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Word Count: 3976

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Table of Contents
Abstract.............................................................................................................................. 3

Introduction............................................................................................................................ 4

Overview of Influencer Marketing Behavior in the U.K. Fashion Industry...............................4

Research Questions...........................................................................................................5

Critical Literature Review........................................................................................................6

Influencer Marketing and U.K. Fashion Brand Perceptions.................................................6

Influencer-Led Marketing Campaigns and U.K. Fashion Purchase Decisions....................6

Impacts of Influencer Marketing on U.K. Fashion Sales......................................................7

British Fashion Consumers' Views on Influencer Marketing's Authenticity and Reliability...7

Gaps and Flaws in Existing Literature.................................................................................8

Methodology........................................................................................................................... 9

Results................................................................................................................................. 10

Analysis............................................................................................................................ 11

Further Research.............................................................................................................. 12

Conclusion........................................................................................................................... 12

References List.................................................................................................................... 13

Appendix.............................................................................................................................. 16

Survey.............................................................................................................................. 16
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How Influencer Marketing Shapes Consumer Perception and Behavior in the U.K.
Fashion Industry

The topic's relevance is due to the high competition in the fashion market, the rapid
development of digital technology, the development of technical means of access to digital
space, the availability and maximum simplification of working with software products, and
simplified access to social media. The subject of study - changing consumer behavior due to
the development of social media, forcing the emergence of new trends in fashion marketing.
The study's overarching goal is to quantify the impact that Influencers have on customers'
propensity to make a purchase. In the process of research on the topic of work methods
were used: the study of materials of scientific and educational publications on the problems
of formation of consumer preferences under the influence of marketing in social media; study
of features of marketing in social media for various segments of the fashion industry; use of
the method of the survey to identify consumer opinions.
Keywords: social media, internet advertising, publicity for online stores, the internet, brand
recognition, confidence, Instagram celebrity, endorsement trust, promotion of a product, and
social implication.
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The emergence of marketing in the fashion industry during the first half of the 20th
century can be attributed to the growth of the industry and the subsequent increase in
competition. In the contemporary era of development, marketing has attained its pinnacle of
influence and significance for businesses, serving as a mechanism for regulating information
and communication within the global market. During the previous century, the fashion
industry underwent significant changes, including the emergence of novel marketing
strategies, the establishment of fashion houses, and the development diverse styles,
regulations, and trends. As a result, the fashion industry has evolved into a highly developed
sector of the global economy.
Marketing via influential people has become more common in fashion in recent
years. The fashion industry market, also known as the fashion-retail market, had a total
value exceeding $65 billion in 2015, as Niinimäki et al. (2020) reported. According to
Ergashev et al. (2020), clothing constitutes approximately 60% of the total volume within the
market structure framework, while shoes account for approximately 36%. Simultaneously,
the women's apparel sector represents the most substantial, fully developed, dynamic,
replete with participants, and fiercely competitive market segment. This study investigates
the effects of influencer marketing on consumer perceptions and behavior in the U.K. fashion
sector. It specifically looks at how consumer views of fashion businesses are impacted by
influencer marketing and how much influencer-led campaigns have on consumer purchasing
behavior. The study intends to shed light on the efficacy and moral ramifications of influencer
marketing for companies doing business in the U.K. fashion sector and point up potential
future research directions.
Overview of Influencer Marketing Behavior in the U.K. Fashion Industry
Many modern fashion businesses invest in expanding the fashion industry through
creative marketing. Promoting clothing and accessories with this kind of advertising element
is nothing new. Market analysis helps determine what products should be made and identify
trends and opportunities (Saura et al., 2021). Market dominance requires the company to
anticipate and cater to its customers' wants, requirements, and preferences. Advertising,
public relations, direct marketing, and sales promotion are all marketing communications that
make up a marketing mix and are among the most effective tools for staying ahead of the
competition. American designers Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein rose to prominence in the
1980s with the aid of the marketing mix and its components, such as brand positioning and
promotion (LVMH 2020). They were ahead in recognizing the need to blend artistic
expression with commercial strategies for global success.
Email, eco, holistic, and direct marketing are just some of the tools in today's
marketing strategies. All of these methods can work together to make a successful
Your Last Name 5

