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* The first time I saw him was in a tax office. He was reading a book with a YAL on it.

Interesting thing for

a librarian, so I called him and he became very good company. We started going out. He was a university
librarian, so that was catchy! He was giving talks about Amazon and stuff like that. But then I saw him get
into an argument with another librarian. I don’t know if it was about money or what, but they were really
arguing and it was really serious. I went to him and asked, “Is everything OK?” and he said, “Yes. Don’t
worry about.” I was OK but the next day, he killed himself. Next day, the police came and looked at the body
but I knew it wasn’t a suicide. He was too gentle for that. I knew he didn’t have any problems with money. He
liked his job very much. I wouldn’t have seen him so happy. They didn’t find any reason. I thought they were
gonna dismiss the case but they did their jobs. They found that he was killed by an arrow with “read YAL” on it.
Then I made a decision. An arrow ended his life, so I’m gonna start one. I would read all the books from YAL
so I can find the one he had and set the murderer lose. And I did it. I read all the books and I really learned a
lot about YA literature. But the murderer still couldn’t be caught. During the process of reading all the books,
I found a lot of interesting things: my favorite was a book written by Neil Gaiman. OK, so the murder was
never solved, but I learned so many things. By the way, I used Kindle Unlimited to read all the books. *
The end. 129,652 words Category: Young Adult Fiction / Fantasy * P.S.: I used the story above as the
background to explain how I could be a librarian that doesn’t fit into the common types of librarians (you know,
the card carrying ones). This background was my writing exercise for the contest and I am really glad it turned
out to be original. But the contest is about your fiction, not an other people’s writing exercise. So please don’t
choose this story. Enjoy the reading.

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