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YEAR OF 2021/2022

Subject : Management of Change

Date : Wednesday, 29 June 2021
Time : 120 Minutes
Lecturers : Dr.Raden Lestari Garnasih, SE., MM.
Hafiza Oktasia Nst, B.B.A. (Hons)., M.Ec.

Please answer the question below with your own words!

1. Explain current issues related to change management in an organization.

 Changing organizational culture
We must first address the issue of corporate culture before changing
organizational culture. The fact that organizational culture consists of relatively
stable and permanent characteristics tends to make it difficult for organizations to
accept change. Culture takes a long time to form.
 Handling employee stress
Stress is unavoidable in the work environment. Many companies decide to
provide various facilities that make employees feel at home. In fact, facilities
alone are not enough to reduce employee stress levels. Then another alternative is
to allow employees to work from home, give vacation leave, and encourage
employees to meditate or exercise.
 Produces a resounding change
Change is a transformation from the present state to what is expected in the
future, a better state. Nowadays, employees have started to come up with their
creative ideas for the company.

2. What is organizational culture?

Organizational culture is a way of shaping employee behavior in an organization. So that
when someone enters an organization or company, he will then follow the customs,
habits and culture that dominates the organization.
3. What are the factors that influence an organizational to change? Explain.
Internal factors:
- Changes in organizational structure.
The purpose of this organizational structure change is to obtain human resources in
accordance with the given job description, so that the organization acquires people
who are experts in their fields.
- new technologist
Technology has changed jobs and organizations as supervisors by using computers,
this has caused managers' spans of control to be wider and organizations to be flatter.
- improve efficiency
Improve efficiency is to change the image of the organization, or to gain power in the
organization. Efficiency improvements are intended to make the organization more

Eksternal factors:

- External factors of organizational change, for example, are changes in the economy,
government regulations, consumer or community behavior, technological
developments, politics and so on.

4. What are the types of organizational change? Explain.

- Development change
The main purpose of this change is to make improvements, both in terms of skills,
methods, performance, and conditions. The focus of this change is to strengthen or
improve what is already happening in the organization to improve performance to
achieve higher targets.
- Transitional change
Usually an organization makes this change if the leader of the organization realizes
that there are problems or goals that are not being achieved so that the organization is
unable to meet customer needs. To achieve this goal, the organization must leave the
old state through a process of transition to a new state.
- Transformational change
This change will be made if the condition of the organization is very important so that
a comprehensive change must be made to save the condition of the organization in
--- Good Luck ---

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