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A story about how telling the truth caused a problem

Many people think that being honest is the best course of action. Amy had
always had this view and was adamant about being honest. No matter what the
circumstance, she thought that the wisest course of action was always to tell the

She once ran into Michelle, her best friend, at school. Keeping in mind how
much honesty meant to Amy, it just so happened that when her best friend asked
Amy what she thought about a dress she was wearing, Amy didn't think twice
about telling her what she truly thought. Amy grimaced a little and remarked,
"It's not really my style," staring at the bright orange cloth covered with sparkles
that shone in the sunlight. Jennifer frowned. "I thought it looked nice," she said
softly, almost in a whisper.

Amy realized her straightforwardness had upset her friend and quickly regretted
it, but she also didn't want to tell a lie. She made an attempt to explain her
position by explaining that it was only her personal preference and that Michelle
should dress the way she likes and the way she feels comfortable.
Unfortunately, it was too late. Michelle was silent and reserved the rest of the
day. Amy felt bad for making her friend feel insecure because she didn't seem to
be in a nice mood, unlike when they first met. She feels bad about not listening
to her friend's feelings and just telling Michelle what she wanted.

Amy learned from this experience that occasionally telling the truth might hurt.
While being honest is necessary, it's also important to keep other people's
feelings in mind in order to not offend them.

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