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“Video of my life”


Gutiérrez Leal Lesly Vanessa

No. de expediente: Grado y grupo:

309624 4to. Semestre “A”

Marzo 2023
* Video intro*
This is my story I was born on September 28, 2006 in Pachuca Hidalgo, since he
saw me dad did not want to let me go. My mom and dad separated before I was
born, but I can tell you that I had a childhood very close to my dad because I love
him and I love him very much, although he is not almost always with me he will
always be my dad.

My childhood was happy, but at the same time a bit complicated since I have more
beautiful memories with my dad than with my mom.

I remember once at 6 that my dad was going to leave me at elementary school, but
I didn't want to get away from him because I wasn't going to go later and he
accompanied me as much as he could and they allowed him to be in classes with

at the age of 8 I moved to Querétaro with my mom for work reasons between
elementary school closer to my mom's work my mom worked in an office I
remember many times that my mom let me take me to the office and drew and I
slept under her desk on top of my jacket the truth very comfortable at that time.

I remember that on my first day of Kings I was alone but my mom made me a
treasure map and the biggest gift was in the office and my mom in the morning was
just getting up and I was already at the door waiting for her to leave and it was a
big dollhouse and all my mom's colleagues from work helped me put it together.

I can say that this is my favorite Three Kings Day with my mom and alone in a new

From there my mom became the girlfriend of a young man who is currently her
fiancé is the ring, but they are not decided. The truth is that I do not like to say
papa out of respect that he is not, he earned my trust, but I am not so satisfied.

From there between high school the very normal truth The most relevant thing in
my life could be my courtship of 2 years with one now of my friends to be honest
we were very young and maybe we got ahead a lot we broke up in the pandemic
Currently we have 4 years of knowing each other and 3 of friends.

By this point I feel that I lack much enjoyment in high school.And more because
since high school I was looking for a stable and beautiful relationship like the one
that existed at one time with my dad and my mom.

for this point nothing relevant happens since the pandemic changed a lot the truth I
feel that it did me good to discover things that I like and there is the most beautiful
thing that ah come into my life that is my puppy Tejocotin my dad gave it to me out
of nowhere and brought it to me from Pachuca to Queretaro.

Unfortunately I moved from house to 11 to an apartment which did not allow pets
so unfortunately my grandmother had to take her to Pachuca again which is very
sad for me since for me Tejocotin is a being of tenderness of love, something that
is naughty, but never with bad intentions.

Then at 14 years old came a Christmas a kitten all funny to my life and I kept it
because it is smaller and we thought they were not going to notice it. An agto
called Chosti Alexander Plus arrived which is a being of pure evil.

Then in 2 or 3 Ro of high school the hybrid state began and there I met my new
friends that I love them very much and I met my current boyfriend.

That's my life right now I'm very happy and grateful for everything.

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