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Hello good morning, My name is Ruben and this is my life

I was born on November 7, 1993 in Carrasco Cochabamba.

In 1998 I had my first day of class, my school was called Juan Pablo II, I
entered when I was 4 years old.
In 2002 my sister was born, it was something unexpected.
In 2003, when I was 9 years old, my family moved to the city of Cochabamba.
In 2009 I started studying electronics at an institute then in 2010 I finished
high school, it was called Suizo Aleman.
In 2013 I graduated as a superior technician in electronics from the ICEPAL
institute , worked for a while as a technician.
In 2020 I graduated from the Mayor de San Simon university. I am an
electrical engineer.

Now in 2021 after a pandemic I am still alive and that is good.

Thank you very much, that’s all.

Where were you born?

How many brothers o sisters o you have?

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