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(IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education

Vol. 2, No.2, 2014.


MSc Sonja Velickovic, College of professional studies educators, Aleksinac, Serbia

Received: November, 11.2014.

Accepted: November, 25.2014.
Review Articles
UDK 37.018.26

emotional and social aspects of changes), or

Abstract. Starting school is an important devel-
opmental step / task not only for the child but also “call” family members to leave the old and
for their parents and family in which to grow up. The build the new scheme of behavior, relation-
accomplishment of this task expands the boundaries ships and functioning to adapt to the new situ-
ation. Some of these changes are immediately
of family / parent and the child’s functioning in social,
visible (use a different time, a different cal-
emotional and cognitive sense. The aim of this paper is
endar of holidays and travel, different daily
to highlight the need to educate the parents of the child
routines, expanding framework of social func-
going to school, which would contribute to parents with
awareness and sensitivity to the nature of long-term tioning) (Polovina, 2009). Although changes
are inevitable, the question of its nature and
process of entering the child’s entry into school, to a
scope will depend heavily on the established
child’s socialization process related to school and pro-
ceeded in a favorable direction. The author emphasizesforms and styles of family functioning, as well
the importance of having a separate program prepares as the attitude towards change.
parents for the child starting school, as part of the annual Important considerations foundations
that are built-in the preschool age have a sense
program of preschools / schools that educators / teachers
should realize and thus improve their educational workof responsibility, a sense of security and inde-
pendence in children. These properties are
with one hand, while on the other hand its value will be
reported in a balanced relation between child-school- developed primarily through contact between
parents and children in the family. Parents
family, but also to avert the potential emotional difficul-
must hand over the child to ask the different
ties, or, the child’s dysfunctional behavior. Participation
requirements and obligations in accordance
of professional services and school teachers / teachers
in the implementation of such programs can enhance with their age, and it will also be the main
helpers in the child’s education. However,
compliance of educational values that are placed in front
many parents in order to prepare children for
of the child in the family and in the school environment.
school, giving priority to special preparation
Keywords: Parent, Child, Program prepares par-
ents for the child starting school. for the school (which usually boils down to
learning some of the content of the curriculum
for first grade, making sure it unprofessional
1. INTRODUCTION and not systematic. In order to prepare the
child for schoolwork, most parents intensively
Starting in first grade is a very important encourage children to behavior rules and rela-
event in childhood and represents a big change tions to others, suggest their proper expression
for both parents and children. It involves the and positive communication, direct them to
willingness of the child to accept new com- the letter recognition, writing and arithmetic.
mitments, but also a parent’s willingness to In cases that do rapid, irregular and untimely
put in it to support a proper way. Each transi- as pointed out by Amela Mesic: “can cause
tion / transition in the life cycle of the family, the opposite effect, and the child could have
including the child’s enrollment in school, some difficulties in the early school days”
the family is faced with the emergence of (Mešić:2013:114). Тhe preparation of the
numerous changes of various types (practical, child for school violence should primarily be
preparing for its gradual independence. in the
Corresponding Author family, the child acquires basic hygiene, cul-
MSc Sonja Velickovic, College of professional studies tural and working patterns of which depends
educators, Aleksinac, Serbia mostly on how to adapt to school mode. in
E-mail: addition to the previous preparation, attention
(IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education
Vol. 2, No.2, 2014.

should be paid to monitoring and has been in developmental needs of children.

