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1. A. Nikita Krushchev was the former secretary and premier of the Soviet Union.

B. J. Robert Oppenheimer was the researcher and developer of the first atomic
bomb a.k.a nuclear bomb. “His deadly toy”, was the metaphor used by the artist.
C. Ronald Reagan was the 40th president of the U.S. He was one of the many
anti-communist presidents that served during the Cold War.

2. The Cold War was happening at the time. The “war” was between capitalist U.S and
communist Russia, who threatened each other with nuclear weapons.

3. The speaker hopes that both the U.S and Soviet Union do not use atomic bombs st
eachother, as it would mean the end of the world and civilization itself. He also made
a point that a lot of innocent people are going to die. Including children.

4. Rhyme: In the final chorus, the artist Sting says: “We share the same biology
regardless of ideology.”
Metaphor: In the second verse of the song, “Oppenheimer’s deadly toy” is a
metaphor for his invention the nuclear bomb. “Little boy” was also a code name for
one of the atomic bombs that were used during WW2.
Assonance: In the first line of the song, the line: “In Europe and America, there is a
feeling of hysteria.

5. He says “there’s no such thing as a winnable war”, to show that everyone suffers in
war including the victor, the innocent, and the guilty. Future generations suffer the
most as well.

6. He meant that regardless of what we believe in, we are still all human beings. It’s an
important point, because The Cold War was a war about different ideologies and
point of views.

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