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College of the Traveling Minstrel

ome bards just don't like sitting in taverns all day,
waiting for a chance to perform and show their
talents. Some bards found a better public in the
traveling caravans and merchants that populate
the roads, and maybe the occasional group of
adventurers in search for some gold and glory.
The wilderness and the countryside are the fonts
of your inspiration, and you value more a good sleep under the
starry sky that the sight of the roof over your head.
Knowledge of the Road
The life in the road gives you traces and bits of information
about general knowledge and events. Beginning at 3rd level,
you can use your Charisma modifier instead of your
Intelligence modifier whenever you attempt a history, religion
or arcana check. Additionally you may expend one use of your
bardic inspiration to add the dice to this roll.
You also gain proficiency with vehicles (land).
Also at 3rd level, you know how to inspire your allies and
teach them how to travel through any land. As a reaction, you
can expend one of your uses of Bardic Inspiration to select a
number of creatures that you can see within 60 feet of you
equal to your Charisma modifier. These creatures ignore
difficult terrain and gain an extra 10 feet of movement until
the end of the next round.
Eyes on the Road
Starting at 6th level, you spent so much time traveling around
the countryside, that you developed a kind of sixth sense while
on the road. Even if you are doing other activities while
traveling (such like navigating, drawing a map, foraging, etc.)
you still contribute to your group’s passive Wisdom
(Perception) score for the purpose of noticing hidden threats.
Also, you gain advantage in Constitution saving throws for
determining if you gain exhaustion after every hour of a forced Credits
march. College of the Traveling Minstrel Version 1.1
Additionally, you gain advantage on Initiative rolls while you
are traveling. Made by Reual Nathan Onyrian
Memory of wind, by Julaxart
Charismatic Instinct
Also at 6th level, the time you spent traveling trained you into
having fast reflexes and reacting swiftly to danger. You add
your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) to your Initiative
Open Road
When you reach the 14th level, you are always under the
benefits of the freedom of movement spell. You also become
immune to the paralyzed condition.
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