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A Trip of a Lifetime!

Journal for the 9A/B

Academic Trips to

La Hesperia

9A: 17/18/19 May
9B: 22/23/24 May
WEDNESDAY 17th / MONDAY 22nd May
08h00: Leave Liceo Campoverde
10h00: Arrive at La Reserva La Hesperia, welcome and snack
10h00 - 12h00: Walk up through the forest to the house, introduction and observations
12h00 - 12h30: Welcome from Alex Hoeneisen and La Hesperia staff
12h30 - 13h00: Organisation of rooms, rules
13h00 - 14h30: Lunch & Journal Time
14h30 - 16h15: Forest biodiversity / Chocolate & Coffee -Groups A & B-
16h15 - 18h00: Forest biodiversity / Chocolate & Coffee -Groups A & B-
19h00 - 20h00: Supper
20h00 - 20h30: Journal time
20h30 - 21h30: Bonfire & integration activities
21h30 - 22h00: Getting ready for bed and lights out (at 22h00)

THURSDAY 18th / TUESDAY 23rd May

07h30 - 08h15: Breakfast
08h15-09h00: Farm visit
09h00 - 10h30: Reforestation / Medicinal plants
10h30 - 11h00: Snack
11h00 - 12h30: Reforestation / Medicinal plants
12h30 - 13h00: Journal time
13h00 - 14h30: Lunch - Free Time
14h30 - 15h30: Preparation for hiking to camp site, incl. packing & carrying backpack and
survival techniques
15h30 - 16h30: Team hike up to campsite
16h30 - 17h30: Organisation of tents & setting up camp
17h30 - 18h30: Integration activity
18h30 - 19h00: Journal Time
19h00 - 20h00: Dinner (prepared by students)
20h00 - 21h00: Night walk
21h00 - 22h00: Journal time
22h00: Lights out

FRIDAY 19th / WEDNESDAY 24th May

07h00 - 08h00: Breakfast
08h00 - 08h30: Breaking camp
08h30 - 09h30: Walk through cloud forest to Riachuelo stream and waterfall
09h30 - 10h30: Aquatic invertebrates - collecting, identifying and recording
10h30 - 11h30: Swimming
11h30 - 12h30: Return to La Hesperia
12h30 - 13h00: Lunch
13h00 - 14h00: Clean up, final talk, farewells
14h00 - 15h00: Walk down to the Reserve entrance
15h00: Leave La Hesperia to Quito
17h30: Arrive Liceo Campoverde

Where is La Hesperia?
La Hesperia is situated at Km 58 along the Aloag - Santo Domingo highway, near Tandapi

What to Bring?
Large backpack (NOT a wheelie bag) with:

● At least 3 sets of clothes (long-sleeved shirts, socks,
undergarments, pyjamas, jacket, etc. NO jeans!),
● Swimming clothes
● Hygiene items (shampoo, soap, etc.)
● Rubber boots (must have!), sandals
● Towel
● Raincoat / poncho
● Sunscreen, insect repellent
● Water bottle or small hydrating backpack (Camelbak)
● Head lamp / flashlight + spare batteries
● Day pack for hikes (small backpack hydrating backpack)
● Pens / pencils / colours in a plastic bag
● A5 notebook - squared
● Sleeping bag / sleeping pad
● Some plastic bags to carry dirty and wet items

● Binoculars
● Camera


● Technology - iPods, iPads, Phones, Tablets, music systems, etc
Prohibited items will be collected on the bus, when we leave, and returned when we get
back to Quito. Any items found during the trip will be confiscated and parents and the
school administration will be informed.

Research, Investigation & Reflection Before Leaving Quito

1. Research: We will be going to the Choco region. What is that exactly (definition)? Where do
you find Choco regions in Ecuador?

2. Research: This area is also partly a cloud forest. What are the characteristics of a cloud forest
(rainfall, plant life, animal life, etc)?

3. Research: What type of vegetation should I expect to find in a cloud forest in the Choco region?

4. Research: What are some threats to cloud forest areas?

5. Research: We are going to a private reserve. What is the difference between a Nationally
Protected Area and a Private Reserve?

