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Current legislation emphasises the importance of English language proficiency in relation to safety
at sea. Seafarers must now demonstrate a knowledge of English adequate for professional and
safety purposes. Although many seafarers bring some understanding of maritime English to the
workplace, their language skills may not be sufficient for communicating instructions and
commands. This deficiency is most apparent among multi-national crews in emergency situations
when language accuracy is critical.

When inability to communicate in a common language affects performance, pro-active language

training becomes a necessity. Language training for seafarers has traditionally focused on technical
vocabulary and navigational phraseology while practice in the basic communication skills necessary
for fluency and confidence is often neglected. Training in these basic language skills enables the
seafarer to activate and build upon his existing knowledge.

The Marlins Study Pack has been produced in response to the need for improved standards of

communication at sea. This self-study course is the result of four years of research and teaching
involving hundreds of seafarers of all ranks from around the world. It is designed to meet the
learning needs of seafarers and to help companies implement effective English language training

• The Marlins Study Pack focuses on general English within a familiar maritime context.

• The Marlins Study Pack is an accessible tool which allows the seafarer to take control of his
own learning through
independent study.

• The Marlins Study Pack

provides companies with the
means to comply with legislative
requirements by offering crews a
proven system of English
language training.

Marlins English for Seafarers 1

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