campaign. Most companies now realize they should monitor social media sites like Twitter
and Facebook to learn about emerging trends, fresh ideas, and better methods of
connecting with their target audiences. There are now many more channels for advertising
thanks to social media. Expertise has become a talking point for influencers, and their charm
has become a lucrative side hustle. To succeed in this field, one must promote oneself as an
influencer. Advertising a product, service, or brand via influential users may boost exposure,
interest, and purchases.
Moreover, it happens on sites frequented by bloggers, such as their websites,
TikTok, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter. The influencer phenomenon is not limited to the
business-to-business or retail-to-consumer sectors. They have built trust with their audience,
which is the key to influencing their patronage. They have been there for a while, so
consumers know and trust them, which makes them easier to buy from. An influencer often
has a particular area of expertise. It might be everything from clothing to cosmetics to
computer programs. People tend to pay more attention to influential people than particular
companies or items. That is the influence of influential people: if they like a product and talk
about it on their channel, it will likely do well.
Expertise in a particular field, high-quality visuals, and active participation with
followers are the keys to success as an influencer. Successful influencers have tens of
thousands, if not millions, of followers. One other way that influencers come out ahead is by
always looking for fresh content and new products to include on their channels. Building
sustainable relationships is the key to successful influencer marketing. If they believe in the
goods, influencers will make the trip. The primary objective of using influencers is not
immediately generating sales. They work the product or service into the conversation so
people want or need it. This is achieved through providing helpful content and interacting
socially with their audience. Influencers known for their quality and diversity often charge
based on the number of their subscribers.
Research Questions
1. How does influencer marketing affect consumer perceptions of fashion brands in the
U.K. market?
2. To what extent do influencer-led marketing campaigns influence purchase decisions in
the U.K. fashion industry?
3. How does Influencer marketing affect brand awareness and sales in the U.K. fashion
4. How do British consumers perceive the authenticity and reliability of influencer marketing
in the fashion industry?
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Critical Literature Review

