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Bloom’s taxonomy is a set of three hierarchical models used to classify educational

learning objectives into levels of complexity and specificity. The models organize
learning objectives into three different domains: Cognitive, Affective and
The taxonomy was proposed by Benjamin Bloom in 1956, He was an
educational psychologist at the University of Chicago.
The first volume of taxonomy, Handbook I: Cognitive was published in 1956
The second volume of taxonomy, Handbook II: Affective was published in 1964.
The framework was revised in 2001, called revised Bloom’s taxonomy.
What are the three domains of Bloom’s Taxonomy?
The three domain’s of boom taxonomy is
1. The cognitive domain ( Knowledge-based)
2. The Affective domain ( Emotion-based)
3. The psychomotor domain ( Action based)

1. The cognitive domain:

In the original version of the taxonomy, the cognitive domain is further divided
into 6 levels. Revised edition of Bloom’s taxonomy. In 2001, the levels are slightly
different from original taxonomy: Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate,
Create (rather than Synthesize). the name is changed from noun to verb form.

Original Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive domain ( 1956)

Level-1. Knowledge: It involves the recall of specifics and universals, the recall of
methods and processes, or the recall of a pattern, structure, or setting.
Level-2. Comprehension: It refers to a type of understanding or apprehension such
that the individual knows what is being communicated and can make use of the
material or idea being communicated without necessarily relating it to other material
or seeing its fullest implications.
Level-3. Application: It refers to the “use of abstractions in particular and concrete
Level-4. Analysis: represents the “breakdown of a communication into its constituent
elements or parts such that the relative hierarchy of ideas is made clear and/or the
relations between ideas expressed are made explicit.”
Level-5. Synthesis: It involves the “putting together of elements and parts so as to
form a whole.”
Level-6. Evaluation: produces “judgments about the value of material and methods
for given purposes.
Revised Bloom Taxonomy of the cognitive domain ( 2001)
Bloom’s original taxonomy was revised by his old students Loris W. Anderson and
David R. Krathwohl in 2001. It is divided into six levels these are-
Level-1: Remembering: Bring, recognizing and recalling relevant knowledge from
long term memory.
Example: Memorize poem, recall state name and remembring maths formula.
Level-2. Understanding: Constructing the meaning of oral, written and graphic
messages through summarizing, interpreting, classifying, comparing etc.
Example: Organize animal kingdom based on a given structure, illustrate the
difference between square and rectangle.
Level-3. Applying: Constitute using the procedure for executing.
Example: Use a formula to solve a new problem
Level-4. Analyzing: Breaking materials or concepts into small parts, determining how
the one parts relate to other parts or how the parts related to overall structure or
Example: Why are Dolphins called mammals, identify why the machine is not
Level 5. Evaluate: Making a judgement based on criteria and standards through
checking and critiquing.
Example: Making a judgement regarding an ethical dilemma, interpreting the
significance of the given law of physics.
Level 6. Create: Positioning elements together to form a rational or functioning
whole; recognizing elements into a new pattern or structure through generating,
planning or procedure. Example: Design a new solution to an ‘Old’ problem that
acknowledge the previous failures, write an essay based on a given theme

2. The Affective domain

Skills in the affective domain describe the way people react emotionally and
their ability to feel other living things’ pain or joy. Affective objectives typically
target the awareness and growth in attitudes, emotions, and feelings.
There are five levels in the affective domain moving through the lowest order
processes to the highest:

1. Receiving: The lowest level; the student passively pays attention. Without this
level, no learning can occur. Receiving is about student memory and recognition as
 Attending the learning session
 Be aware of what knowledge is being imparted.
 Be willing to hear/ receive the knowledge that is being imparted
 Be attentive to listen to whatever the knowledge being imported.
Example: Listen to and be aware of the names of newly introduce participants.
2. Responding: The student actively participates in the learning process, not only
attends to a stimulus; the student also reacts in some way
 Be willing
 react
 Be satisfied to respond ( be motivated to respond)
Example: Participating in a group discussion or giving a presentation.
3. Valuing: The student attaches a value to an object, phenomenon, or piece of
information. The student associates a value or some values to the knowledge they
 Attach value to the phenomenon
 Strongly associated with the topic
 Demonstrate commitment to a certain value
Example: proposing a plan to bring about improvement on a social level.
4. Organisation: The student can put together different values, information and ideas
and accommodate them within his/her own schema:; comparing, relating and
elaborating on what he has been learned
 Prioritise different value, resolve conflicts.
 Emphasis prioritise to other people
Example: Emphasis priorities work-life balance at the workplace or freedom of speech
with responsive behaviour.
5. Characterisation by value set: The student at this level tries to build abstract
 Completely internalise his/her values and behave in accordance
 Be predictable in his/her behaviour and in supporting these values
 Let his her value system control behaviour.
Example: Displays consistently through commitment towards the ethical practice of
the value system or Multilevel marketing business need employes to associate this
level of emotion.
3. The Psychomotor domain
The psychomotor objective is specific to physical function, reflex actions and
body movements to interpret information and learn. It implies that physical activity
supports or is a vehicle for cognitive growth and furthering knowledge or skills. The
learner uses physical action to achieve a cognitive or affective objective.