6. Research: Why are private reserves important?

7. Write a short personal narrative about your favourite experience so far in nature.

8. What is something you are excited about ahead of this trip? Explain why.

9. What is something you are not very excited about? Explain why?

10. What is one concern that you have about going on an academic field trip with your classmates?

11. Of all the activities listed for the trip, which one are you most excited about doing? Why?

12. Of all the activities listed for the trip, which one are you most worried about? Why?

13. Have you ever been lost before? How did you feel in that situation? What did you do? If you’ve
never been lost, what do you imagine it is like? What do you think you would do?

14. Have you been on an academic field trip before? How was it or will it be different from a regular

15. What is one thing that you think will be difficult for you being away from the city and in the
forest? Explain why.

16. What is one thing that you think will be easy for you being away from the city and in the forest?
Explain why.

17. How do you feel about being away from your home and family for 3 days/2 nights?

18. Explain how you think that your friendships will change or grow during the trip?

19. Think about the social dynamic of your 9th grade group.

i) What are three strengths?

ii) What are three things that could be improved? Explain.

20. What responsibilities do you have at home, such as making your own bed, washing up the
plates, cleaning your room, walking the dog, etc.?
Day 1 - La Hesperia
1. The first activity of the day was walking up to the big house from where the bus dropped us off.
Who reported the activity? Describe the experience. What did you learn? How was the walk?

2. The afternoon activities included an investigation into forest biodiversity. Who reported? Briefly
describe how you estimated the biodiversity.

3. Another activity of the afternoon was learning about the making of chocolate and coffee. Who
reported? Describe your experience. What did you learn?

4. Describe your experiences in the integration activities today. Which of the Character Strengths
did you need to use most today? Explain.

5. Write about your overall experience. How do you feel about the trip so far? Explain.

6. What are you looking forward to tomorrow?

Day 2 - Camping day

1. One of the morning activities was helping in a reforestation programme at La Hesperia. Who
reported? Why is it necessary to reforest and replant? What sort of trees did you plant and why
were these trees chosen?

1. The other morning activities was learning about medicinal plants. Who reported? Describe one of
the plants and say what it is used for.

2. Before the camping expedition, we learnt some survival techniques and how to properly pack and
carry a backpack. Who reported? Make a small drawing of someone carrying a properly packed
backpack. Label the drawing to help someone else know how to pack and carry a backpack. If
your camping team became lost in the forest, what roles would you assign each team member?

3. The main activity of the afternoon was preparing for and then hiking up to the campsite.
a) Who were your team members?
b) How was the hike? How did your team do?
c) Did you encounter any frustrations? Did your team use any strategies to advance the
d) What might you have done differently in order to make the hike easier?

4. At the camp site you learnt about pitching your tent. Do you have any special advice to anyone
about how to pitch a tent successfully?

5. How did you participate in the preparation of the supper meal? What was the menu?

6. After supper, you went on a night hike. Who reported? Describe your experience. What was most
impressive about the night hike?

7. How do you feel about the team building activities today? Did you learn anything about yourself?
Did you learn anything about your group? What was difficult? Did anything surprise you? What
Character Strengths did you need today?

8. It probably rained! Were you prepared properly? What would you have done differently?

9. Write about your overall experience today. How did it go? Explain.

Day 3 La Hesperia - Quito
1. Did you all cooperate during the pitching (yesterday) and breaking (today) of camp? What was
your role last night, pitching the tent, and this morning, breaking camp?

2. During the hiking and tenting activity, what three things have you learnt about yourself?

3. The main activity of the morning was a walk to the river and to then make an investigation into
aquatic macro-invertebrates. Who reported? What can the presence or absence of species in a
river inform us about the river?

4. Describe any other, special scientific observations made during the hike to and from the river.

5. How was the hike down from the camp site, back to the house, different from the hike up?

Back in Quito
1. Overall, did you enjoy the trip? Why or why not?

2. What was your favourite activity? Explain why.

3. What was your least favourite activity? Explain why.

4. Would you look forward to going on a similar trip in the future? Why or why not?

5. Did you learn anything about your classmates? What?

6. Do you think academic trips should be included in your curriculum every year? Why?

7. Has your relationship with any of your classmates changed? Is it a positive or negative change?
Do you see any of your classmates differently now?

8. Overall, what do you think are the purposes of trips like this?

9. Did this trip fulfil the purposes you suggested above?

10. If you could change some aspect(s) of the trip, what would you change to make it better?

Responsibility and Reporting groups

1. List the activities for which you were responsible or about which you had to report.

2. Did you manage your responsibilities properly?

3. With whom did you share the responsibilities?

4. Did you find it easy to assume responsibilities?

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