Influencer Marketing and U.K. Fashion Brand Perceptions
Significantly, influencer marketing may help influence consumer opinions of fashion
businesses in the U.K. market. The amount of trust and social power of the influencer, the
style of the endorsement being employed, and the target audience all play a role in this
tactic's effectiveness (Szikszai Németh, 2020). Therefore, fashion brands must consider
these elements carefully when creating influencer marketing approaches. Audrezet et al.
(2020) posit that influencer marketing has recently been a well-liked marketing tactic in the
fashion sector, especially on social media sites like Instagram. Fashion firms pay
influencers, frequently well-known social media enthusiasts with a sizable following, to
promote their items to their followers (Suciu, 2020; Marwick & Boyd, 2019). This marketing is
thought to successfully influence consumers' opinions of fashion companies and their
The effect of influencer marketing on customer opinions in the fashion industry has
been the subject of numerous studies. According to a 2011 study by Marwick and Boyd,
social media celebrities can favorably affect consumers' attitudes toward a company by
endorsing it, which raises brand awareness and buying intent. Similarly, influencer marketing
can enhance brand perception and increase customer loyalty to the company, according to a
study by Hsu and Hung (2018). For instance, a study by Gupta and Kim (2018) discovered
that consumer confidence in the influencer affects the success of influencer marketing. The
recommendation may hurt consumers' views of the brand if they believe the Influencer is
dishonest or unreliable (Barker, 2022; Helme-Guizon, and Magnoni, 2019). The Influencer's
endorsement might not significantly affect consumer views if they are not seen to be
persuasive or well-liked.
Influencer-Led Marketing Campaigns and U.K. Fashion Purchase Decisions
Fashion companies use social media celebrities to market their goods to boost sales
and engage customers. The effect of influencer-led marketing efforts on consumer choice in
the U.K. fashion sector has been the subject of numerous studies. According to an
investigation by Gupta and Kim (2018) and Jin & Phua (2019), influencer-led marketing
efforts can favorably impact consumers' purchasing decisions, especially younger ones, in
the fashion business. In his study, Kapadia (2023) posits that people who follow social media
personalities are more inclined to buy products with their recommendations.
Product endorsements raise brand awareness, perceived excellence, and purchase intent.
Other comparative studies, though, have found contradictory results. A survey by
Khamis et al. (2017) reveals that influencer-led marketing initiatives may not significantly
affect consumers' purchasing decisions, even though they can improve customer connection
with the brand. Customers are likelier to participate in influencer-led social media
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campaigns, although they may only sometimes buy what the influencers recommend
(Hachen et al., 2022). The degree of trust and authenticity consumers perceive influencer-
led marketing efforts to possess may also impact how influencer-led marketing campaigns
affect consumer purchase decisions (Farivar and Wang, 2022; Hachen et al., 2022).
According to a study by Baig et al. (2018), people are likelier to buy things recommended by
influencers regarded as reliable and accurate. Correspondingly, consumers are likelier to
believe influencers offering genuine experiences and opinions about the items than those
promoting them for financial gain.
Impacts of Influencer Marketing on U.K. Fashion Sales
Additionally, a study by Nair and Paul (2018) revealed that influencer marketing
significantly increases fashion industry sales. Diba et al. (2019) reveal that influencer-led
marketing initiatives can boost sales by fostering greater brand loyalty, enhancing customer
trust in the company, and enhancing brand reputation. The survey also revealed that fashion
firms may have higher conversion rates and a higher return on investment due to influencer
marketing.  According to a 2017 study by Khamis et al., influencer-led marketing efforts may
boost customer engagement with the brand but may not always result in higher sales. The
study posits that customers are more likely to engage in influencer-led social media
awareness campaigns, although they may not always purchase the products the influencers
In the fashion business, influencer marketing has grown in popularity, especially in
the U.K., where customers increasingly use social media sites like Instagram. However,
some consumers have questioned the validity and dependability of influencer marketing (Lou
and Yuan, 2019). Mayrhofer et al. (2019) posit that consumers in the U.K. have diverse
opinions on the integrity and reliability of influencer marketing. Consumers usually trust
influencers, although they know they are being paid to promote things, according to a study
by Godin et al. (2019). Consumers perceive influencer marketing as advertising.
Consequently, they must be convinced of the integrity and accuracy of the information
influencers offer. Additionally, a study by Rundle-Thiele et al. (2017) discovered that U.K.
consumers view influencer marketing as less reliable than conventional forms of advertising.
According to the survey, consumers perceive traditional advertising as more transparent,
whereas influencer marketing is opaque.
British Fashion Consumers' Views on Influencer Marketing's Authenticity and
U.K. customers highly value influencer interactions, and firms may boost their
marketing by working with credible influencers and being transparent about any financial
arrangements they have with them. Additionally, a Senft and Baym (2015) study found that
consumers in the U.K. value credibility and authenticity in communicating with influencers.
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According to the report, customers are more willing to interact with influencers who express
their experiences and opinions on products and are viewed as genuine and
trustworthy. Consumers in the U.K. generally have diverse opinions on the integrity and
dependability of influencer marketing in the fashion industry. Others seek authenticity and
integrity in their contacts with influencers, even though some consumers think influencer
marketing is less reliable than traditional advertising. By ensuring that influencers declare
their paid agreements with the business and choosing influencers viewed as genuine and
trustworthy by their followers (Desjardins, 2019; Lou and Yuan, 2019). Brands may increase
their impression of the authenticity and dependability of their influencer advertising efforts.
It is clear from the critical literature reviews for each research topic that much study
has been done on the effects of influencer marketing on the U.K. fashion sector. According
to studies, influencer marketing is now a widely used marketing tactic in the industry, with
