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A lattice Boltzmann model for multiphase fluid flows

Daryl Grunau, Shiyi Chen, and Kenneth Eggert

Citation: Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics (1989-1993) 5, 2557 (1993); doi: 10.1063/1.858769
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A lattice Boltzmann model for multiphase fluid flows
Datyl Grunau,a)b) Shiyi Chen,b)S)and Kenneth Eggerta)
Los AIamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 8754.5
(Received 27 January 1993; accepted 24 May 1993)
A lattice Boltzmann equation method for simulating multiphase immiscible fluid flows with
variation of density and viscosity, based on the model proposed by Gunstensen et al. for
two-component immiscible fluids [Phys. Rev. A 43, 4320 ( 1991)] is developed. The numerical
measurements of surface tension and viscosity agree well with theoretical predictions. Several
basic numerical tests, including spinodal decomposition, two-phase fluid flows in
two-dimensional channels, and two-phase viscous fingering, are shown in agreement of
experiments and analytical solutions.

I. INTRODUCTION Rothman and Keller3 were the first to extend the

It has recently been shown that lattice gas computa- single-phase lattice gas model proposed by Frisch, Has-
tional fluid dynamics, including lattice gas automata slather, and Pomeau (FHP) ’ to simulate multiphase fluid
(LGA) ’ and the lattice Boltzmann (LB>2 equation meth- problems. Colored particles were introduced to distinguish
ods, provide alternative numerical techniques for solving between phases, and a nearest-neighbor particle interaction
the Navier-Stokes equations, multiphase fluid flow~,~-’ and was used to facilitate interfacial dynamics, such as La-
a variety of other fluid systems.687The parallel nature of place’s formula for surface tension. Later, Somers and
these newly developed schemes, adapted from cellular au- Rem4 and Chen et al5 extended the original colored par-
tomata, affords an easy implementation of fast, efficient, ticle scheme by introducing colored holes. It has been
and accurate simulations on parallel machines. shown5 that the colored-hole lattice gas method extends
To solve incompressible fluid flows by traditional nu- the original nearest-neighbor particle interaction to several
merical methods such as finite differences or finite ele- lattice lengths, leading to a Yukawa potential. Moreover,
ments, one must deal with a Poisson equation for the pres- the colored-hole scheme carries purely local information in
sure term that is induced by the continuum condition and its particle collision step, reducing the size of the lookup
the momentum equation. Solution of the Poisson equation table in the algorithm, and consequently speeding up the
can be avoided by relaxing the incompressibility require- simulation.
ment, and penalizing errors in velocity divergence.8 Lattice Although two-phase lattice gas algorithms are able to
gas methods are most closely compared to these produce interesting surface phenomena, they are difficult
pseudocompressible algorithms for solving incompressible to compare quantitatively with experiments and other nu-
fluid flows. However, penalty of nonvanishing velocity gra- merical simulations due to their noisy characteristics in-
dients appear in the macroscopic equations as a result of duced by particle fluctuations. The lattice Boltzmann
microscopic particle dynamics. A lattice gas solver is only model proposed by McNamara and Zanetti,2 however,
required to solve the kinetic equation of the particle distri- solves the kinetic equation for the particle distribution in-
bution function. All other quantities, including density, ve- stead of tracking each particle’s motion, as is done in lat-
locity, and energy can be obtained by a macroscopic aver- tice gas methods. Nonetheless, lattice gas algorithms will
aging process through the distribution function. Thus, the be superior to lattice Boltzmann models for simulating un-
pressure effects on the momentum equation are controlled derlying physics and modeling microscopic dynamics, such
by an equation of state. as correlation elfects and phase transitions, since they con-
Since lattice gas algorithms proceed at a microscopic tain more information about the microscopic behavior of
scale, compressible effects on the macroscopic fluid behav- particles. On the other hand, to provide a numerical
ior can become significant. Nonetheless, the incompressible method for solving partial differential equations governing
limit theory of lattice gas methods’ and their numerical macroscopic behavior, lattice Boltzmann schemes will be
simulations,7 predict and demonstrate that such a lattice at least as good as lattice gas models. The finite-difference
gas solution at low Mach number produces results compa- nature of lattice Boltzmann methods not only can simulate
rable with those of the incompressible NavierStokes equa- the macroscopic equations more efficiently and accurately,
tions for a wide variety of problems and with very small but also preserve some of the advantages of lattice gas
numerical errors. Also, two-phase surface dynamic bound- models, such as their parallel computing nature and their
aries and wall boundaries are far more easily implemented ease of boundary implementation.
with a lattice gas method compared to direct simulations of Combining the lattice Boltzmann ideology of McNa-
the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.3’7 mara and Zanetti2 with the linearized collision operator
proposed by Higuera and Jimenez,” Gunstensen et al. I’
“‘Earth and Environment Science Division.
proposed a lattice Boltzmarm method for solving two-
‘beoretical Division. phase fluid flows based on the Rothman and Keller lattice
Ckenter for Nonlinear Studies. gas model.3 An important contribution of this model is the

