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NuSMV is a software tool for the formal verification of finite state systems. It
has been developed jointly by FBK-IRST and by Carnegie Mellon University.

NuSMV allows to check finite state systems against specifications in

the temporal logic CTL. The input language of NuSMV is designed to allow the
description of finite state systems that range from completely synchronous to
completely asynchronous. The NuSMV language (like the language of SMV)
provides for modular hierarchical descriptions and for the definition of reusable
components. The basic purpose of the NuSMV language is to describe (using
expressions in propositional calculus) the transition relation of a finite Kripke
structure. This provides a great deal of flexibility, but at the same time it can
introduce danger of inconsistency (for non-expert users).

Since NuSMV is intended to describe finite state machines, the only data types in
the language are finite ones, i.e. boolean, scalar, bit vectors and fixed arrays of
basic data types.

NuSMV is a reimplementation and a reengineering of the SMV model checker

developed by McMillan at Carnegie Mellon University during his PhD.

With respect to SMV, NuSMV provides the following additional features:

1. Interaction. In addition to the usual SMV batch mode, NuSMV provides a

textual interaction shell.
Through the shell the user can activate various NuSMV computation steps
as system commands with different options. These computation steps can
therefore be invoked separately and possibly undone.
2. Analysis of invariants. Specialized routines allow for checking invariants,
i.e. formulae which must hold uniformly on the model, on the fly during
reachability analysis.
3. Partitioning methods. The model can be partitioned conjunctively and
disjunctively [burch2]. The partitions can be inspected, and (for the
conjunctive case) ordered according to the heuristics defined in [ranjan1].
4. LTL Model Checking. LTL model checking is performed via reduction to
CTL model checking, according to the algorithm proposed in [clarke4]. An
LTL specification is automatically converted into a tableau, which is then
used to extend the model in synchronous product. The result is provided by
checking the truth of a CTL formula in the extended model.
5. PSL Model Checking. Property Specification Language, [psl03] that
includes CTL and LTL with Sequencial Extended Regular Expressions
(SERE), a variant of classical regular expressions.
6. SAT-based Bounded Model Checking.

Link to be followed to Understand and implement NuSmv:

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