social media sites like Instagram serving as a crucial distribution mechanism (McLeod,
2023). Significantly, Mayrhofer et al. (2019) urge that influencer marketing may be a
successful tactic for raising awareness of brands and driving sales in the U.K. fashion
business. Therefore, fashion brands must carefully consider these elements when creating
their social media marketing strategies. The literature also emphasizes how consumers'
perceptions of the legitimacy and dependability of influencer marketing vary throughout the
U.K. (Belanche, 2021); (Fries, 2022). Others seek authenticity and integrity in their contacts
with influencers, even though some consumers think influencer marketing is less reliable
than traditional advertising.
Gaps and Flaws in Existing Literature
First, the study uses secondary data sources, including publications online, industry
reports, and academic journals. Although these sources offer insightful analysis of the
subject, they might only sometimes reflect the most recent or complete information. Future
studies can benefit from combining primary and secondary data sources to understand the
subject better. Second, because of the study's exclusive focus on the U.K. fashion sector, its
applicability may be constrained to other situations or regions. Although the UK is a
significant player in the global fashion industry, this study may not have considered buyer
habits and perceptions variations in the other areas. Thirdly, the study focuses mainly on
how influencer marketing affects consumer perceptions and behavior; it disregards
evaluating other crucial factors like influencer marketing initiatives' dangers and financial
implications. Future studies could examine the economic effects that influencer marketing
has on brands and evaluate the efficacy of various influencer marketing tactics.
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The survey was used to get the most accurate data and represent a large cross-
section of the population in the research. In psychology, the survey method is used to gather
data using a verbal-communicative approach entailing the establishment of contact between
an interviewer and respondents to answer pre-defined questions. A survey collects
information via organized question-and-answer sessions between a researcher and their
target audience. Interviews are a commonly utilized method for collecting data on survey
respondents to obtain information on a given topic. The survey methodology involves the
systematic inquiry of individuals through a series of targeted questions. The responses
obtained from the participants enable the researcher to collect the necessary data following
the study's objectives (Almaiah et al., 2020). The idiosyncrasies of the survey can be
ascribed to its widespread nature, which results from the particular objectives it addresses.
The phenomenon of massiveness arises due to the psychologist's need to acquire
information on a collective of individuals instead of analyzing a single subject.
There exist two distinct categories of surveys, namely standardized and non-
standardized. Standardized surveys are all-encompassing questionnaires that may tell what
is to be known about the topic. Non-standardized surveys are characterized by a lower
degree of stringency than their standardized counterparts, necessitating more rigorous
frameworks (Can and Alatas, 2019). The researcher's behavior can vary based on the
respondents' responses to the inquiries. The present investigation employed the
questionnaire method, a psychological verbal-communicative approach that employs a
specifically designed set of questions, known as a questionnaire, to gather participant data.
Questionnaires are utilized in psychology to gather psychological information, with
sociological and demographic data serving a secondary function. In this context, the level of
interaction between the psychologist and the respondent is reduced. The process of
"question-answer" is strictly regulated, enabling a highly structured research plan through
questioning. The questionnaire method is cost-effective for conducting mass surveys,
enabling individuals to obtain factual data. The distinctive feature of this approach lies in its
anonymity, whereby the participant's identity is not documented, and solely their responses
are documented (Choi & Rifon, 2012). Questionnaires are a commonly employed research
tool for gathering individuals' perspectives on particular topics and achieving an overall
sample size within a limited timeframe. The majority of participants are female individuals
within the age range of 18 to 24 years. It is common for contemporary individuals to utilize
social media platforms multiple times throughout the day.
Influencer outreach has been displayed to typically improve consumer opinions of
fashion brands in the U.K. fashion industry. This is so that influencer marketing can better
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the company's image, raise customer awareness of the brand, and foster good brand
associations. Significantly, consumers are likelier to follow suggestions from influencers,
particularly regarding fashion and beauty products. Younger consumers, who are more
inclined to interact with influencer material and view influencers as reliable information
sources, are particularly affected by this. Fashion brands in the U.K. may use influencer
marketing to reach a larger audience and forge closer ties with their target market,
enhancing brand recognition, consumer perception, and the brand-customer relationship.
When asked to what extent respondents trusted Influencers, 73.3 % said they were
skeptical and preferred to make their own decisions, as shown in Figure 1.5 in the appendix.
When asked how much fashion bloggers influence respondents' perceptions of brands, 71.1
% said there is some influence, as shown in Figure 1.3 in the appendix. Equally, 13.3 % say
the influence is powerful, and 11.1% say they are not influenced by it. When asked to what
extent influencer-led marketing campaigns influence respondents' buying decisions in the
U.K. fashion industry, five being very strong and one not influenced, 31.1% put it at 3 and 4,
28.9 % at 2, and 8.9 % put it at 1 as shown in figure 1.3 of the supplement. Most
respondents say they have made at least one purchase after seeing an Influencer ad. An
equal number of people, 25% each, relatively answered that they were motivated by the
blogger's recommendation, the product's appearance, and the product's features. Twenty-
five respondents bought clothes this way, 15 bought shoes, 23 bought accessories, and the
remaining chose makeup and beauty products, as shown in Figure 1.3.
Similarly, figure 1.3 of the supplement exhibits an overwhelming 53.3 % of
respondents who believe that influencer marketing strongly influences brand awareness in
fashion. 84.4 % have learned about a new brand at least once, thanks to bloggers. Only
three are confident they would have purchased products they learned about through
