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Lebanese International School

Science Worksheet
Second Term
Grade Two
Name: ___________________________ No of pages: 6
Date: ____________________________
Answer all questions
Natural Resources

1. Natural resources are found on _______________

2. Write four examples of natural resources
3. ____________ and ______________ are resources that can be
4. Wind is a ____________________
5. What are the uses of air?
a. ___________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________
6. What are the uses of water?
a. ___________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________
d. ___________________________________________________
7. Resources that can never be replaced are _______ and ________
8. Resources that can’t be replaced are __________ and _________
9. Write two examples of fresh water
a. _________
b. _________
10. Write two examples of salt water
a. _________
b. _________

Life cycle of a sea turtle

a. What does a sea turtle use in opening its shell? _________
b. What helps the sea turtle to dig hole in the sand _________
c. Where will you find a sea turtle _________
d. Circle the things a living thing need


e. How long does it take a sea turtles egg to hatch? _________
f. Why does the tooth of a sea turtle fall out later?
g. How do baby turtles get out of the egg?
h. Juvenile is a ___________ sea turtle
i. __________ has a special tooth
j. What does the sea turtle do after laying eggs in the hole?
k. The way living things grow and change is called ________________
l. Complete the life cycle of a sea turtle

Adult sea turtle
m.What does a young sea turtle look like?
n. Sea turtles start their life as _____________
o. A ___________________ uses its flippers to dig a hole in the sand
p. How many eggs does the sea turtle lay in the hole? _____________

How do people grow and change?

I. How do I describe how Sophia looks like?
II. When we are born, we are called ___________
III. What are some ways people can be different from each other?
IV. When do people stop growing taller? ________________________
V. If you see a person with wrinkled skin or gray hair, what would you
guess about the person? _________________________________
VI. You used to be a child, now you’ve grown into a ______________
VII. You are a teenager at __________ years
VIII. You lose your first teeth as a ________
IX. What are the changes in a teenager? ________________________

Life cycle of a bean plant

1. Most plants grow from ____________

2. Germinate means to ________
3. A seed has an outer covering called a ____________
4. A seed needs __________ and ____________ to germinate
5. ___________ is not needed by plants because it has stored food
6. A ____________ grows into a plant
7. What kind of plant is a seedling? ________________________
8. What does a seed contain? ______________ and ____________
9. Adult plants make _____________
10.What happens after a seed germinate
11._____________ grows out of the plant
12. How does a seed coat help a plant?
13.Write the life cycle of a plant
Answers to the worksheet questions
Natural resources
1. Earth
2. Sun, air, water, rocks.
3. Trees and soil
4. Moving air
5. Plant and animals need air to breath/ we use air to fill our balls and
6. We use water to drink/ we use water to water our plant/ we use water to
wash/ we use water bath
7. Sunlight and water
8. Coal and oil
9. River and stream
10. Ocean and sea
Life cycle of a sea turtle
a. Its special tooth
b. Its flippers
c. In an ocean
d. The things we living things need are water, food, and air
e. Two months
f. It falls off because it doesn’t need it again
g. They use their special tooth to break open the egg shell
h. baby sea turtle or hatchling
i. Young sea turtle
j. It covers the egg with sand
k. Life cycle
l. Egg Hatchling Juvenile Adult sea turtle
m. A young sea turtle looks like its parents
n. An egg
o. An adult sea turtle
p. many eggs
How do people grow and change?
I. I will describe with her height, her hair color, her skin color and her
eye color
II. Baby
III. People are different from each other by their skin color, if they are tall
or short(height), hair color, eye color.
IV. When they become an adult
V. The person is an adult
VI. Teenager
VII. 13 years
VIII. Child
IX. They grow taller

Life cycle of a bean plant

1. Seeds
2. Grow
3. Seed coat
4. Air and water
5. Sunlight
6. Seed
7. A seedling is a young plant
8. A seed contains Tiny plant and stored food
9. Flower
10. The root grows downwards while the stem grows upwards
11. Seedling
12. It protects and covers the seed
Lebanese International School
Science Worksheet
Second Term
Name: ___________________________ No of pages: 6
Date: ____________________________
Answer all questions
What adaptation help animals

1. Match each description with the right way adaptation help the animal
a. A box turtle shell adaptation for getting food
b. A heron’s long sharp beak
c. A crab-eating seal’s teeth adaptation for avoiding
d. A mandarin fish’s bright color
e. A poison dart frog’s bight color
2. Name similarity between instinct and learnt behavior. Describe the
difference: _____________________________________________
3. Why do animals migrate
4. Tundra, grassland and desert are ecosystem with _______ trees
5. What is migrate: _________________________________________
6. Write two examples of instinct and learnt behavior
Instinct: ______________ ___________________
Learnt behavior: _______________ ___________________
7. _________ are passed from parents to their offspring
8. Traits are ____________ from parents
9. A baby bird __________ its mouth when it is hungry
10._______________ is a period of inactivity
11.List two examples of trait
a. _______________
b. _______________
12.State two animals that protect themselves in the following ways
a. Camouflage: __________________ _________________
b. Mimicry: __________________ _________________
c. Poison: __________________ _________________
d. Armor: __________________ __________________
13. Migration is an example of a ____________
14.Water fowls use their _______________ to swim in water
15._______________ is when an animal looks more dangerous than it
actually is

