hanji didn't make a move, Vice-Captain Moblit
wouldn't stand by."
"I really wish that Squad Leader could have a little alertness..." sighed Moblit, who was
busy carrying experimental equipment.
"But it's great to catch a pickpocket at once. Indeed, there are many benefits to learning
fighting skills in advance."
"By the way, I've read the information before. Eren's fighting skills are very good, right?"
"Yes, although some people thought it was not reckoned in the score, so they got slack and
slipped by on purpose... But I was very serious about this course at that time.
While assembling a large device, Hanji responded in a quite cheerful tone, "didn't Eren also
use fighting skills to beat away the titans!"
Today, it's planned that the titan-shifted Eren would destroy the device and then restore it.
"Ah, how strange, Erwin, why are you here today?" A rare guest came to the castle that
"I received a report from Vice Captain Moblit on your encounter with pickpockets."
"Ehhhh! Didn't he keep secrets?"
"At least you should understand the personality of your subordinates, shitty glasses. How
can you think he, as a person of so much integrity that even close to stubborness, would
keep secret?" Levi, holding black tea in one hand and stretching his feet leisurely, answered
Hanji with a little surprise.
Looking at Levi speaking like this, Moblit was embarrassed and shrunk, "because in order
to catch the criminal, I used 3DMG, although only a little... I still left a record of gas
"... That's the case, but this is not a rare case. Several soldiers in our Corps who are
expected to participate in the survey outside the Wall have also been stolen by the same
"Really? Then you're pretty good! Moblit!"
"Yeah, so the Vice-Captain will be praised by the Regional MEs the day after tomorrow...
But that's not the problem. Hanji, although it has been successfully recovered, you should
be prepared to write a report about the theft of important funds."
"Well, it turned out like this again..." Hanji scratched her head and began to quickly write
after taking over the blank report in Erwin's hand.
"... The prisoners are teenagers. Their number has increased..."
"But behind them, there is a theft group of adults in charge."
After reading the report written by Hanji, Erwin frowned a little worriedly, Moblit sighed
and then responded to Erwin.
With a tone with a little sense of seeing through the world, Levi said, "Children are less
likely to be doubted. So they used the orphans and then put them aside. It is the usual
practice of thieves."
"Anyway, the matter has now been handed over to the Regional MEs. This is not what we
Survey Corps should deal with." Erwin took over the report and went to send it directly to
the headquarters.
... A few days later,
"By the way, the pickpocket caught by Vice Captain Moblit of the Fourth Squad last time,
he confessed that there was a large-scaled theft group behind him, and it was heard that
those thieves were also involved in human trafficking."
All the people of Squad Levi were surprised at Petra's gossip, and Eren also opened his
eyes wide and wondered at the development of the case.
"There is human trafficking... Such a big criminal organization can be pulled out of
common crime like pickpockets."
"Serious crimes... Usually start with small crimes, so do you get it, boy."
"I told you not to speak in that tone. But as Oluo said, people inside the wall can't stop
crime, especially in present circumstances where the land and food are very deficient..."
"... Even when there was plenty of land and food, there were still crimes."
Eren recalled the past and slowly told about himself and his family... And what happened to
"... Because of this, when Mikasa was a child, her family was killed by criminals and she
was almost sold."
"Ah, it's that girl who was your contemporary... It's really hard for her to have such a past."
Perhaps it was the sympathetic words of the elders that relieved him a little. Eren shook his
head and said, "but... If Mikasa was really sold at that time, I don't know what would
happen to her?"
"Do you want to know?... I'll tell you. But finish the morning cleaning first."
There was a voice with a little displease behind them, like trying interrupting their
conversation. They don't know when Levi, wearing a triangular scarf and holding a cloth,
has been ready to clean

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