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The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations Research

(ISSN – 2642-7478)
VOLUME 04 ISSUE 11 Pages: 59-64
SJIF IMPACT FACTOR (2020: 5. 498) (2021: 5. 676) (2022: 6. 233)
OCLC – 1091588944 METADATA IF – 7.895

Publisher: The USA Journals

Research Article


Journal Website:
Submission Date: November 01, 2022, Accepted Date: November 05, 2022, Published Date: November 21, 2022 |
Crossref doi:

Copyright: Original
content from this work Zebo I. Sabirova
may be used under the Lecturer At The Department Of Speech Therapy, Tashkent State Pedagogical University Named After
terms of the creative
Nizami, Uzbekistan
commons attributes
4.0 licence.


The article examines the problem of preparing children with speech impairment at school in a preschool educational
institution. An analysis of works on this topic made it possible to determine the content and organization of education
for children aged 5-7 years. The conditions for achieving a new, modern quality of preschool education are revealed.


Children with speech disorders, preparation for school, formation, development, content.


In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the system of preschool

education has always been considered as the first One of the tasks of a preschool institution is to prepare
stage in the system of general education, and senior children for school. The transition of a child to school is
preschool age (5-7 years) - as the age of general a qualitatively new stage in his development. This stage
is associated with a change in the ‹‹social situation of
preparation of the child for the next stage of education
- primary school. development››, and with personality neoplasms, which

Volume 04 Issue 11-2022 59

The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations Research
(ISSN – 2642-7478)
VOLUME 04 ISSUE 11 Pages: 59-64
SJIF IMPACT FACTOR (2020: 5. 498) (2021: 5. 676) (2022: 6. 233)
OCLC – 1091588944 METADATA IF – 7.895

Publisher: The USA Journals

L.S. Vygotsky called ‹‹crisis of seven years ››. The result pens, etc., the desire to get marks. And only later may
of preparation is readiness for school. These two terms there be a desire to learn, to learn something new at
are interconnected by a cause-and-effect relationship: school [2,6].
readiness for school directly depends on the quality of
preparation [4]. As experience shows, the teacher helps a child with
speech impairment to highlight not formal, but
THE MAIN RESULTS AND FINDINGS meaningful aspects of school life. However, in order
for the teacher to fulfill this function, the child must be
According to domestic and foreign scientists, the ready to enter into a new type of relationship with the
readiness of a child with speech impairment for teacher. This form of relationship between a child with
schooling should be considered, first of all, as his a speech disorder and adults is called extra-situational-
general readiness, including physical, personal and personal communication.
intellectual readiness.
A child with a speech disorder who owns this form of
Physical readiness is a state of health, a certain level of communication perceives an adult as an indisputable
morpho-functional maturity of the child's body, the authority, a role model. His requirements are fulfilled
necessary degree of development of motor skills and exactly and unquestioningly, they are not offended by
qualities, especially fine motor coordination, physical his remarks, on the contrary, they treat the critical
and mental performance. words of an adult with increased attention, they react
to these errors in a businesslike manner, try to correct
Personal readiness is a certain level of arbitrariness of
them as soon as possible by making the necessary
behavior, the formation of communication skills, self-
changes to the work [1,6,7 ].
esteem and learning motivation (cognitive and social);
activity, initiative, independence, the ability to listen With a current attitude towards the teacher, children
and hear the other, coordinate their actions with him, are able to behave in the classroom in accordance with
follow the established rules, work in a group. The school requirements: not to be distracted, not to start
success of school education is largely determined by conversations with the teacher on extraneous topics,
how much a child wants to learn, become a student, go not to throw out their emotional experiences, etc.
to school. As already noted, this new system of needs,
associated with the child's desire to become a Readiness for learning (learning) implies the presence
schoolchild, to perform a new, socially significant of a certain level of development of independence.
activity, forms the internal position of the schoolchild, Research K.P. Kuzovsky, G.N. Godina found that
which is the most important component of personal independence begins to form already from the early
readiness for school. preschool age, and with the attentive attitude of adults
to this problem, it can acquire the character of fairly
Initially, this position is by no means always associated stable manifestations in a variety of activities.
with the full-fledged desire of the child to learn, to gain
knowledge. Many children with speech disorders are The formation of responsibility is also possible (K.S.
attracted primarily by the external attributes of school Klimova). Older preschoolers are able to take
life: new environment, bright portfolios, notebooks, responsibility for the task. The child remembers the

Volume 04 Issue 11-2022 60

The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations Research
(ISSN – 2642-7478)
VOLUME 04 ISSUE 11 Pages: 59-64
SJIF IMPACT FACTOR (2020: 5. 498) (2021: 5. 676) (2022: 6. 233)
OCLC – 1091588944 METADATA IF – 7.895

Publisher: The USA Journals

goal set for him, is able to hold it for a long time and possessing the necessary level of psychological
fulfill it. The child must be able to bring the matter to maturity, easily cope with the requirements of the
the end, overcoming difficulties, be disciplined, school and successfully master the curriculum.
assiduous. And these qualities, according to studies
(N.A. Starodubova, D.V. Sergeeva, R.S. Bure), are In order to create conditions for achieving the modern
successfully formed by the end of preschool age. quality of preparation for school, a new approach is
needed to the content and organization of work with
An indispensable characteristic of readiness for children with speech impairment.
learning is the presence of interest in knowledge (R.I.
Zhukovskaya, F.S. Levin-Schirina, T.A. Kulikova), as well The content and organization of education for children
as the ability to perform arbitrary actions [5]. aged 5-7 years are determined by:

