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Prepared By: Virgilio P. Jose Jr
What are the things or events
in life and nature that we
cannot control?
Stoics believed in the importance of living a simple and modest life.
They believed that material possessions and wealth were not important
for living a virtuous life, and that we should instead focus on developing
our inner qualities and virtues.

The Stoics also placed great emphasis on the importance of reason and
rationality. They believed that reason was the key to understanding the
world around us, and that by using our rational faculties, we could gain
a deeper understanding of our place in the universe.

Stoic morality offers a compelling and timeless vision of what it means

to live a virtuous life.
What is virtue?

Virtue is a form or expertise or skill, knowledge

how to live well in every way, a form of
knowledge that shapes the whole personality
and life.
The 4 Stoic Cardinal Virtues

* Courage

* Justice

* Temperance (self-
restraint and moderation)

* Wisdom

One of the important trait in the virtues of Stoicism,

courage, or fortitude, is the state of remaining strong
and in control of one’s emotions, no matter what life
has to throw at you.

This virtue is all about doing what is right and fair,

particularly when the going gets tough.

Temperance, also known as moderation, is all about

acting with restraint, self-control and discipline. This
virtue of Stoicism means regulating one’s emotions
rather than being swept up in the heat of the

This virtue of Stoicism was important for distinguishing the

differences between the good, the bad and the indifferent.
The Stoics considered hardships and sufferings as
not totally negative.
• Stoics hate hope. You must accept what is. Not set yourself up
for more disappointment.

• Stoicism teaches the development of self-control and fortitude

as a means of overcoming destructive emotions
"Because a thing seems difficult for you, don't think it's
impossible for anyone to accomplish.

Marcus Aurelius
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