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Rhealex E.

Pis-an Creative Writing

Angela Mae Belista HUMSS 12- Curie
Febrelyn Bulongan

Setting: A diner in a small town; rainy morning
Characters: Max (owner of the diner), Tessie (mother), and Denice (Tessie’s teenage

(Sound of the rain and opening of a door)

Tessie: Finally, finally. I love the smell of coffee in this rainy morning!
Denice: I told you last night that it’s going to be a rainy week, the weather forecast says
Tessie: Well, what concerns me only concerns me. Ah hey, Max can you get our
Max: No need to call me Tess when you can literally see me coming.
Tessie: It’s a habit that I don’t wanna break.
Max: Whatever makes you sleep at night.
Tessie: Hehe.
Max: Okay, I guess you guys be getting something warm today?
Denice: I guess so, what’s your something warm mom?
Tessie: Coffee.
Max: Tess, I cannot be responsible with how much of your bloodstream is composed of
Tessie: Coffee...
Max: K.
Denice: I’ll have hot choco and two donuts, with rainbow sprinkles please!
Max: Hmm, is that all?
Tessie: Add burger, the double cheese one.
Max: Unhealthy. (Gets back to the counter)
Denice: Mom, don’t you think Max is right? He’s been getting our orders for years and
been calling us unhealthy for years, too.
Tessie: You know what’s unhealthy?
Denice: What?
Tessie: Not eating at all.
Denice: That’s kind of true.
Tessie: Really true.
(Music at the diner)
Max: Here’s your order. Tessie, your burger’s coming up.
Denice: Thank you, Uncle Max. Mom, I’ll just wait for your burger, too.
Tessie: I knew it! You plan on swapping my double-cheese burger with your sprinkled
Denice: Not really! I just want us to eat together.
Tessie: I can almost hear your mind, Denice.
Denice: Well, not today!
(Phone rings)
Tessie: Is that yours?
Denice: No…
Tessie: Oh, it’s mine.
Denice: Mom, see that ‘No Call’ sign right there?
Tessie: Ugh, what a sensitive Max.
Denice: Bye bye.
Max: Double-cheese burger. Denice, where’s your mother?
Denice: Answering a call outside.
Max: Kind of new for her to follow instructions now.
Denice: I told her to.
Max: You might be a good babysitter, good luck!
Denice: No way.
Max: Enjoy your unhealthy food, Denice.
Denice: Yes, yes. I will.
(Door opens)
Denice: Mom, why you looking like that?
Tessie: I have good news and bad news. Which one would you like to hear first?
Denice: Bad one?
Tessie: Is that sure?
Denice: Yes. Tell me, tell me!
Tessie: Remember that financial aid that we applied for your college, it was turned
Denice: Why? Don’t they think that we’re poor enough?
Tessie: Maybe? The agent said it was due to your past academic record, that you came
from this prestigious high school rather than the government-owned ones.
Denice: It was all because I got help financially from grandma.
Tessie: Well that we can’t write down in the application form.
Denice: Beats me. So, what’s the good news?
Tessie: Ah! Come closer, sweetie.
Denice: Hmm.
Tessie: You got into Yale!
Denice: Ah! What… for real???
Tessie: Yes, for real! And you’re also qualified for the freshmen scholarship. Isn’t it
Denice: Gosh!
Max: Shh, what’s the matter here?
Denice: I got into Yale!
Tessie: She got into Yale!
Max: That’s big news! (Claps twice) Hey you guys right there, coffee is on me for the
whole day. Our Denice got into Yale!
(Small crowd cheering)

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