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Hello everyone, my name is ivan, and I'm currently working in Managing role, so | have an opportunity to request for a feedback from every peer in the task A~My Team member ~ ops supervisor B—My Colleague with the same grade and level C-My Manager Six months ago I'd been promoted for the new role | can feel that | need to Improve my communication skills to be more effective in the new environment and with my new people. So | asked for the developmental feedback in the form like this: “What do | need to change particularly when I'm talking with my Team during our meetings to be more effective and clear” AFeedback: «alvan, | want to thank you for the stories and examples you sharing with me permanently, continue to do'it, t's very helpful for me to use the same approach with my direct reports. However, there are too much of metaphors and idioms in your language, so feel like I'm an Alice in wonderland sometimes” B Feedback: “van, it's great to observe like you striving to your goals and your promotions was quite obvious for me, try to be more structured with your new team and to find the peculiar features of each and every fone to unlock their potential as a professional first of all” C Feedback: “Ivan, your new role assumes absolutely new format of your management style, because your team will be multiplied fourfold. That will add a bit pressure on your timing and ability of delegation. That is will drive you to be shorter in your words and to be more solid in decisions. Besides, your controlling function also has to be more crucial and influential on the result. Good luck!”

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