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Table 1

Significance of Relationship of Respondent’s Health in General and

General Happiness

Individual Influence Standardized   t p-value Remarks

of Predictors Coefficient

General Happiness

Respondent’s Health in General .254 9.354 .000 Significant

Combined Influence                    Remarks

of Predictors

Respondent’s Health in General

R = .254
R2 = .065
F = 87.496

P = .000                                                                                Significant

Table 1 shows the results of the linear regression analysis. The standardized beta coefficients and t-
statistics results of the independent variables namely: Respondent’s Health in General and General Happiness. The
level of significance is set at α = 0.05. A t-statistics p value of <0.05 will reject the null hypothesis indicating that the
coefficient of the variable is not equal to zero.

The standardized beta coefficient of the respondent’s health in general is .254, while t-statistics is t = 9.354,
and p=.000. This indicates that in individual capacity, respondent’s health in general is a significant predictor of
general happiness.

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