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I will speak about our school trip in Belfast, the capital of the Northern Ireland.

In this city,

there is a lot of Historical buildings, pubs and university. There is also a port and a

shipbuilding site where the Titanic was created. And now, we can visit the titanic museum.

We can see approximately 2000 murals in Belfast about different subject, they were the

result of the period called the Troubles. During this period, which started in nineteen sixty-

eight and ended in nineteen ninety-eight, Belfast was a divided city because there was a

conflict between Nationalists and Republicans. Nationalists wanted the unification with the

Republique of Ireland and they were mostly Catholic while Republicans wanted to remain in

the United Kingdom and they were mostly Protestant. During this conflict there were many

bombings caused by the British army who occupying the city. So many peace walls were built

to reduce violence. But now it is a beautiful and peaceful city liked by tourist and locals.

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