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Philip Tran



Asian Hate Paper

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Asian community has experienced a

rise in hate crimes and racism. This problem is not only limited to the United States but has also

spread globally. It is a sad reality that people are discriminating against Asians just because the

virus originated in China. This issue has led to an increase in verbal and physical assaults against

Asians, and it is imperative that we take action to address and stop this behavior.

One of the problems with this issue is that it is not getting enough attention in the media.

There is a significant lack of coverage and awareness about the rise in hate crimes against

Asians. This lack of attention has contributed to the normalization of anti-Asian behavior and has

made it easier for people to justify their actions. Additionally, the lack of awareness about this

issue has prevented the Asian community from receiving the support they need to feel safe and

protected. To address this problem, one step I will take is to raise awareness about the issue. I

plan to do this by sharing articles and videos on social media platforms, organizing online

discussions with friends and family, and talking to my community about the importance of

treating everyone with respect and dignity. The more people know about the issue, the better the

chances of getting support and creating a positive impact. Another step is to actively support

organizations that fight against Asian hate crimes and racism.

There are many non-profit organizations that aim to promote and protect the rights of the

Asian community. These organizations offer a range of resources, including educational tools
and legal support, to victims of hate crimes. I plan to volunteer my time, donate to these

organizations, and attend their events to show my support.

To implement these plans, I will start by researching more about the issue and identifying

the organizations that I can support. I will also reach out to friends, family, and members of the

community to join me in supporting these organizations. I will create a social media campaign to

raise awareness and share important information about the issue. I will also attend events

organized by these organizations and encourage others to join me. In addition to these steps, it is

also important to educate ourselves about the history of racism and discrimination against Asians

in America. The Asian community has been subject to discrimination for many years, and it is

crucial that we understand the roots of this issue to effectively address it. By learning about the

history of racism against Asians, we can gain a better understanding of the issue and how it has

evolved over time. Advocating for change can be challenging, but it can also be rewarding. In

my experience, advocating for change requires patience, persistence, and an unwavering

commitment to the cause. It is crucial to stay informed, educated, and aware of the issue and to

remain open-minded to different perspectives. We must also be willing to have difficult

conversations and challenge our own biases and prejudices.

In conclusion, the rise in Asian hate crimes and racism is a significant problem that needs

to be addressed. By raising awareness and actively supporting organizations that fight against

hate crimes and racism, we can make a positive change. It is crucial to stay committed and

remain persistent in our efforts to create a more just and equitable world. As a community, we

must stand together and speak out against hate, discrimination, and racism in all forms. We must

work together to create a society where everyone is treated with respect and dignity, regardless

of their race or ethnicity.

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