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Stakeholder: E-commerce Industry

 Brief: Build a sourcing strategy to identify the right talent pools for a Product
Manager position for a building material industry.

The following sourcing method may be applied to find the best talent pools for a
Product Manager role in the building materials industry:
1. Industry-specific job boards:
 Advertise the position on employment networks that are unique to your sector,
including The Blue Book Building and Construction Network, Building Materials
News, or Construction Job Board. This will guarantee that people with a special
interest in opportunities in the building materials business will view the job posting.

2. LinkedIn:
 Utilize LinkedIn's advanced search functionality to identify potential candidates who
have a background in product management or building materials. Reach out to those
individuals via LinkedIn messages or email to see if they may be interested in the

3. Employee referrals:
 By asking current workers to recommend people they know who would be a good fit
for the role, you can take use of the company's existing network. This may be
accomplished through internal communication tools like business email or an
announcement to the whole firm.

4. Attend industry events:

 Attend trade exhibitions and conferences in your field to network and perhaps find job
applicants with experience in the building materials sector. Make that you have
business cards and a detailed job description to give to prospective employees.

5. College and university career centres:

 To advertise the job vacancy and maybe find recent graduates who would be a
suitable fit for the role, get in touch with career centres at schools and universities that
provide engineering, architecture, or construction management degrees.

6. Industry-specific groups:
 Join and take part in groups on social media sites like LinkedIn or Facebook that are
dedicated to your sector. To assist find possible people who have expertise in the
building materials business, participate in conversations and exchange job

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