It is further divided into 5 levels, these are:

1. Imitation: At this level, the learner will-
 Directly copy action seen
 Replicate what’s directly observed
Example: Aling his/her own car seat exactly as advised by the driver instruction.
2. Manipulation: At this level, the learner will-
 Reproduce activity by instruction.
 Reproduce activity by memory
Example: Look into the back and side mirror every time intend to take a turn
3. Precision: At this level, the learner will-
 Execute skill independent of help
Example: Slow the car down in anticipation of a red light without being instructed.
4. Articulation: At this level, the learner will-
 Adapt expertise to complete a non- standard objective.
Example: Stop behind a parked car to give away to an incoming vehicle without
5. Naturalisation: At this level, the learner will-
 Automate skills
 Unconscious mastery skills.
Example: Pass a practical driving test by independently driving satisfactory.
Why Use Bloom’s Taxonomy?
1. Objectives (learning goals) are important to establish in a pedagogical interchange
so that teachers and students alike understand the purpose of that interchange.
2. Organizing objectives helps to clarify objectives for themselves and for students.
3. Having an organized set of objectives helps teachers to:
“plan and deliver appropriate instruction”;
“design valid assessment tasks and strategies”; and
“ensure that instruction and assessment are aligned with the objectives.”
Criticism of Bloom’s Taxonomy
1. Learning isn’t orderly sequential – Bloom’s Hierarchy seems like too artificially
constructed. It is a linear, straightforward view of how humans understand
information. Although each concept or classification has its place, researchers are
starting to see the mind as more of the internet. A person might bounce from
knowledge to application then analyze the application, come to a conclusion
(evaluation) then re-analyze the conclusion all working toward a greater synthesis of
Constructivist teaching has suggested that teachers need to spread higher-order
thinking skills throughout a task rather than begin with the imparting of only
knowledge. The shortcoming of the taxonomy and the need for an appropriate
structure to become learner-centred.
2. It is incomplete – Bloom concentrated his efforts only on learning, yet there is little
about motivation or about classroom management.
3. It is too fixed – Classifying and separating learning into three domains and good
hierarchies is a very modern, scientific view of learning. Yet, a Criticism of
postmodernism would attempt to deconstruct this idea.
4. It is individualistic – Unlike the Social Learning Theory, Bloom’s Taxonomy
emphasises heavily on how an individual learns. It misses the other way of learning
like social interaction, group discussion, tours etc.
Taxonomy of science education-Mc Cormack and Yager
Science has been given an important place in the curriculum because of some
special values provided only by science & not by any other subjects. The view that the
processes of science are important as the product has come into science education.
According to the taxonomy of science education formulated by Mc Cormack and
Yager science education emphasize five domains. They are:
1. Knowledge domain (Knowledge & understanding)
2. Process domain (Exploring & discovering)
3. Creativity domain (Imaging & creating)
4. Attitudinal domain (Feeling & valuing)
5. Application domain (Using & applying)
Knowledge domain
Science students are expected to know scientific principles and available
scientific facts. The following are primarily included in this domain:
• Facts, Concepts, Rules, Temporary inferences and laws. An understanding of this
area can be created through experiments and observations, discussions, debates,
project activities and references.
Process domain: A process could be defined as a series of steps that aim at a
particular result. The ability to identify new ideas and analyse them to reach a
conclusion is termed as process skills. Process skills are developed by collecting ideas
and proof and by arriving at conclusions after deeper analysis.
A few important process skills:
• observing
• collecting and recording data
• classifying
• measuring and preparing chart
• explaining and analysing data
• engaging in experiments
• identifying and controlling variables
• raising questions
• arriving at generalisation
• identifying solutions of problems
• formulating hypothesis and examining it
• arriving at conclusions
• taking decisions
• Communicating and understanding communication of others
• foretelling and assuming
• handling apparatus
• using number relationship
• using space - time relationship
• predicting
• inferring
• making operational definition
• interpreting data
Creativity domain
It is essential that the student is able to deviate from the conventional path and
think differently.
A few skills pertaining to this domain is given below-
Ø Visualizing, formulating experiments
Ø Relating objects and concepts in new ways
Ø Identifying alternative/not usual uses for objects
Ø Finding solution for problems and puzzles
Ø Fantasizing
Ø Designing instruments and machines
Ø Dreaming'
Ø Different thinking
Attitudinal domain
One of the main aims of Science Education is the desirable change in attitudes
and value teaching. It cannot be said that there is any benefit in daily life by science
education if there is no substantial change in perspective of life and in the stand
towards social or individual problems, even if concepts and process skills are attained.
Therefore science education should examine the problem of skill development in areas
like attitudes, values, decision-taking etc, more closely.
Factors that may be included in this domain -
Ø Faith in one's abilities
Ø Ability to understand human feelings and respect them
Ø Expressing one's emotions and thoughts creatively
Ø Thinking rationally about individual values and taking decisions accordingly.
Application domain
The concepts, processes and values become meaningless if the student cannot
implement them in daily life. Similarly, pure scientific principles and concepts
divorced from technology, will not have much relevance in daily life. Scientific
information is seen to be irrelevant for the student if it is not related to daily life.
Ø These are some factors in the Application domain:
· Observing instances of science concepts in day-to-day life
· Use the concepts and skills gained to solve problems related to life.
· Create an idea of science concepts related to household appliances.
· Ability to evaluate events and developments related to science
· Take scientific decision on matters of food, health, life style etc.
· Relating science to other subjects

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