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Discussion 2.1. What is good urban design?


BOTH of your names in your submission. BOTH of you should submit the same output.    
Having understood the principles, scope and considerations behind urban design; look for an example of
an ill-designed (bad) urban space and discuss how this urban space can be better designed to conform
with the principles of urban design you have just learned. Please see below specific guidelines for this
discussion activity:

Upload a picture/image of the ill-designed urban space you have found.

In your discussion make sure to include the following:

Identify at least 4 "bad attributes" in the design of the urban space;

- The overall site is monotonous

- No vegetation, benches and waterscapes

- The building itself shows bland character and fading colors

- Not engaging and welcoming to the surrounding people

State the principles of urban design which these 4 attributes have not adhered to or lack

- Mixed-use, density, and diversity

- Sustainability and eco-design

- Design process and ongoing maintenance and management

- Character, image and response to context

Explain/Justify how these attributes contradict the principles of urban design; and

The bland and fading colors of the building shows that maintenance and management were
neglected, then the open space that surrounds the building is bleak; no vegetation, no seats, and no

Due to its lacking of character; the open space surrounding shows the lack of sustainability and the
overall review of the building is that; the building is bleak where no landscape, seats, or waterscapes are
provided the space is much a void, hence it is not engaging and welcoming to the people.

Propose a viable solution to "redesign" and rectify the "bad attributes" in the design of the urban space.

This chosen “ill-designed” urban space of ours has a lot of opportunities to it that can help it
become a better, more comfortable, enjoyable place to visit by its surrounding people. It has a one main
building which is the City Hall Plaza and a massive open space that surrounds it.

And in our opinion, the solutions that can be done to rectify the mentioned “bad attributes” are as
follows: If only it can have more trees to provide shades for the people, benches all around the open
spaces for the people to rest upon, waterscapes for the people to enjoy and other interactive spaces that
secures the enjoyment and the comfortability of those users while staying in those spaces. Additionally,
there could be some improvements that can be made in order for the building itself to be more attractive
and would bring interests out of people visiting the City Hall Plaza of Boston.

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