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01 Aug 2005 18:39 sce TAUROUTE 40314025201 FROM : PND DIRECTIA AUTOSTRAZS PHONE Ho, 1 aoananzi2szee pag. @1 2005 10r2iA PL COMPANIA NATIONALA DE AUTOSTRAZt $1 DRUMURI NATIONALE DIN ROMANIA S.A. DIRECTIA INVESTITH BUGET dul. Dinicu Golescu nr.88, sector 1, Bucuresti, 010873 Tel: (+4 02%)31 be 4. Fax: (+4 021) 312.09 84 cur east; Sou ot S008 opt wo 16870220000 ‘Serviciul Derulare Contract Autostrada Transitvenia ‘CATRE: JVISCETAUROUTE ~ BCEOM in atentia: D-lul Pierre Basma ~ Coordonator Prolect Referitor la: Autostrada Brasov — Bors ‘Stimate Domn, Referitor Ia adresa noastra x, 758/04.07.2005, precizam cx standardele Ia care se face referire sunt: SREN 1317-1-2000 SREN 1317-2-2000 ‘Anexam adresa nr.758/04.07,2005, cu tugamintes de Ia cunostinta modificarile aparute. ‘Cu stima. DIRECTOR ADJUNCT DLE. ing, Lipiu Mirea From: CNADNR letter no.93/10339/27.07.2005 ‘To: SV/SCETAUROUTE - BCEOM Ref: Brasov — Bors Motorway Dear Sir, Referring to our letter no.758/04.07.2005, we specify that the standards we are referring to are the following: SREN 1317-1-2000 SREN 1317-2-2000 We attach the letter no.758/04.07.2005, and we would ask you to take notice of the changes appeared. 01 Aug 2005 13:39 SCETAURQUTE 40314025201 P. FROM t AAD DIRECTIA AUTOSTRAZY PHONE NO, / COMPANIA NATIONALA DE AUTOSTRAZISIDRUMURI |} NATIONALE DIN ROMANIA SA i —— DIRECTIA CALITATE SI PROTECTIA MEDIULUL dul Dinicu Golescu Nr. 38, seetor 1, Bucuresti, 010673, Tol. 222.3645 Fax 224.86,81 ! CUT 16054368; 140/552/15.01.3004; Cuphal social 162,702,200,000 lei Nr. dit Catre, ran ‘agentia spa U2 07, 20> T 40 Directia IFI — O4ck..vos Directia (B= ser of 24 dos Ref: Parapeti de siguranta ta drumuri {hn contextul preluarii de tara noastra a normelor europene, ca standarde romanesti, va informam ca pentru parapeti de protectie s-au pretuat si sunt aplicabile dova regiementasi; + SR EN 1713-1:2000. Dispozitive de protectie ta drumurl. Paytea 1. Terminologie si prevederi generale pentru metodele de incercare. + SR EN 1713-2:2000. Dispozitive de protectie la drumuri. Partea 2. Clase de performanta, criterl de acceptare a incercatilor la soc si metode da incecare 2 parapetilor de eiguranta. Avand in vedere responsabilitatea de a aplica in cadrul lucrarilor normete tehnice in vigoare, este necesar sa instruiti consultanta si antroprenorii pentru lucrarile in curs de exacutio sa utlizeze dispozitive de protectie conform normelor SREN 1317-1 si 2:2000, {a proiectele de reabilitare a drumurilor nationals si executia do autostrazi. DIRECTOR\GEN! ADJUNCT, In DIRECTOR D.C.PM. Ing.Petre TRU + eodagi2n26200 fus. Of 2005 10:20 2, Letter no.758 dated 04.07.2005 To: Agentia ISPA Directia [FI Directia IB Ref: Safety guardrails for the roads Within the context of taking over by our country of the European norms, as Romanian standards, we inform you that for the safety guardrails two regulations have been taken over and they can be applied: - SR EN 1713-1:2000. Protection devices for the roads. Part 1. ‘The terminology and the general provisions for the test methods. - SREN 1713-2:2000. Protection devices for the roads. Part 2. Performance classes, acceptance criteria of the shock tests and tests for the safety guardrails. ‘Taking into consideration the responsibility of applying within the works the technical normatives in force, it is necessary for you to instruct the Employer’s Representative and the contractors for the works in execution so that they should use protection devices according SR EN 1713-1 and 2:2000 at the national roads rehabilitation projects and execution of motorways.

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