2557 Phys. Fluids A 5 (lo), October 1993 0899-8213/93/5(10)/2557/6/$6.00 gJ 1993 American Institute of Physics 2557
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introduction of a perturbation step (shown in detail below) collision details such as collision cross sections and fre-
so that Laplace’s formula at an interface can be approxi- quencies. In addition, the local equilibrium state can be
mately recovered. This lattice Boltzmann method has been arbitrarily chosen, l3 with the exception that it must satisfy
used in several applications,12 however, it has a few funda- the conservation of mass and momentum:
mental problems. First, the model does not solve the exact
two-phase fluid equations-although Galilean invariance is pr= c fi’= 2 fpq),
recovered by the proper assignment of rest particles, the i i

equation of state remains to be velocity dependent.13 Sec-

ond, the model uses’a fully linearized collision operator, pb= c f+ c fy)
i i
which involves a 24 X 24 matrix multiplication at each time
step and position in three-dimensional space, reducing
computational efficiency. Finally, the model does not in-
clude two-phase fluid flows that have variable densities and
viscosities. In this paper, we extend their model by using a
single-time relaxation lattice Boltzmann model. With the Here pr and pb are densities of the red and blue fluids,
proper choice of the particle equilibrium distribution func- respectively, p=pr+pb is the total density, and v is the
tion, we are able to recover the incompressible Navier- local velocity.
Stokes equations for the color-blind fluid. In addition, our Following the pressure-corrected Galilean-invariant
new model makes provision for variable densities and vis- single-phase lattice Boltzmann model proposed by Ref. 13,
cosities by use of the freedom of the rest particle equilib- we assume the following equilibrium distribution for both
rium distribution, and a space-dependent relaxation pro- red and blue fluids:
cess. For simplicity, we present a two-phase, two-
dimensional fluid model on a hexagonal lattice in this 1 1
4%) -
fi -pr =+3 (eyv) +$ (ei*vJ2---i u2 ,
paper. The extension of the current model to multiphase ( )
fluids and other lattices, including a two-dimensional
square lattice, a three-dimensional face-centered hypercu-
bit lattice,’ and a body-centered-cubic’4 lattice, will be pre-
sented in detail in another paper.15
ficE4’=pb( A+: (ej’V) +5 (ej*V)2-i U2 ,
Denote fi(x,t), fir)(x,t), and fi”(x,t) as the particle
distribution functions at space x and time t for total, red,
and blue fluids, respectively. Here i=O,l,...,N, where N=6 Here we have introduced two real-valued parameters, m,
is the number of moving particle directions on a hexagonal and mb . They can be understood as the ensemble-averaged
lattice, and f i= f I” + f I”‘. The lattice Boltzmann equation number of degenerate rest particle states for the red and
for both red and blue fluids can be written as follows: blue fluids, respectively. To achieve a stable interface, we
furthermore assume that the moving particle distributions
ff(x+ed+l) =ffbJ) +fif(x,t), (1)
for both red and blue fluids are the same when v=O:, i.e.,
where k denotes either the red or blue fluid and d= p,/( 6 + m,) = pd( 6 + mb). This implies the following
C$ = (a:) i + (a:) 2 is the collision operator. Note that in density ratio:
the two-phase lattice Boltzmann model by Gunstensen
et al., only a color-blind kinetic equation was given. The pr 6+m,
y=E”b=6-(-m, *
first term of the collision operator, (0:) ‘, represents the
process of relaxation to local equilibrium. For simplicity,
The second part of the collision operator is similar to
we use a linearized collision operator with a single time
that given in the Gunstensen et al. paper:
relaxation parameter rk,16’17

. where F is the local color gradient, defined as

Here ffceq) is the local equilibrium state depending on the
local density and velocity, and rk is a spatially dependent F(x)= Cei[p~(x+ei)--b(X+ei)].
characteristic relaxation time for species k. In lattice gas
automaton models, the form of the local equilibrium state Note that in a single-phase region of our incompressible
and rate of relaxation to the local equilibrium distribution fluid model, F=O. Thus the second term of the collision
are completely determined by the particle scattering pro- operator, (CJf>2, only has a contribution at two-phase in-
cess. From a statistical point of view, the macroscopic ef- terfaces. The parameter & iS a free parameter, controlling
fects of these collisions only arise in the transport coeffi- the surface tension (shown below). For simplicity, we
cients. Therefore, lattice Boltzmann models ignore particle choose &A& in this paper.

