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Romblon State University

ing of key concepts of parallelogram and triangle similarity.

yze, and solve problems involving parallelograms and triangle similarity through appropriate and accurate representation.

blems involving finding the area by recognizing which formula should be used based upon thee information provided in the problem.


( Revised Edition) pp. 30-35


r, Marker, flashcard, box


or today, let’s have a short recap of what we have discussed last meeting.

ormula in finding the Perimeter of a polygon and Circumference of a circle.

ered our previous lesson.

Holding Me”

ecause today you are not just going to hear it or sing it but also you are going to enjoy from it.
s. Please get one and pass. Make sure that everyone can get. Then, I will sing the song “If You’re Holding Me” and once that I will sing your shape that you are holding you are going to clap your hands or

ou’re Holding a (shape that the students are holding) and the students will response according to the lyrics of the song; either to clap their hands or stamp their feets).

at singing and very energetic.

number of measurements in centimeter.
ith an illustration of square units. One square is equivalent to one centimeter.
he flash cards by counting the number of square units; the teacher will count the square units together with the students and paste it to the table according to the number it corresponds from the table.

olve the surface area of different plane figures.

ea is?

r room.

ome Plane Figures.

ectangle, square, Triangle, parallelogram, trapezoid and circle)


n by

m and a width of 61 cm.

mula for the area of Rectangle.



h measures 5.5m on each of its sides?

e have


ht h is given by

If the height of the flag let is 3.2cm, what is its area?

we have


height h is given by

. If it’s base 38m and it’s eight is 25m, what is its area?

ram, we have

a trapezoid.

es b1 and b2 s given by

8 cm and bases of 10cm and 5cm.

we have
½(8cm) (15) = (4) (15) = 60cm²

a circle.
s radius.

rcle to the other side that passes through the center point.


ter, the radius of the given circle is 3cm. Using the formula for the area of a circle, we have
ere a group activity entitled “ The House and the Boat”. Your class will be divided into two groups. The left side will be the group 1 and the right side will be the group 2.
at. You are going to identify the and analyze the formula that you are going to use and solve the area of the given figures in the illustration.
ty. Work as a group. You may start now.

et of paper.
ne figures.
cm and a base of 8.8 cm.
eight of 2.5m.

u really understand our topic for today.


ula in finding the area of a parallelogram?

long and two meters wide. What is the area of the table?

ut finding the area of a trapezoid?

nd 5 cm in width. A triangle having 5 cm in base and 7 cm in height and a parallelogram having 7cm in base and 5cm in height. Among those figures, which are both having the same area?

o find the area of plane figure?

ea of plane figure in real life situation?

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_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

Teacher Head Teacher Principal

- the format of this lesson plan should be black & white.
- short coupon
- century gothic 12
- 1 inch spacing
- narrowed margin

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