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Respiratory System

1. Diagram 1 shows the human respiratory system.

Diagram 1

a) Name the following parts.

i. P : ……………………………………….
ii. Q : ………………………………………
iii. R : ……………………………………… (3 m)

b) i. Name the structure that supports the wall of Q.

(1 m)
ii. What is the function of this structure?
(1 m)

c) Using the letter in Diagram 1, fill in the boxes below to show the pathway of air
during process inhalation.

(1 m)

2. Diagram 2 shows the process of diffusion in the alveolus.

Diagram 2
a) Name blood P and Q.
P : ………………………………………………..……………………………….…
Q : ……………………………………………………..……………………………
(2 m)
b) i. Name gas R
(1 m)
ii. What happens to gas R when it reaches the red blood cell?
(1 m)

c) State two characteristics which enables the alveolus to carry out its function
(2 m)

3. Diagram 3 shows the inhalation and exhalation process.

Diagram 3
a) Draw arrow in diagram 3 to show the inhalation and exhalation process.
(2 m)

b) State what will happen to the labeled parts below if the model is used to
demonstrate the inhalation and exhalation process.

Parts of the model Inhalation Exhalation


4. Diagram 4 shows a longitudinal section of the human heart.

Diagram 4

a) On diagram 4, label three blood vessels using the following words.

Pulmonary vein, aorta, vena cava

(3 m)

b) i. Which chamber P or Q exerts more pressure when pumping blood from the
(1 m)

ii. Explain your answer in b (i).

(1 m)

c) What is the function of the part labelled R?

(1 m)

5. Diagram 5.1 shows the human blood circulatory system.

Diagram 5.1

a) Identify the blood vessels P and S.

P : ……………………………………………………………………………………
Q : ……………………………………………………………………………………
(2 m)
b) State the functions of R and Q.
(2 m)
c) Diagram 5.2 shows the cross-section of blood vessels M and N.

Diagram 5.2

Based on diagram 5.2,

i. Which blood vessel carries oxygenated blood?
(1 m)

ii. Explain your answer by stating one difference between blood vessels M and N.
(1 m)

6. a) Complete the table below to indicate the blood group of donor and recipients.

Recipient’s A B AB O
Donor’s blood

(2 m)

i. A person with which blood group is known as universal donor? Explain your
(2 m)

ii. A pint of blood group A is transfused into a patient with blood group O. Explain
the change in the blood cells and the condition of patient after the blood
(2 m)

b) The passage below discusses the top three health benefits you can reap from the act
of donating blood.

Donating Blood Reduces Risk of Heart Disease

According to a study published by the American Medical Association, giving

blood every six months led to fewer heart attacks and strokes in test participants
ages 43 to 61.

Donating Blood Protects Against Developing Cancer

Donating blood helps lower your risk of cancer. According to the Miller Keystone
Blood Center, consistent blood donation is associated with lowered risks including
liver, lung, colon, stomach and throat cancers.

Burns calories

One time blood donation helps you shed 650 kcal. This can aid you in your body
weight control measures. Blood can be donated safely once in two or three months.
This will depend on your health status and your blood haemoglobin and iron

Explain the benefits of donating blood to a donor’s health.
(4 m)

7. a) Diagram 7 shows a pack of cigarettes.

Diagram 7
i. Name any four harmful chemicals which are found in cigarette smoke.
(2 m)
ii. State one harmful effect for two chemicals stated in (i).
(2 m)

d) The passage below is part of a report on smoking among urban Malaysian school

Smoking among urban Malaysian school children

A questionnaire on smoking habits was administered to 4 106 Form 4 school children

in Kuala Lumpur. 2099 boys and 2007 girls were studied and their mean age was 16.1
years. 32.8 % of students had been initiated to smoking and the mean age of initiation
was 13.3 years. Most of the smokers and occasional smokers were boys. About 42%
of the smokers wished to stop smoking and only 1% of the non smokers intended to
smoke in the future. The study recommended that health education programmes
should be started earlier in school.

Your school decides to organize a campaign ‘SAY NO TO SMOKING’. You are

invited to give a talk about the effects of smoking. Describe the effects of smoking
on the respiratory system and the environment.
(6 m)

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