2558 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 1993 Grunau, Chen, and Eggert 2558
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To maintain surfaces between fluids, we follow Roth- ck = ,/m according to the Chapman-Enskog ex-
man’s scheme3 to redistribute colored particles at two- pansion shown in Ref. 14. A variation of viscosities for the
phase interfaces (without changing the total particle dis- two fluids can be obtained by choosing different rk.
tribution, ft> by enforcing the red color momentum The last issue remaining to be addressed is the interfa-
jr===X&ei, to align with the direction of the local color cial dynamics that take place in a region where red and
gradient. In other words, we redistribute the red density at blue fluids are adjacent. Usually the thickness of such an
an interface to maximize the following quantity: - (jr* F). interface will depend on an averaged relaxation time and
The blue particle distribution can then be recovered using the rest particle distribution. There are .several ways to
ffxfi-fl construct a relaxation parameter so that the red and blue
To derive hydrodynamics, we use a long-wavelength, fluids have a smooth change of viscosity at their interfaces.
low-frequency approximation and a multiscaling analysis To do this, we define an order parameter, 9, depending on
as follows:** red and blue densities as follows: $J= ( pr--p6)/( pr+pb).
Note that, in general, /$I < 1, however, in a purely red fluid
,=E&+E2&+.-*, region, $= 1, and in a purely blue fluid region, @= - 1. To
1 2 continuously connect relaxation parameters rr and rb at an
interface, we employ the following simple formula:
a a
Here tl and tZ represent fast and slow time scales, respec- 7=
tively, and E is assumed to be a small expansion parameter.
A Taylor series expansion of Eq. ( 1) to second order
in the lattice spacing and time step gives the following
continuum kinetic equation: where g,( $) and gb( zjl) are second-order functions of $1:

af; g,(q)=a+P$+&
;7F~ei.Vf:+~e,ei:VVf~+ei.V~f~ and
+$;i;zf:=@. (2)
Assuming that g,(S)=r,, gb(-&=rb, ada+= at
Taking the zeroth- and first-order moments of ei over Eq. WI=S and &to) =gb(o) = (r), we have
(2), we readily obtain the continuum equations for the red a=2rrrd(rrfrb), /?=2(r,---01)/c% K= -/3//(26),

and blue fluids, and the following momentum equation for 7=2(o-rb)/& and c=7/(26). Here 6~1 iS a free pa-
the color-blind (total) fluid: rameter controlling the interface thickness and (r) is the
averaged relaxation time step across the interface,
F+& z (ei>,(ei)p[ fkcq)
t +( l-~),:(l~]=o, Using the definition of mechanical surface tension
given in Ref. 19,
where f f’*) is the next-order perturbation for ff and
( - 1j2Tk)f i‘(I) is attributed to the second-order compo- o= (P,-PJdx, (3)
nents of (2). Note that since s
and, after some algebra,15 we obtain a theoretical formula
C (flf)2= C (!2f)2ei=0 for the surface tension on a two-dimensional hexagonal
i lattice: a=9A(r)d( 12fm,+mb). Here the integration is
over whole space along the direction perpendicular to a
given interface, and P,, and Pt are, respectiveiy, the normal
and tangential stress tensor at the two-phase interface. In
Fig. 1, we show the theoretical prediction (-) and numer-
the second term in the collision operator does not contrib- ical measurements (0 and + ) of (T as a function of particle
ute to the continuum and momentum equations of the density d with a mass ratio, ~7;. The () symbols represent
first-order approximation. It, however, will contribute to numerical measurements of surface tension using the above
the pressure term at an interface: P= PO+ E 1VF 1, where PO definition, and the + signs represent the surface tension
comes from the equation of state. obtained by the Laplace formula AP=b/R. The mechan-
Our two-phase immiscible fluid model contains three ical surface tension was obtained by numerical integration
fluid regions: a red or blue homogeneous region and a thin of (3) across an interface, whereas surface tension from
region, where the two fluids mix at the interfaces. In a Laplace’s law was inferred from the slope of AP plotted
homogeneous region, the evolution of our model will re- against l/R for radii ranging from 20 to 40. As can be seen,
cover the Navier-Stokes equations with kinematic viscos- the theoretical prediction and numerical measurements
ity of vk= (2rk- 1)/S and a sound speed of agree very well in both cases.

