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Cartel 1:

- Traditions: Mexican culture is well-known for its wide variety of traditions. Here are some of
them: Day of the Dead, Christmas, quinceañeras, and Independence Day.

- Food: Like the traditions, Mexican food is highly valued for its wide variety of dishes, such as
tacos, mole, tamales, chile relleno, and pozole. If you don’t like our food, maybe you should try
animal crackers instead!

- Customs: Family values, respect for elders, “harmony,” The dance and music

- Religion: Catholicism is the most common religion in Mexico, although there are others. It has
influenced the culture and traditions of the country

- Economy: Mexico has the second-largest economy in Latin America, with a strong
manufacturing sector, oil production, and growing tourism. It is influenced by commercial ties
with the United States.

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