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The Hatchet by Gary Paulsen

Chapters 1-4 Guide

Science Application

Directions: Research the common symptoms of a heart attack. Write at least 5 of them below.

When do we get the notion that something is wrong with the pilot? List the things that happen to the pilot as he
suffers his fatal heart attack. How do these events work to make this part of the story more exciting?


Math application

For how long was Brian on the plane before it started to go down?


Quote analysis

Directions: Read the quote below and provide analysis and personal insight. Identify underlying meaning that the
author is trying to foreshadow to the reader.

“No, not secrets so much as just the Secret. What he knew and had not told anybody, what he knew about his
mother that had caused the divorce, what he knew, what he knew—the Secret.” (page 3)

The Hatchet by Gary Paulsen
Chapters 1-4 Guide

“All of flying is easy. Just takes learning. Like everything else.” (page 5)



What do you think Gary Paulsen accomplishes when he uses foreshadowing in chapters 1 & 2?


Individual activity

The author effectively uses words to help us form a mental picture of what is happening to Brian as the plane
crashes. On a sheet of unlined paper, use a pencil to draw what you see in your mind's eye as the plane's wings come
in contact with the pine trees just before it hits the lake. In your drawing, try to show the plane, the clearing, the
trees and the lake. These do not have to be fine works of art. Merely try to suggest what you see in your mind.

Individual activity #2
The Hatchet by Gary Paulsen
Chapters 1-4 Guide
Assume you become separated from your camping buddy in the middle of a huge national
forest. You have no idea how to get out and must find ways to survive until help comes to you. Make a list of 5
items you must  have to survive. List only things that are essential to your survival. Be prepared to share these
with the class.


Geography application

Identify the trees and animals that Brian saw upon his first investigation of the area surrounding the lake.



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