influencers, while 22 people treated the purchase responsibly. When asked how
respondents perceived the authenticity of influencer marketing in the fashion industry, 37.8
% considered it somewhat authentic, 28.8 % considered it not very authentic 15.6 % of
respondents viewed it neutrally.
Based on the exact figure, 51.1 % of respondents thought influencer
recommendations were reliable. 60.5 % of respondents were not upset about a purchase
made under the influence of influencer marketing. When asked how much respondents
trusted a blogger's post with a disclaimer that it was an advertisement, 31.8 % said their trust
could have been higher, while only 3.8 % said they trusted these posts, as manifested in
Figure 1.3. Finally, to the final question about whether influencer marketing would play an
essential role in the fashion industry in the U.K., 93.3% responded positively. The remaining
percentage of respondents were unsure, but none gave a negative answer.
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According to the critical literature assessment, influencer marketing significantly
affects how consumers in the U.K. market perceive fashion businesses. Most respondents
agreed that influencers with recommendable attributes would likely attain customer trust.
Influencers with devoted following and comparable values and lifestyles are more inclined to
be trusted and engage with consumers. Concerns regarding the authenticity and
transparency of influencer marketing can potentially sway customers in a negative direction
(Kovalchuk et al., 2019). According to the literature analysis, influencer-led marketing
initiatives can significantly influence consumer decisions in the U.K. fashion business.
Customers are more inclined to make impulsive decisions based on the suggestions of
influencers they trust and are more likely to buy recommended things. The sort of product,
the Influencer's credibility, and the campaign's perceived authenticity are just a few
examples of the variables that may affect how effective influencer marketing efforts are.
According to the literature review, influencer marketing may boost brand recognition
and revenue in the U.K. fashion sector. Influencers significantly influence customer turnout
for many organizations, as depicted in the results. Companies may benefit from influencers
through their access to new markets and the attention and interest that product
endorsements generate (Appel et al., 2019). The Influencer's engagement and reach, the
perceived genuineness of the campaign, and the brand's overall marketing strategy may all
impact how well influencer marketing works to increase sales. Equally, the critical
examination of the literature reveals that British consumers' opinions on the veracity and
dependability of influencer marketing in the fashion sector vary widely. While some
consumers see social media advertising as a valuable tool for finding inspiration and
knowledge, others doubt the veracity of influencer recommendations and the openness of
sponsored content. Influencer marketing must be transparent and regulated to allay these
worries and preserve consumer confidence.
Ultimately, the growth of competition in the global markets of goods and services is a
determinant for implementing measures to improve the effectiveness of brand promotion. It
determines the need to build consumer loyalty, ensure high brand knowledge, and increase
brand awareness. The growing informatization of society and the globalization of information
space caused the transformation of marketing communications, particularly the increasing
importance of digital marketing (Kovalchuk et al., 2019). No less critical today is the "second
breath" of influencer marketing, also known since the second half of the XX century as
celebrity marketing or celebrity marketing - a tool to address the target audience through the
mouths of popular and well-known personalities whom the target audience listens to,
respects and follows (Appel et al., 2019). Along with the development of influencer
marketing, the market for Influencer
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Further Research
Future research should investigate the effects of different types of influencers and
influencer marketing strategies on consumer attitudes and behaviors. Some potential areas
of study include the relative significance of micro and macro-influencers and the efficacy of
various influencer marketing strategies. One possible line of inquiry related to the fashion
sector in the U.K. may look at the impact of social media on customer behavior. The rising
prevalence of social media platforms necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the
impact of diverse platforms and features, such as Instagram Stories and TikTok, on
consumer behavior and the efficacy of influencer marketing endeavors.
In summary, based on the findings of this crucial research, the fashion industry in the
United Kingdom benefits greatly from influencer marketing. This study found that influencer
marketing for fashion brands improved customer impressions of those companies via
increased brand consciousness, improved brand image, and new positive connections with
the fashion label. Influencer marketing may also influence consumers' buying choices,
particularly among younger consumers, who are more prone to take the recommendations of
social media stars as gospel. The research results show that using influencers to promote a
product may increase the product's exposure, generate interest in the product, and drive
more people to the product's online or brick-and-mortar location.
The perceived genuineness of the Influencer and the product's relevance to the
influencer's audience are two variables that affect how effective influencer marketing
campaigns are. Although British consumers are usually dubious about the validity and
dependability of influencer marketing, research indicates that they are more likely to trust
celebrities open about their business relationships with businesses. The critical assessment
of the research affirms the value of influencer advertising in the U.K. fashion sector but also
emphasizes the necessity for authenticity and openness in relationships between influencers
and brands to guarantee the success of Influencer marketing initiatives.
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Figure 1.1: Shows the Age Bracket and Gender Distribution of respondents

Figure 1.2: Influence of Celebrities' Marketing Campaigns on Purchasing Decisions in

the U.K. Fashion Industry
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Figure 1.3: Shows the Likelihood of a Consumer's purchasing Decision being

influenced by an Influencer and their perception
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Figure 1.4: Prevalence of Consumer Disappointment Based on Influencer

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Figure 1.5: Shows the trustworthiness of Influencer Content to Potential Customers.

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