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DIRETION: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a process wherein digestion starts when food is taken into the mouth.
A. Absorption C. Defecation
B. Assimilation D. Ingestion

2. Where does the final digestion of food takes place?

A. Large intestine C. Mouth
B. Liver D. Small intestine

3. Villi are structural adaptations in the lining of the small intestine. What is the function of the
villi? To provide for the optimum_____________
A. Elimination of waste by the colon C. Digestion of food in the large intestine
B. Movement of chime in the stomach D. Absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream

4. Food travels through which of the following order of organs?

A. mouth – esophagus – stomach – small intestine – large intestine – rectum
B. mouth – esophagus – stomach – large intestine – small intestine – rectum
C. mouth – stomach – esophagus – small intestine – large intestine – rectum
D. mouth – stomach – small intestine – large intestine – esophagus – rectum

5. What is the correct sequence in which the stages of mitosis occur?

A. prophase – metaphase – anaphase – telophase
B. prophase – anaphase – metaphase - telophase
C. prophase – metaphase – telophase – anaphase
D. prophase – telophase – anaphase – metaphase.

6. What type of cell is the end product in meiosis?

A. Diploid C. Triploid
B. Haploid D. Polyploid

7. What are the functions of the spindle fibers?

A. They determine the sex of the offspring
B. They provide energy to the cell during meiosis
C. They carry the genetic information to the dividing cell
D. They move the chromosomes through the different phases of cell division.

8. What is another name for a haploid cell?

A. Allele C. Gamete
B. Chromosome D. Gene

9. Which cells of the human body are made through the process of meiosis?
A. Gametes C. All cells of the body
B. Somatic cells D. X and Y chromosomes

10. What are homologous chromosomes?

A. Chromosomes that are independent of each other
B. Chromosomes that looks different from each other.
C. Chromosomes that carry exactly the same genetic information
D. Chromosomes that have the same length, shape and position of the centromere.

11. What term best describes the structure that holds the DNA makeup of an organism?
A. Meiosis C. Chromosome
B. Diploid D. Genetic factors

12. What is the inheritance pattern when both alleles are expressed equally in the phenotype of
a heterozygous?
A. Codominance C. Multiple allele
B. Dominance D. Incomplete dominance

13. Which term refers to an organism with two identical alleles for a trait?
A. Homozygous C. Homologous
B. Heterozygous D. Hybrid

14. What is biological species?

A. Having the same cellular structure
B. Refers to all organisms belonging to the same species
C. The number, variety and variability living things (species) on earth
D. It is defined as all populations of organisms that are potentially capable of interbreeding
among themselves

15. What is the lowest level at which evolution operates?

A. Cell C. Organism
B. Genus D. Population

16. Evolution involves changes that may lead to speciation. What is speciation?
A. It is responsible for the variation in characters of organisms.
B. The development of new species from existing ones.
C. The trends of evolutionary changes.
D. The changes of species over time.

17. What are the characters shared by all species?

A. They are autotrophs C. They can produce sexually
B. They are made up of cells. D. They are all multicellular

18. Who developed the binomial system of nomenclature?

A. Darwin C. Linnaeus
B. Haeckel D. Whittaker

19. What do you call the process of grouping or ordering organisms based on structural
A. Collection C. Identification
B. Classification D. Preservation
20. In the binomial system of classification organisms are given two names. What is it
composed of?
A. Order and Genus name C. Genus and Specie name
B. Family and Genus name D. Local and International name

21. What is biodiversity?

A. The populations of organisms.
B. The development of new species.
C. The variations that occurs in members of the same species.
D. The number, variety and variability living things (species) on earth.

22. Which two processes promotes biodiversity?

A. Survival and extinction
B. Speciation and mutation
C. Genetic drift and isolation
D. Sexual reproduction and natural selection

23. In the food chain seeds  mouse  snake  owl, the seeds represent which trophic
A. Producer C. Primary consumer
B. Consumer D. Secondary consumer

24. In the food chain seeds mouse  snake  owl, the snake represents which trophic
A. Producer C. Tertiary consumer
B. Primary consumer D. Secondary consumer

25. Heterotrophic is also known as______

A. Producer C. Decompose
B. Consumer D. Herbivore

26. What do you call an organism that cannot synthesize its own food and is dependent upon
complex organic substances for nutrition?
A. Producer C. Scavenger
B. Consumer D. Decomposer

27. What gas do plants produce that animals can use?

A. Oxygen C. Nitrogen
B. Carbon D. Carbon dioxide

28. What gas do animals produce that plants use?

A. Carbon C. Nitrogen
B. Oxygen D. Carbon dioxide

29. To conserve the environment, some desirable practices must be observe, EXCEPT
A. Try organic farming C. Grow a variety of crops
B. Use chemical fertilizer D. Use insects to fight other insect

30. Which of the following is NOT an example of human activities that bring harm to organisms?
A. Hunting C. Earthquake
B. Pollution D. Deforestation
31. Which of the following happens to the food when it reaches the stomach?
A. Gastric juices mix with food and the stomach muscles squeeze the food.
B. No digestion happens in the stomach.
C. The food moves directly into the small intestine.
D. The food is absorbed into the small intestine.