2559 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 5, No. IO, October 1993 Grunau, Chen, and Eggert 2559
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‘05 0.03 c



0.00 -30 -20 -10 -L----2eo
0 10

FIG. 1. The theoretical prediction (-) and numerical measurements (0 FIG. 3. The analytical prediction (-) and direct numerical simulation
and + ) of surface tension o as a function of particle density d with a mass (0) of velocity as a function of channel width y.
ratio y=+

direction (L= 128) is used, with a nonslip condition on

III. NUMERICAL SIMULATIOMS AND DISCUSSION both the upper and bottom boundaries. Initially, the lower
half space (from lattice l-32) is filled with red fluid, and
To demonstrate the application of the presented lattice
the top half space (from lattice 34-65) is filled with blue
Boltzmann model, we show three numerical examples be-
fluid. The middle line is initialized to half red and half blue,
low. The first numerical test is the study of the phase seg-
and the relaxation parameters for red and blue fluids are
regation process by two-dimensional spinodal decomposi-
assigned values of r,=2 and rb= 1. using the viscosity
tion when the fluids have differing densities. Figure 2 is a
formula discussed above, this translates into a kinematic
snapshot (t=8300) of the two-phase area distribution,
viscosity ratio of 3:l for the red and blue fluids, respec-
when the density ratio, y=p,fpb, is 2.3. One can see that
tively. A forcing technique, as described in Ref. 13, is used
the red fluid (shown as black) represents a high-density
to establish a small pressure gradient across the length of
region and the blue fluid (shown as white) represents a
the channel. Assuming a thin interface in the middle, an
low-density region. The initial condition for this simulation
analytical solution of the velocity distribution as a function
is constant density and random color distribution with pe-
riodic boundaries. Here the surface tension parameter is set of the channel width, y, can be derived, centered on the
middle of the channel?’
to d =O.Ol. The current model preserves the basic two-

v:= (po-pdw2 34 y,-pb--_- y

phase segregation processes and, in simulations not shown
here, we have seen the preservation of stable two-phase
interfaces for much higher density ratios ( -200). This
2PJ k+~b+&+~bW
capability will allow us to approach the simulation of gas (pO-pL)w2 2pb h--pb Y Y2
v;= --_-
and oil mixing flows. 2pbL h+pb+,h+pb w w ’
The second numerical test is two-dimensional channel
flow with two fluids having different viscosities. A lattice where ( PO-P,)/L is the pressure gradient across the
length of 65 in they direction ( W=65) and 128 in the x channel, pu, and ,db are shear viscosities for red (0.7875)
and blue (0.2625) fluids, respectively. Here, also,
w=v3 W/4 is half the channel width, where the factor
v’V2 is a hexagonal lattice effect. In Fig. 3 we present the
analytical prediction (-) and direct numerical simulation
(0) for velocity as a function of channel width y. As seen,
the agreement is excellent.
The last numerical test is a two-dimensional Hele-
Shaw viscous fingering experiment. The upper and lower
walls are assigned a no-slip boundary condition, and the
fluids are given a viscosity ratio of 1:lO by assigning 7;= 1
and rb=5.5. To develop a Hele-Shaw pattern, an initial
perturbation is introduced at the interface,21Z22which is
then forced by maintaining a high pressure at the inlet and
low pressure at the outlet. The shape of the finger can be
FIG. 2. A snapshot at time t=8300 of the area density distribution of a altered by a change in the surface tension parameter A,
spinodal decomposition simulation, where the two fluids have a 2.3:1 given as 0.0065 in this experiment. Figure 4 shows the
mass ratio, y. The boundaries are periodic, and the initial red and blue
density is assigned a common constant value, with a random color dis- evolution of a less viscous fluid penetrating one having a
tribution. The surface tension parameter is assigned to A =O.Ol. higher viscosity at times=O, 2000, 4000, 6000, 8000, and

2560 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 5, No. IO, Octobe; 1993 Grunau, Chen, and Eggert 2560

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gible. On the other hand, for flows with slow relaxation,
the interface will be much wider. The relaxation form and
the choice of 6 may affect interfacial dynamics. Other func-
tional forms, such as a binormal distribution, may give
better results.


We thank R. Vaidya, G. D. Doolen, and H. Chen for

useful suggestions. Eugene Loh is a contributor of the orig-
inal CM-2 code.
This work is performed under the auspices of the
United States Department of Energy, by Los Alamos Na-
tional Laboratory, under Contract No. W-7405EN%-36.
Numerical simulations were carried out using the compu-
tational resources at the Advanced Computing Laboratory
at Los Alamos. Partial funding for this work was provided
by the Oil Recovery Technology Partnership under the
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Fossil Energy, admin-
FIG. 4. The formation of a stable finger in a Hele-Shaw cell at times r=O,
istered by the Bartlesville Project Office.
2000,44X?O,6000, 8000, and 10 000. A viscosity ratio of 1:lO is established
by setting r,=l and r6=5.5. The low-viscosity fluid is penetrating the
higher-viscosity region.

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