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IN case they will give limited information, and it is better to have limited

provide atleast a 4 line summary, add keyword section yo it and add broad
discipline ( what domain or topics it talks about , try too match your competence
with the case competence

they will evaluate problem solving skills, give tentative solution(avoid giving
broad concept), your solution should be applicable within info given
before interview , always visit companys blog article , and apply it to your
solution. ( most of the cases in consulting are related to strategy )
Dont apply any model/framework directly.
Presentaion/ solution can be perspective or systematic.
Solution should make sense , give logic behind your solution. ( Be open minded <
they not testing their knowledge , they want to see your approach to wards
take any one framework and try to go deep into it.( make sure its relevent to
problem, should make sense )
P.A.S.O Framework : problem , approch, solution, outcome. ( use this framework ).
Learn to apply frame work
Give application of framework you using in the solution.
Present within given tim e ( good time management) ( do mock and do it in time).
Difference between analytical and qualitative - in analytic , how you use
mathematics to solve real life problem,
always stick with one strategy , avoid giving lots of strategies.

workn on problemsolving skills

try to bring out analytical ability or qualitative ability.( take whole case as a
Short Termism_
Do a lots of resreach about company before inteview.


what am i doing right now?- what i have donebefore?, what do i like to do ?, what
dont i like to do ?, what do i want to do?

Apply second order thinking in every life decisions: that is considering long term
implication of your decision.
FIRST ORDER THINKING: is fast and easy. it happens when we look for something
that only solves the immediate problem without considering the consequences.
Short Termism - human tends to focus on the short term at the expense of the long
term .
second order thinking is deleberate and takes into account ripple effect of our
Chaos Dynamics ( the butterfly efffect) : a small change in starting conditions can
lead to vastly different outcomes.
Second order is hard , only comes with practice .

Mental Models- framework for thinking using which we simplyfy complexity.

mental modeels asses how the things work, and aid in better decision making .

PRODUCT ( The foundation for a reimagined Digital Business) - BY Arun Kumar

now location , assortment, timing and cost doesnt matter in retail sector ( after
entry of online retailer- amazon and flipcart etc ). earlier in traditional retail
these things were there.
tesla = experience ( wow factor )=( convinience , connectedness , cost)
digital foundation - experimental+agile +scalable
Element of product think:

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