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2 End-Quarter Assessment in Science 7
S.Y. 2021-2022

Name: ________________________________________Grade & Section: _________________

Name of Teacher: _____________________________________________Score: ____________

Test I. Matching Type.

Directions: Match the mode of asexual reproduction in column A with column B. Write your answers on
a separate sheet of paper.
A. B
1. Plantlets grow along the leaf margin. A. Regeneration
2. Spores are released and may be carried by the wind or water B. Spore Formation
3. The cell divides to form two identical daughter cells C. Budding
4. An individual may form as an outgrowth of the parent D. Vegetative Reproduction
5. A part breaks off from the body and develops into a new E. Fission
Individual F. Fragmentation

Test I: Multiple Choice

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write only the letter of the correct answer for each question.
1. In what organ of the plant does the reproduction occurs?
A. Leaf B. Flower C. Roots D. Stem
2. Which species can produce offspring that are genetically different from their parents?
A. A species that has few variations
B. A species that reproduces sexually
C. A species that reproduces asexually
D. A species that competes with a similar species
3. An offspring is produced through asexual reproduction. Which of the following best describes the
offspring’s genetic material?
A. Completely unrelated to its parents.
B. A copy of the genetic material of one parent.
C. Identical to the genetic material of one parent.
D. A combination of the genetic material of its parents.
4. John’s father, a farmer grew only one type of onion. He told his father that all of the onion plants
will die from the same disease. Do you think John is correct?
A. Yes, because the onion plants were genetically identical.
B. No, because only a few plants were resistant to the disease.
C. Yes, because all of the onion plants were resistant to the disease.
D. No, because the onion plants were genetically different from each
5. A farmer wants to propagate a good variety of a crop in a way which maintained all its desirable traits.
Which of the following methods should be used?
A. Self-pollination
B. Vegetative propagation
C. Growing seeds produced from this variety
D. Cross-pollinating this crop with another good variety and growing the seeds resulting from the cross
6. How many parents are needed in asexual reproduction?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
7. Which of the following refers to the living parts of the environment such as humans, animals, and
A. Biosphere C. Biotic factors
B. Ecosystem D. Abiotic factors
8. The following are considered biotic factors EXCEPT;
A. Butterfly C. Sunlight
B. Panda D. Turtle
9. How will you classify certain factors such as temperature, light, air, and soil?
A. Abiotic C. Living
B. Biotic D. Static
10. What are the two components of ecosystem?
A. Sunlight and water C. Population and community
B. Biotic and Abiotic D. Plants and animals
11. Which example shows biotic-biotic interaction in the ecosystem?
a. Birds on their nest
b. Lichens on a tree trunk
c. Moss on a rock
d. Worm under the soil
12. How will you describe biotic factors?
A. Living things in an environment.
B. Non-living thing in an organism's environment.
C. Living and non- living things found in an ecosystem.
D. Solid materials such as rock and soil in an organism’s environment.
13. A leech feeds on the blood of different organisms. This usually causes discomfort to the organism and
sometimes disease and death. What relationship is being displayed between leech and the organisms?
A. Commensalism
B. Competition
C. Decomposition
D. Parasitism
14. Which one is hunted and eaten in a particular feeding relationship?
A. Commensal
B. Decomposer
C. Predator
D. Prey
15. Which relationship shows that both organisms benefit each other?
A. Intestinal worms and human
B. Leech and carabao
C. Bee and flower
D. Tiger and deer


Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.

1. Parasitism is a relationship whereby one is benefited while the other is harmed.

2. In a prey and predator relationship, both organisms are benefited.
3. Mutualism can be illustrated in an area where organisms compete for food and space.
4. Tapeworm inside the human’s body is an example of a relationship called Competition.
5. One example of commensalism is an orchid attached to the tree trunk.

Answers Key:
Test I.
1. D.
2. B.
3. E.
4. C.
5. A.
Test II.
1. B.
2. B.
3. C.
4. A.
5. B.
6. C.
7. A.
8. C.
9. A.
10. B.
11. B.
12. A.
13. D.
14. D.
15. C.
Test III.

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