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Geonet Infomedia
Solution Provider Software Global Mapper
Graha Simatupang Unit 1D, Lt. 2
Jl. TB. Simatupang Kav. 38
Jakarta Selatan – 12540 Price Info
Tlp. 021-7828154, Fax 021-7828154

Ref No. : 037-GI.UM-2021

Subject : Software Global Mapper

Jakarta, 05 Mei 2021

Kepada Yth,
Pak Ifan Fauzy
PT. PP (Persero)

Dengan hormat,
Berikut kami sampaikan informasi harga untuk Software Global Mapper sebagai berikut:

No. Description Qty Uom Unit Price (IDR) Total Price (IDR)

New Purchase
1 Global Mapper v22 Single User Node Locked License 1 Seat 15.207.520 15.207.520
- Price include one year maintenance and support

2 Global Mapper v22 Floating License 1 Seat 20.975.520 20.975.520

- Price include one year maintenance and support

3 Global Mapper v22 Networked License (2 seat) 2 seat 19.821.520 39.643.040

- Price include one year maintenance and support
- Minimum first purchase of 2 seats

4 Global Mapper v22 USB Dongle License 1 Seat 28.375.520 28.375.520

- Price include one year maintenance and support

5 LiDAR Module v22 Single User Node Locked License 1 Seat 15.207.520 15.207.520
- Price include one year maintenance and support

6 LiDAR Module v22 Floating License 1 Seat 15.207.520 15.207.520

- Price include one year maintenance and support

7 LiDAR Module v22 Networked License (2 seat) 2 seat 19.821.520 39.643.040

- Price include one year maintenance and support
- Minimum first purchase of 2 seats

8 LiDAR Module v22 USB Dongle License 1 Seat 22.607.520 22.607.520

- Price include one year maintenance and support

Syarat dan ketentuan :

1 Harga dalam RUPIAH, dan dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan
2 Waktu Pengiriman 3 - 4 minggu sejak PO ( FOB Jakarta )
3 Pembayaran :
Full Advance Payment 100%, setelah Invoice dikirimkan
4 Keterlambatan dari kesepakatan yang ada akan dikenakan biaya pinalty 2%/bulan
5 Harga belum termasuk training
6 Harga belum termasuk Pajak Royalty dan lain-lain (jika ada)
7 Harga belum termasuk PPn 10%

Demikian informasi ini kami sampaikan, semoga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan Bapak/ Ibu.
Selanjutnya kami menunggu kabar baik dari Bapak/ Ibu.

Hormat kami,

Zaenul Muttaqin
Sales Engineer

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