32. Digestion begins in the mouth. Which of the following is INCORRECT?

A. The tongue aids in the digestion of food.
B. The saliva changes some of the starches in the food to sugar.
C. The digestive juices can react more easily with the food when chewed.
D. The tongue keeps the food in place in the mouth while the food is being chewed.

33. Which uses meiosis?

A. Spermatogenesis C. For growth
B. Repairing or wounds D. Replacement of dead cells

34. Which of the syndrome below is described by these characteristics: male, underdeveloped
testes, slow learner, sterile, developed breast?
A. Turner C. Patau’s
B. Jacob’s D. Klinefelter

35. A purebred green and yellow lovebird and a purebred blue and white lovebird are the P1
generation in an experiment. All the F1 generation is green and yellow. Which trait is
A. Green only C. Green and yellow
B. Blue only D. Blue and white

36. The earliest form of life may have exhibit the following characteristics EXCEPT:
A. Unicellularity
B. Aerobic respiration
C. Asexual reproduction
D. Heterotrophic nutrition

37. The statements below describe a biological population EXCEPT:

A. It is identical to a biotic community.
B. It is a functional unit of a species that can evolve into a new species.
C. It is a group of actively interbreeding organisms of the same kind.
D. It is kept apart from other populations of the same species by one or more reproductive

38. Mitochondria and nuclear membrane are not present in cells of certain organisms. To which
kingdom do these organisms belong?
A. Fungi C. Bacteria
B. Plantae D. Protista

39. Like other organisms, fungi require conditions that will support their growth. In which
environment will fungi most likely exist?
A. Moist, dark, cold C. Dry, lighted, and cold
B. Moist, dark, warm D. Dry, lighted, and warm
40. Mars own a fish pen in Laguna Lake. Her brother brings a fish native from Indonesia and
said it will grow quickly in her pond. Which of the following should Mars do?
A. Immediately introduce the fish to the lake
B. Make another fish pen for the fish where it can grow
C. Consult with an expert about the effect of introducing the fish to the lake.
D. Place the fish in one side of the lake and observe its growth and reproduction.

41. All are the approaches that we can employ to protect and conserve our economically
important species EXCEPT:
A. Public awareness
B. Sustainable development
C. Community participation
D. Habitat destruction

42. Which of the following statement is NOT true?

A. A food chain is both a food and energy pathway.
B. Energy comes into the living world in the form of sunlight.
C. Carbon dioxide is released by plants during photosynthesis.
D. A food web is a complex relationship or interaction among organisms of several food chains.

43. Which of the following describes parasitism?

A. Fern plant growing on a trunk of a tree
B. Barnacle sticking on the shell of an oyster
C. An orchid living on a trunk of a mahogany tree
D. An insect larvae staying on the leaves of a plant

44. Which of the following statement is true?

A. Most of the atmosphere is composed of oxygen gas
B. Carbon dioxide is release by plants during photosynthesis
C. Leguminous plants are always the site of nitrogen fixation in the nitrogen cycle
D. Excretion of organisms releases nitrogen which can be readily used by plants

45. Which of the following paired items are UNMATCHED?

A. Acid rain – pollution C. Eutrophication – water pollution
B. Habitat loss – wildlife depletion D. Deforestation – depletion of mineral resources

46. Why is chewing considered the first stage of digestion?

A. Chemical breakdown happens
B. Mechanical breakdown happens
C. No digestion happens during chewing
D. Mechanical and chemical breakdown happens

47. How does the body react when it happens to take in harmful substances?
A. Causing a reverse movement of the esophagus or anti peristalsis which results in vomiting
B. Causing a reverse movement of the stomach which results in vomiting
C. By distributing substances throughout the body which results in vomiting
D. By releasing substances from the body through defecation process .

48. The following are some events that take place during cell division. What could be their
correct order?
I. Chromosomes line up at the equatorial plane
II. Chromosomes condense and become shorter and thicker.
III. Chromosomes have nuclear membrane forming around them.
IV. Centromeres divide and chromosomes moved to the opposite poles.



49. How do essential elements get recycled into the environment?

A. The organisms release excess elements.
B. All essential elements are used all the time.
C. The environment draws excess elements out.
D. During decomposition elements are released back.

50. Which of the following results in increased leaching and runoff, consequently diminishing
water evaporation and precipitation?
A. Burning of fossil fuels
B. Use of irrigation system
C. Use of hydroelectric plant
D. Massive cutting down of trees

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