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Analysing the rhetoric devices in Joe Biden’s victory speech:

device Line(s)/quote effect

repetition ll. 1-2 „victory“ Highlight his victory
ll.29-30 „Time to “ Tell the audience that there is a time
for everything and to put the focus on
the unification of America: people
must forgive their enemies and
“a nation” become one nation
To show that America stands together
direct address l.19 “For all those of To make the audience feel involved
rhetoric l.31 The audience feels involved – make
question the audience think of what they want
enumeration ll. 34-37 Tell the people what he is fighting for
ll.39-40 To make clear how dangerous COVID
is and what we have lost
Talking about ll. 46-48 To gain empathy from the audience
his personal life
Personal l.2 To connect the audience with himself
pronoun „we“
alliteration l.37 „defend Put an emphasis on democracy which
democracy“ is really important for Biden being
elected in a democratic process
personification l.10 „soul of to show that the people living in
America“ America are the soul of America
l. 11“backbone of Make the middle class feel seen and
this nation” important
allusion to the l. 29 Create a reference to God. Show that
bible/ God l.49 he aligns himself with God and his
anaphora ll. 27-18 “They To make the people remember that
are…” even their opponents are part of
ll.34-37 “The battle Tell the people what the focus of his
to…” term in office is
metaphor ll.20 “American Underline the importance of America
bent the arc to the for the rest of the world
moral universe”
ll. 34-37 “battle to” Create an image in the listener’s mind
what he, Joe Biden, will fight for

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