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Integrated Weed Management


Luz Yineth Ortiz Rojas M. Sc.


“ mala hierba”

Definition of a Weed
1. A plant growing where it is not wanted (Oxford Dictionary).

2. Any plant or vegetation, excluding fungi, interfering with the objectives or

requirements of people (European Weed Science Society).

3. A plant that is especially successful at colonizing and proliferating in disturbed sites.

4. Those plants that interfere with human activity in arable and non-arable areas are
considered weeds
"weed" refers to any
5. Plant species or parts there of that affect the interests of the grower in a given place plant that
and time. grows in crop fields
(berbecho) or
6. Those accompanying spontaneous or adventitious plants of crops in disturbed sites
for agricultural activities
Petiveria alliacea L
can be
Portulaca oleracea L used for
Acmella cilliata


Melocha pyramidata
Ichthyothere terminalis
Weeds that develop
in fallow areas serve
to prevent
soil erosion and
to recycle
mineral nutrients
in the soil
They are part of food chains as primary producers
Despite his
what the difference of the plagues
Soil protectors against erosion, providing organic matter

Favor the presence of beneficial insects, such as the natural enemies of pests
Contitute the most important economic component of
the total pest complex, insects, mites, vertebrates,
nematodes and plant pathogens
Annual losses caused by weed in agriculture
Annual losses
by weeds in agriculture

Pérdidas suficientes
para alimentar 250
millones de personas

Competing moments in the agricultural process with the crops

Physical enviroments

Cultiated species
Forms of management

Composition of weeds Change with crop time, within the stegaes of the same cycle
“Critical competition period”
Control los of crop yield

Optimal time to perform the control

Does not necessarilly refer to the period of greatest

Interference with the crop

Some weeds can cause more damage tha others

*by the production of allelopathic substances
released into the rhizosphera o leached from living or
dead parts
The monitors of thew populations of
said flora can contribute to ist
management including ist
conservation and protection
1. Monitoring of the predominant weed specie and their abundance
2. Ecophysyilogy and ecobiology of weeds
- Population dynamics
- Behavior of the seed bannk in the soil

3. Crop interference, including competition and allelopathy

4. Improvement of weed control measures, considering

their influence on the composition of plant communities
underground plant–plant
interaction is intraspecific
chemical signaling known as

jugulone (5-hydroxy-1,1-
napthoqunione), is a potent allamone
produced by black walnut (Juglans
nigra) trees, which inhibits the growth of
tomatoes, peas, and potatoes as well as

Juglone acts as an electron donor and acceptor

in photosynthesis and respiration reactions, affecting the
photosynthesis and respiration of sensitive plant
Species (inhibit tuberization)

Sorgoleone is a strong growth inhibitor of a number of plants, even

at a concentration as low as 10 mM.
Another classical example of an allamone is sorgoleone (2-hydroxy-
5-methoxy-3-[(8 0 Z, 11 0 Z)- 80 ,110 ,140 -pentadecatriene]-p-
To cite this Section: B. Prithiviraj, Mark W. Paschke and Jorge M. Vivanco , 'Root Communication:
The Role of Root Exudates', Encyclopedia of Plant and Crop
secrete a racemic mixture of a flavonal (C)-catechin and (K)-catechin (13),
and both of these enantiomers (although at different levels) exhibit
strong inhibitory effect on a number of plant species

Centaurea jacea L

• • The addition of activated charcoal

(which adsorbs secondary metabolites)
to the soil in which C. jacea, is growing
diminishes its allelopathic effect on
other plants.
Diferencias entre el metabolismo
primario y secundario
Biosíntesis de

Casanal, Ana et al. (2013). The Strawberry Pathogenesis-related 10 (PR-10) Fra a Proteins Control Flavonoid Biosynthesis by
Binding to Metabolic Intermediates. The Journal of biological chemistry. 288. 10.1074/jbc.M113.501528.
Weeds also obstruct the harvest process and increase the costs
of such operations

Weeds contaminate the obtained production

weeds in arable areas reduces the efficiency of

fertilization and irrigation, facilitates the increase in
the density of other pests and, in the end, agricultural
yields and their quality decrease severely.
Preparation of the land and
cultivation work in the
cycle of crop
plants have as their main
objective the fight against
The control of weeds not developed in time can cause serious problems,
not only to the crop areas, where they affect, but also to neighboring crop sogata (Tagosodes orizicolus Muir)
Melanaphis sacchari

1. obstruct the harvest

process and increase the costs
of such operations
2. harvest the seeds of the
weeds contaminate the
obtained production
3. weeds in cultivable areas
reduce the efficiency of
fertilization and irrigation
4. facilitate the increase in the
density of other pests
Rustic aggressive and difficult to
control than those that grow in

temperate zones
* morphological characteristics of
growth and reproduction TROPICAL
erratic and variable environmental
difficult to manage weeds, as
well as the growth of the crop
is often unpredictable
More investment is required to
their control, which decreases the
profitability of agricultural activity
Cultivo Porcentaje costo manejo
de maleza (%)

Trigo 6,5
Arroz secano 5,9
Arroz de riego 4,2
Cebada 4,2
Maíz tecnificado 3,7
Frijol 3
Sorgo 2
Caña panelera 2
Soya 4,1
Small farmers in Colombia
• rudimentary agricultural implements
• many are illiterate, making it difficult in many
cases that agricultural technology that is
generated can be adopted and understood