Pedagogical readiness for school is determined by the * the tasks that society sets for new generations;
level of possession of special knowledge, skills and
* age characteristics of children.
abilities necessary for studying at school.
Taking into account the age characteristics of children,
These are the skills of forward and backward counting,
it is necessary to single out two directions in the
performing elementary mathematical operations,
selection of the content of education in preschool
recognizing printed letters or reading, copying letters,
retelling the content of texts, reading poetry, etc.
* introducing children to the accumulated experience
Of course, the possession of all these skills and abilities
and achievements of mankind: ethical, social,
can make it easier for a child with speech impairment
aesthetic, technical, scientific;
the first stage of schooling, the assimilation of the
school curriculum. However, a high level of * pedagogical assistance to the actual psychological
pedagogical readiness alone cannot ensure a development of children.
sufficiently successful inclusion of a child in school life.
It often happens that children with speech The significance of the first direction for the
impairments, who have demonstrated a good level of development of children with speech impairment is
pedagogical readiness when they are admitted to obvious, since the child must learn to live and act in the
school, can not immediately join the educational world in which he lives. Introducing children to the
process, do not yet feel like real schoolchildren: they accumulated experience and achievements of mankind
are not ready to fulfill the simplest disciplinary is carried out by teaching children, first of all, the most
requirements of the teacher, they do not know how to diverse methods of action. However, not all the
work according to a given model , get out of the achievements of mankind can be introduced to
general pace of work in the classroom, do not know children through the mastery of methods. Thus, it is
how to build relationships with classmates, etc. obvious that it is impossible to teach the “methods” of
performing actions based on moral norms, although it
At the same time, children with speech impairments,
who showed not so high preliminary training, but

Volume 04 Issue 11-2022 61

The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations Research
(ISSN – 2642-7478)
VOLUME 04 ISSUE 11 Pages: 59-64
SJIF IMPACT FACTOR (2020: 5. 498) (2021: 5. 676) (2022: 6. 233)
OCLC – 1091588944 METADATA IF – 7.895

Publisher: The USA Journals

is possible to teach the methods of so-called cultural most favorable for the appearance of this particular
behavior [3]. feature, the potential for a very definite growth;

In order to create the necessary conditions for b) the possibilities of realizing the developmental
achieving a new, modern quality of preschool potential of children with speech impairments are of an
education, it is planned: alternative nature and depend on many conditions and
circumstances in the life of each individual child. In
* revision of the content and forms of communication spontaneously developing conditions, the
of the educator with children of senior preschool age; developmental potential of the child is often realized
either partially, or in undesirable forms, or not realized
* development of technologies aimed at changing the
at all. If the pedagogical influence is carried out not
internal position of the educator, his value-semantic
spontaneously, but at the right time and in strict
self-determination as a necessary condition for the
accordance with the laws of the development of the
adoption and development of new pedagogical ideas.
child's psyche, then the existing potential provides the
As mentioned above, the central task of preparing development processes with the necessary direction
children for school, along with ensuring timely full- and dynamics;
fledged psychological development, is the
c) the appearance in children with speech impairment
preservation and strengthening of health.
during the sensitive period of the most important
The first seven years of life fundamentally differ from mental neoplasms has far-reaching consequences,
subsequent ages in the number and significance of the because it is they that determine the conditions and
mental neoplasms that have arisen. It is in the prerequisites for the formation of later elements of the
preschool years that speech, activity with a complex basic mental structures and, thereby, the fate of the
system of goals and social motivation, consciousness, subsequent development of a person.
and personality first appear.
An analysis of the situation shows that in the
Each of these large-scale neoplasms has a complex preparation of children with speech impairment for
composition and structure, and their main components school, many problems have accumulated, one way or
appear in children in a certain sequence and another connected with the organization, content and
relationship. methodological support of the education of children 5-
7 years old.
In this most complex and little-studied process, the
following regularities can be distinguished at the CONCLUSION
Revealing the essence of the concept of "school
a) the appearance of each particular component of readiness" and its components, we came to the
these neoplasms has its own sensitive period. This is a conclusion that the preparation of children with
period of time when a set of prerequisites is formed in speech impairment for school should be versatile and
the psyche of a child with a speech disorder, which is begin long before the children actually enter school.
Considering the features of the development of a child

Volume 04 Issue 11-2022 62

The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations Research
(ISSN – 2642-7478)
VOLUME 04 ISSUE 11 Pages: 59-64
SJIF IMPACT FACTOR (2020: 5. 498) (2021: 5. 676) (2022: 6. 233)
OCLC – 1091588944 METADATA IF – 7.895

Publisher: The USA Journals

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VOLUME 04 ISSUE 11 Pages: 59-64
SJIF IMPACT FACTOR (2020: 5. 498) (2021: 5. 676) (2022: 6. 233)
OCLC – 1091588944 METADATA IF – 7.895

Publisher: The USA Journals

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