compliance with the school schedule, espe- The author of the article “Cooperation
cially in the initial period of schooling. On the preschools with families in preparing children
other hand, inadequate preparation can make for school” (Klemenović, 2009: 398-411),
the school experience is very stressful for the particular attention is paid to the promotion of
child and lead to various difficulties in adapt- cooperation with parents and provides guide-
ing, monitoring instruction, motivation and lines for improving collaborative relations and
attitude toward learning, and consequently cooperation strategy designing kindergarten
to create a bad image of yourself. Therefore, with his family in this preparation of children
as stated Radenko Krulj and Zvezdan Arsic for the school. Among other things, in this
“parental involvement in various forms of paper, and it demonstrates that the biggest
educational activities and training them for problem in preparing children for school are
specific help children through joint activities due to different parents expectations mainly
and creative workshops can make a significant concern the literacy of children.
contribution in this direction” (Krulj and Arsic Based on the findings of researchers we
2012: 27). can conclude that most parents focused on
literacy for children instead of focusing on
general psycho-physical preparation, moti-
2. SIGNIFICANT RESEARCH vating children to learn and improving com-
TO PREPARE PARENTS munication skills, introduction to the new cir-
FOR THE CHILD STARTING cumstances of school life, play together and
socialize that enhance their cognitive abilities,
SCHOOL but also contribute to strengthening mutual
trust and feelings of security. In this respect,
The influence of parents on preparing a Kamenov says: “Parents are in most cases
child for school is a concept that has not been interested in the success of their children in
sufficiently and adequately investigated and school, but their contribution in this regard
it is in the focus of interest to both practitio- is not adequate, and even the wrong, despite
ners and research scholars (Gašić at all, 2008; good intentions. Hence, one of the activities
Klemenović, 2009; Polovina, 2009; Colic and of teachers in preparing children for school,
Nišević, 2011). In dealing with this problem should be directed to the family “(Kamenov,
are in their work dilemmas that practice by 1997: 192).
teachers and professional teams encountered Stressed the great need for a sepa-
when developing cooperation with parents rate program prepares parents for the child
within preparing children for school. Although starting school, as part of the annual work
the good cooperation with the family as one program of preschools / schools that educa-
of the fundamental principles in educational tors should realize, and thus improve their
work with children in the preschool age, educational work. Specific objectives of the
recent research conducted on the occasion of program related to the child starting school
the introduction and realization Preparatory would be: child support adapting to the school
Preschool Program (Gašić at all, 2008), which environment and building a positive image
was attended by 192 teachers and 725 parents of yourself as a learner; improvement of par-
indicate that this segment should be paid more ents in the process of designing and building
attention. The results of this research indicate a parenting role; synchronize the operation of
that most parents prepare “understands very adults (parents and teachers / teachers) and
closely and is tantamount to literacy. As a establish a constructive partnership in sup-
leading joint activities in the family, most of porting their child’s takeover of the city in
people singled out: picture books with chil- the way of education and learning. Address-
dren and reading books (71.58%); helping ing the problem of preparing parents for the
children learn to write (71.17%); and reading child starting school prof. dr. Nada Polovina
(60%); providing assistance with learning a highlights the need for (psycho) educational
foreign language (22%), learning colors and programs aimed at parents whose value is in
basic mathematical concepts (4.4%). Accord- the development of various segments of the
ing to the results of the research, the general parental role, as well as the necessary skills
picture of the preparations in the family circle and knowledge that have been confirmed
of children for the upcoming school activities many times. However, as pointed out by
may be regarded as unprofessional, highly Polovina: “work to prepare parents for the
specialized and wholly inconsistent with the child starting school as a subject, according to
(IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education
Vol. 2, No.2, 2014.