Ecosystem, what are ecosystem with few trees and forest


16.________________ is a hot and dry ecosystem

17.A place where living things live is called _________________
18.A forest ecosystem that have leaves shaped like a needle ________
19.The leaves of this forest ecosystem fall during winter ____________
20. _______________ is a cold place and the soil beneath the ground
stay frozen all year long
21.________________________ is an ecosystem with flat broad
leaves which changes as the season changes
22.State one example of plant in the following ecosystem
a. Desert: __________________
b. Coniferous forest: __________________
c. Deciduous forest: __________________
d. Grassland: __________________
e. Tropical forest: __________________
23.State one example of animals in a
a. Tundra: __________________
b. Tropical forest: __________________
c. Deciduous forest: __________________
d. Coniferous: __________________
e. Desert: __________________
24.______________________ is located near the equator
25._____________ is found in northern north Asia and America
26.Everything that surrounds us is called a ______________
27.____________ let little sunlight reach the forest floor in tropical
28.What is a climate: _______________________________________
29.Grasses survive in grassland because they have _________ roots
30.Why can a tree not grow in a grassland
31.State three examples of the living part and the nonliving part of an

Living part Nonliving part

32.What is a community
33.Desert is very dry because it gets very ______________________
34.What is the weather condition of the desert during the day and at
night? __________________________________________________
35.Why is the tropical forest also called rainforest?
36.Name two countries near the equator
a. __________________
b. __________________
37.Why is the soil in tropical forest not rich in nutrient?
38.The leaves of the __________________ forest can withstand the
weather because of it shape
39.Why do animals hibernate
40. Soil in ____________ forest is rich in nutrient

Answers to the worksheet

How Adaptation help animals
1. Match each description with the right adaptation
a. Adaptation for avoiding predator
b. Adaptation for getting food
c. Adaptation for getting food
d. Adaptation for avoiding predator
e. Adaptation for avoiding predator
2. differences: Instinct is what we are born being able to do while we learn learnt
similarity: They are both behavior
3. Animals migrate to reproduce and get food
4. Few trees
5. Migrate is when animals move from one place to other
6. Instinct: spider spinning web; learnt behavior: reading and writing
7. Trait
8. Inherited
9. Opens
10. Hibernation
11. Hair color and skin color
a. Camouflage: grasshopper, arctic fox
b. Mimicry: fulgorid bug, king snake
c. Poison: coral snake, poison dart frog
d. Armor: hedgehog, porcupine
13. Instinct
14. Webbed feet
15. Mimicry

Ecosystem, ecosystem with few trees and forest ecosystem

16. Desert
17. Habitat
18. Coniferous forest
19. Deciduous forest
20. Tundra
21. Deciduous forest
22. Examples of plants
a. Desert: cactus
b. Tropical forest: Orchid
c. Coniferous forest: pine tree
d. Deciduous forest: maple tree
e. Grassland: grasses
23. Examples of animals
a. Tundra: polar bear
b. Tropical forest: jaguar
c. Deciduous: turtles
d. Coniferous: Porcupine
e. Desert: camel
24. Tropical forest
25. Coniferous forest
26. Environment
27. Tall trees
28. Climate is the weather condition of a place over a year
29. Deep
30. Trees cannot grow in grassland because the soil is dry
31. Living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem
Living part Nonliving part
Animal soil
plant air
Bacteria water

32. Community is the different populations of organisms in a place

33. Very little rainfall
34. Desert is hot during the day and cold at night
35. It is also called a rainforest because it rains a lot
36. Countries near the equator
a. Kenya
b. Brazil
c. Congo
37. Tropical forest has lots of trees that use up the nutrient in the soil
38. Coniferous forest
39. To escape winter/ cold period
40. Coniferous forest

Lebanese International School

Science review materials

Second Term

 Grade Two

 What is the life cycle of a sea turtle

 What is the life cycle of a bean plant

 How do people grow and change

 What are natural resources

Lebanese International School

Science review materials

Second Term


 Forest ecosystem

 How do adaptation help animals?

 What is ecosystem

 Ecosystem with few trees

Lebanese International School

Science review materials

Second Term

Grade FOUR

 Level of organization (skeletal system)

 How do energy flows in an ecosystem?

 Food web and food chain

 Ecosystem

 How do animals adapt

Lebanese International School

Science review materials

Second Term

Grade FIVE

 Digestive system

 Urinary system

 How do leaves help a plant

 How do stems and roots help a plant

 Respiratory system

 How do plants reproduce

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