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Definition of toxic positivity

Toxic positivity is the practice of avoiding, suppressing, or denying negative feelings
or experiences. This can take the form of denying your own feelings or of someone
else denying your feelings, insisting that you think positively instead. Although
temporarily setting aside intense emotions is sometimes necessary, long-term denial
of negative emotions is harmful because it can prevent people from processing their

Toxic positivity refers to the excessive and insincere use of positive language, quotes,
and actions :

• Telling Someone “Everything Happens for a Reason”

This is one of the most cliche and annoying things you can tell someone that just had
something negative happen to them.

• Pretending Everything is Fine

Pretending everything is fine when it's not is one of the most harmful things you can
do and it only makes things worse.

• Saying “Just Be Positive!”

When someone is feeling down, the last thing they want to hear is to “just be
positive.” It's not that simple. Being positive all the time is unrealistic and unhealthy. I

Negative effects of toxic positivity

While positivity can be helpful in some situations, toxic positivity can have negative
effects on individuals and communities. Here are some of the negative effects of toxic
• Suppression of emotions: People may feel pressure to always be happy and
optimistic, which can make it difficult to express sadness, anger, or other
negative emotions.
• Ignoring problems: Toxic positivity can also cause individuals to ignore real
problems that need to be addressed.

• Pressure to be perfect: Individuals may feel like they need to always be

positive and upbeat, which can lead to feelings of anxiety or stress if they are
unable to maintain this attitude.
• Damaging relationships: People who engage in toxic positivity may dismiss or
invalidate the negative emotions of others.
Overall, it’s important to recognize the value of both positive and negative emotions
and to allow individuals to express themselves authentically.

Difference between healthy positivity and toxic positivity

Toxic Positivity is a term that means… “You must be positive, at all times, no matter
what. It is not simply being positive. It is an unhealthy way of being positive.

Healthy Positivity is coping with negative emotions through positive thinking

strategies without denying that pain’s right to be there.

How to avoid toxic positivity

When you recognize toxic positive behaviours in yourself, there are things you can do
to find a healthier and more supportive approach. Some ideas include:
• Develop an attitude that "it's okay to not be okay."
Instead of thinking that it's wrong to have negative feelings, accept that
you're not always comfortable.

• Manage your negative emotions, but don't deny them.

Negative emotions can cause stress when left unchecked.

• Focus on listening to others and showing support.

When someone expresses a difficult emotion, don’t shut them down with toxic

• Be realistic about what you should feel.

• It’s okay to feel more than one thing.
• Accept change will not happen overnight.

Toxic positivity is a harmful phenomenon that can negatively impact a person's
mental health and well-being.
It is also important to offer support and understanding to others, rather than
dismissing their concerns or telling them to "just be positive."

• Lomas, T. (2019). The dangers of toxic positivity. Psychology Today.
• Scott, E. (2021). The negative effects of toxic positivity on your mental health.
Verywell Mind.
• Purcell, M. (2021). Toxic positivity: The hidden dangers of "good vibes only".
• "Why Toxic Positivity is on the Rise and How to Avoid It" by Verywell Mind.

Presented by:
• Haflaoui Ayman
• Touima Aymen

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