available data, is not represented in such pro- a child’s socialization process related to school
grams” (Polovina, 2009: 93). We can say that and curling in a favorable direction. It is the
in practice some schools and preschool insti- concept of family curriculum, or how Reding
tutions in order to raise awareness of teaching points out, “a kind of extension of the plan,
parents to prepare children for first grade, but structural and organizational patterns and the
with a note that this job does not work suffi- value aspect of family functioning, the imple-
ciently planned and systematic. Currently, the mentation of which contributes to the child’s
development of pedagogical culture of par- success in school.” (Redding, 2005; accord-
ents is done ad hoc, from today to tomorrow. ing Polovina, 2009: 98). The essence of this
The annual program are not planned programs multiplier concept is parental commitment
with them on the “long run”, whereby special and involvement in activities that promote the
attention should give educators and teachers, child’s learning, and takes place in the context
particularly professional services with the aim of everyday family life in the home environ-
of improving cooperation with parents would ment. In particular, it is about creating habits
as a key link in the quality of preparing chil- related to learning and creating an environ-
dren for school. These programs, which could ment that highlights and evaluates the acquisi-
help to parents with awareness and sensitivity tion of knowledge. At this age, it is desirable
to the nature of long-term processes that enter to combine educational strategies that, on the
the child’s entry into school, a decision that one hand, based on the teaching of a child by
will have to make related to the child and their an adult, but he on the other hand, it allow for
own functioning, and make necessary changes spontaneous choice of activities in a carefully
in the organization of everyday functioning prepared learning environment that includes
to a child’s socialization process related to a supportive adult (Sharp, 2002; according
school and place it in a positive direction. In Polovina, 2009).
this regard it is important to recall the results Taking into account that, as a form of
of research (Redding, 2005, after allegations joint activities between parents and children
Polovina, 2009), indicating that some parental that contribute to the preparation for school
behaviors encourage a child’s positive school can be extracted so-called dialogic reading.
experience and child development associated The procedure is not focused only on reading
with the school. Tyler and colleagues, deal- the text in a picture book by an adult already
ing with the influence of parents on children’s includes discussion, questions and answers
readiness for school developed the so-called about what is read, it is seen from the figure,
concept of “working model of parents tied to associated with the experience of the child
the school,” which includes a combination of from the real life. I can connect and pictures
memories of parents on their own experience of objects with their names, to compare dif-
of school (creating generalized expectations) ferences in the size of the words and the size
and the attitudes, values and beliefs related to of objects, recognize similar words, choose
the child’s learning and development in the “kind words” and come up with a number of
school environment. Actually it is a concept, other “games” which, at first driven by adults
trying to capture and show the importance of leaving time growing child initiative, but and
the personal aspects of the functioning of par- demonstrating a willingness to support the
ents during the child’s education, as well as interest of the child for a new approach or
to point out the ways in which these different theme. (Bowman et al, 2000: 196-200).
aspects affect a child’s academic and overall Based on the above conclusion about
development. Tylor and associates, in addi- the need for a special program prepares par-
tion to the aforementioned concept of shaping ents for the child starting school, the question
the behavior of parents towards the child in arises what is it, that, school / nursery can do to
the segment relating to the child’s develop- support and encourage parents to be more con-
ment to schools and talk about the relationship structive in what way deal with the changes
between the parents according to the Institu- that carries the child starting school? How to
tion, the school and to their knowledge (Tyler organize cooperation between pre-school and
et al., 2004, following allegations Polovina, parents in order to meet the physical, socio-
2009). emotional and functional preparedness for
By integrating the results of numerous school targeting each child involved in the Pre-
studies Redding (Redding, 2005), has devel- paratory pre-school program? These issues are
oped a different concept of parental behavior of particular importance given the well known
toward the child and make necessary changes and accepted rule “that good (well prepared)
in the organization of everyday functioning to start the basis for the successful development
(IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education
Vol. 2, No.2, 2014.

of the whole process that follows.” (Polovina, and building a parenting role; synchronize
2009: 93). the operation of adults (parents and teachers
/ teachers) and establish a constructive part-
nership in supporting their child’s takeover of
3. CONCLUSION the city in the way of education and learning.
Although this preventive program aimed at
Bearing in mind the various arguments parents, his value will be expressed in a bal-
that derive from the theory and practice of pre- anced relation between child-school-family,
school education, we give some recommenda- but also to avert the potential emotional dif-
tions for the development of cooperation with ficulties or, perhaps, the child’s dysfunctional
parents whose children attend the first class. behavior.
The current practice in preschools that boils
down to organizing activities for parents of Conflict of interests
children who attend a preparatory preschool Authors declare no conflict of interest.
program (PTA meetings devoted to preparing
for school / meetings at the group level for
exchange of information about the activities REFERENCES
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parents for the child starting school, generally установе са породицом у припреми деце за
speaking, may reflect a discontinuity institu- полазак у школу, Педагошка стварност, 3-4,
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pre-school institution to institution. In this Круљ, Р. Арсић, З. (2012). Припрема деце за
sense, as pointed out by one critically impor- полазак у школу у функцији успешне
tant period in the functioning of the family and адаптације на школске услове живота и рада,
the child, very important for the functioning in Наше стварање, 19-30, Алексинац: Висока
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The overall objective of each train- Половина, Н.(2009). Припрема родитеља за дететов
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all development of the child, or to provide
experiences that promote child development.
Specific objectives of the program related to
the child starting school would be: child sup-
port adapting to the school environment and
building a positive image of yourself as a
learner; empowerment of parents in the pro-
cess (educational course directed) designing

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