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Yes, because because shopping on Instagram is very effective in getting users

who see posts on the Instagram homepage to visit the website and buy the
products they see, so that users can find your products easily, add product tags
in photo or video posts on the homepage and your story using instagram
shopping. Users can see the name and price by tapping on the product.

2.The central bank in a country, in general, is an agency responsible for

monetary policy in that country's territory. The central bank seeks to maintain
currency stability, the stability of the banking sector, and the financial system as
a whole. In Indonesia, the function of the central bank is carried out by the
Indonesian bank. The central bank is an institution that is responsible for
maintaining price stability or the value of a currency prevailing in that country,
which in this case is known as inflation or rising prices, which in other words
means a decrease in the value of money. The central bank keeps the inflation
rate under control and always at the lowest possible value or at the optimal
position for the economy (low/zero inflation), by controlling the balance of the
amount of money and goods. If the amount of money in circulation is too much,
the central bank uses the instruments and authorities it has.

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