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FGL-010 English for Academic Literacy II

Reading and Writing Assignment 1

Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication

How is Infant Mental Health Measured?

By Benedette Cuffari, M.Sc.Reviewed by Emily Henderson, B.Sc.

(1) What is IMH?

The term infant mental health (IMH) was
originally established in the early 1970s under
the direction of Slema Fraiberg. At this time,
Fraiberg and her colleagues focused on the
social, emotional, and cognitive health patterns
of all children under the age of three. Thus, IMH
became a term used to describe the wellbeing
of infants and toddlers, as well as their parents.

(2) One of the primary focuses of IMH is how the parent-child relationship
contributes to the social, behavioral, cognitive, and even physical development of the
child. Moreover, the ability of the parents to be nurturing, responsive, and consistent
in their treatment of the child is a crucial aspect of how both the infant’s external and
internal experiences are formed.

(3) It is important to note that certain circumstances have a significant impact on

IMH. These include poverty, lack of basic resources, the presence of domestic
violence, a history of prior trauma, maternal depression, and other mental health
issues, as well as the parents’ own history of being parented, can all contribute to the
quality of the relationship between the parent and their new child.

I(4) Promoting IMH

IMH services can be provided to families in the hospital, clinical,

communities, or their own home. These services can be short- or long-term,
depending upon the specific needs of the child, and can include educational,
developmental, and relationship-based support.

(5) At the time of delivery, IMH services can include the distribution of practical
information and education to the parents-to-be on pregnancy, labor, and delivery, as
well as the optimal care of the child that focuses on their social, emotional, and
cognitive growth. Throughout the child’s life, certain screenings, assessments, and
referrals, when necessary, can also be made by health, mental health, and early
childhood professionals.
FGL-010 English for Academic Literacy II
Reading and Writing Assignment 1
Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication

(6) Assessing IMH

When IMH is focused on the health of the child, there are various questions
that healthcare providers can ask to determine their development, behavior, and
relationship patterns. Some of the initial questions that the healthcare provider will
ask include the age of the infant, their gestational age at birth, and any history of
medical complications. Once this information is acquired, the provider can then ask
the parents whether the child is able to communicate his/her needs. This can include
what types of responses the child has to when he/she is wet, hungry, tired,
uncomfortable, and distressed.

(7) Not only is it important to recognize how the child communicates his/her
needs to their parents at these points, but it is also crucial to identify how the parents
respond to the child in these moments. For example, does the child respond to either
parent providing comfort when upset? Does the child enjoy these interactions with
his caregivers, such as when he/she is picked up, cuddled, and/or soothed? When
the child encounters the parent, do they appear to enjoy the interaction? How do
they respond? For example, does the child become alert, look intently, become
animated, and/or vocalize during their interactions with the parent? This type of
information will allow the healthcare provider to determine whether the child views
his/her parent as a source of comfort, affection, interest, or calm.

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