• the yields of their crops are low, but production

is relatively stable

• many researchers are unaware of the

production systems on these farms

The problem of weeds and their impact on crops

on small farms is quit severe. They have long
been aware of demage caused by weeds,
secondary problem after insects and pathogens
The government requires more
action, especially with regard to the
development of a greater activity to
give a better coverage in
technology transfer, to small farmer
Cultural practices of the business and
small Farmer in Colombia
business Small farmer

• Herbicides • Remove weeds with a hoe

• Equipment for mechanical control from • Remove weeds with machete y hand
• Remove weeds with machete and hoe
• Cultivators
• Lesser extent the user of herbicides
• Rotovators
• Rotary hoes
• Remove weeds with a hoe
El más generalizado para controlar las malezas, pero también es un método
erosivo. Cuando se desyerba con azadón, es tres veces mayor que cuando se
hace con machete.
Remueve una capa de suelo de varios centímetros que después es arrastrada
por las aguas lluvias, más en pendiente pronunciadas como es el caso de un
gran porcentaje de las zonas agrícolas de Colombia.
En suelo húmedo resulta muy deficiente, ya que lo único que se logra es
transplantar la maleza de un sitio a otro.
El uso de azadón destruye plantas y muchas raíces de los cultivos y puede
causar heridas a los tallos, esto último favorece la penetración de patógenos.
• Remove weeds with machete y hand
El arranque a mano es muy utilizado en cultivos hortícolas
como ajo, zanahoria, remolacha, entre otros
La combinación es más recomendada para árboles frutales y
algunos cultivos asociados; consiste en limpiar a mano
alrededor de las plantas y cortar las malezas de las calles con
machete a una altura de 1 a 5 cm del suelo.
Poca remoción del suelo. Sin embargo, el uso del machete
(que tiene un efecto de poda) promueve el aumento de
poblaciones de especies gramíneas
• Remove weeds with first machete second hoe / first hoe second

Muy utilizada en frutales y cafetales. Alternando los métodos

mencionados haciendo rotación.

• Unos pocos de los "pequeños agricultores" aplican en sus
cultivos herbicidas, debido al costo y al hecho que
comercialmente se venden en empaques grandes, mientras
que las cantidades requeridas por los agricultores son
• La diversidad de cultivos en las pequeñas fincas, a los cuidados
especiales para su aplicación y a la dificultad de encontrar en
el comercio productos selectivos, hacen que el control químico
de las malezas no se utilice ampliamente en las pequeñas
Cultivo Época crítica de No. Desyerbas Desyerbas desde
competencia emergencia o trasplante
Arroz 75 Limpio durante los
primeros 40 días
Maíz (clima cálido) 40 2 Cada 15 días

Sorgo 35 2 10 y 20 días

Soya 30 2 10 y 20 días

Fríjol 45 3 Cada 15 días

Lechuga 20 1 Cada 15 días

Cebolla 80 10 Cada 8 días

Ajo 70 5 Cada 14 días

Tomate 30 2 15 y 30 días

Zanahoria 40 4 Cada 10 días

Papa 30 2 Cada 15 y 30 días

Control or management
Rapid spread of herbicide-resistant weeds has
required farmers to incorporate alternative weed
management approaches.

many farmers are incorporating different herbicides,

this is likely to have only short-term success.

Using non-herbicide approaches in combination with

multiple, effective sites of action is needed for long-
term success.
Reliance on this one method has led to the
development of herbicide-resistant weeds.
There are a limited number of herbicides available to
use and cases of herbicide resistance are rapidly
• Extensive: planning and implementation

• equipment cleaning
• timely scouting
• altering herbicide tank mixes
Why is IWM
• more extensive Necessary?
• changing crop rotation
• cover cropping
• changing tillage practices
• harvest time weed seed control.
• Manejo del agricultor, ya sea químico, mecánico o biológico, arado, etc. afectará
la distribución y abundancia de las arvenses sobre el terreno. Por ejemplo, el
arado, las escardas y la aplicación de herbicidas, incidirán en la dinámica de
las semillas en el suelo (semilla activa y en latencia), por lo que evaluar el
impacto de esas técnicas de manejo con la ayuda del muestreo es fundamental
para el control de estas especies vegetales

arvenses es su capacidad para

producir una gran cantidad de
Parthenium hysterophorus
semillas en un período corto, muchas
Hierba del golpe
de las cuales permanecen enterradas
en el suelo en estado de latencia,
constituyendo así el denominado
“banco de semillas”.
Si se realiza una labranza profunda, estos uso excesivo de Herpes
propágulos emergerán y serán expuestos a las agroquímicos puede ser una Antitusivo
condiciones favorables para su germinación, presión de selecciónque deabetes
favoreciendo así su proliferación y favorezca a una especie en
competencia con el cultivo particular
ES ….

El manejo integral de malezas es un conjunto de técnicas y

estrategias diseñadas para controlar y prevenir el crecimiento y
la propagación de arvenses de manera efectiva y sostenible en
un cultivo o terreno. Se debe realizar con un enfoque integral
considerando todos los aspectos del sistema agrícola,
incluyendo la elección del cultivo, la rotación de cultivos, la
preparación del suelo, la siembra y la cosecha, así como
también la selección de medidas de control para utilizar menor
aplicación de herbicidas, minimizando impactos negativos en el
medio ambiente y en la salud humana

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