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My Daily Routine as a Student

Hello, my name is Emma and I'm a student at the University of Manchester. Here's a bit
about my daily routine.I usually wake up at 7:30 in the morning. The first thing I do is
check my phone for any messages or notifications. Then I get up, brush my teeth, and
get dressed.

At around 8:00, I have breakfast. I usually have a bowl of porridge with honey and a
cup of tea. Sometimes, I have toast with peanut butter and banana.After breakfast, I
walk to my classes. It takes me about 15 minutes to get there. I like to listen to music on
my way to classes. It helps me to feel energized and motivated.My classes start at 9:00.
I usually have three or four classes in a day, with breaks in between. My favourite
subject is English literature. I love reading novels and discussing them in class.During
lunchtime, I usually grab a sandwich or a salad from the university cafeteria. I like to
chat with my friends and catch up on their day.After my classes, I either go to the
library to study or head back to my accommodation. If I'm at the library, I usually stay
there for a few hours and work on my assignments or read books related to my
courses.For dinner, I usually cook something simple like pasta with tomato sauce or stir-
fried vegetables with rice. I like to cook with my flatmates and we often share our meals
together.After dinner, I like to wind down by watching TV or reading a book. I try to go
to bed by 11:00 as I need at least eight hours of sleep to feel refreshed the next day.


1. True or false? Emma wakes up at 6:30 in the morning. a) True b) False

2. Choose the correct answer: What is Emma's favourite subject? a) Mathematics
b) English literature c) Science
3. Complete the sentence: Emma usually listens to ________ on her way to classes.
a) Audiobooks b) Music c) Podcasts
4. Write a paragraph about your own daily routine as a student. Start with "Hello!
My name is ________ and I'm a student at _________. I usually wake up at
__________ in the morning..."
5. Match the words with their definitions: a) Assignments b) University cafeteria c)
Accommodation d) Flatmates


 The people who live in the same apartment or house as you.

 The place where students can buy food on campus.
 The tasks or projects given by a teacher for students to complete.
 The place where you live during your studies, such as a dormitory or rented apartment.

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