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Reading Section

My Daily Routine
It seems my life is always very full of activities and obligations so I never have
much time for myself. During the week it's the worst. I usually have to get up at
half past six even though I would really prefer to sleep much later. After I get up I
perform my morning routine of washing my face, brushing my teeth, and then
deciding what to wear.After I get dressed I brush my hair. I usually don’t have
time for breakfast in the morning because I have to catch a bus at seven o'clock .
The bus is usually completely packed and it really makes me envy my
schoolmates who don't have to ride the bus to school. Classes at school start at
a quarter to eight except on Tuesdays when they start at seven. Each class has
its own timetable so my schedule varies by class. Classes are forty-five minutes
long with ten minute breaks, except for one "long" break between the third and
the fourth classes, which is twenty minutes long.

My classes take place either in our classroom or in various labs or a gym. After

our classes the students usually go for lunch to the canteen. Some students in
their third and forth year have afternoon classes, seminars, optional after-school
activities or driving lessons.

After school I sometimes go shopping or just walk around the town for a
while. When I get home I like to relax for some time, I listen to the radio, watch
television, and maybe get a little snack. Then I start my homework or help with
some housework. Before I know it, the afternoon is gone and it is evening.

In my family, we usually eat dinner at about seven o'clock. At dinner we discuss

what happened during the day and catch up with each others' lives. After I help
clean up the dinner dishes I either take a shower or have a bath myself. Then I
have some time to watch the TV news. Sometimes I watch an interesting film or
music program on TV or a video. Sometimes I like to go downtown to see a
movie or to go to a concert with my friends. About every other day a I have a
date with my boyfriend. Sometimes he comes to watch TV at my home or we
might go out for a walk. I usually manage to go to bed around eleven PM.

So this is my daily routine during the week. On the weekend it is a different

story, I like to sleep late and do whatever I wish with my free time. I am still
expected to help my parents out around the house but I still have most of the
time for myself and my interests. I can go for a trip with my friends, I can visit my
relatives or I can devote more time to my hobbies. I think everyone will agree
that weekends are much better than weekdays.
My daily activities

Every morning from Monday to Saturday, I get up at 6 o'clock. After breakfast,

I go to school by bicycle. It takes me about 20 minutes from my house to my
school. Usually, I study at school until 11:30 a.m. I return home at noon to have
lunch with my family. In the afternoon I attend English and computer courses.
I always get home just in time for dinner at 7:30 p.m. After dinner, while my
parents are watching television in the living-room, I read books or prepare for
school in my own room.

I am free at weekends. On Sunday mornings, I get up later than usual. Then

I often go shopping downtown with my friends. Sometimes we go for a picnic in
the countryside. On rainy Sundays, I stay at home reading books and listening to

I am quite happy with my daily activities.

brush my teeth, comb my hair, do exercise, do homework, have breakfast, have
lunch, have dinner, get dressed, get up, go to bed, go to school, listen to music,
make the bed, play guitar, take a shower, take a nap, play with friends, wash my
Activities in the morning: Daily life means a routined life. So I try my best to
follow my daily routine. It is my habit to get up early in the morning. I brush my
hands, wash my hands, face and take my ablution and say my Fazar prayer.
Then I go out for a walk in the open air for about half an hour and come back
home again. Once again I wash my hands, feet and face. After that I take my
breakfast and sit at my reading table. I read for three hours at stretch. Nobody is
allowed to enter my room during this time. I make my lessons attentively.
Activities in the college: After finishing my regular lessons, I take my bath and
meal. Then I start for my college at 10 a. m. because our college sits at 10-30
a.m. I always sit in the first bench and listen to what my teachers say. I take
down the important notes. In the off period I do not move here and there. Rather
I go to the common room and refresh myself by taking part in indoor and outdoor
games. At tiffin period I take my tiffin and say my Zohor prayer.
In the afternoon: Our college breaks up at 4 p.m. Then I come back to my home
straight. I do not spend time with bad boys on the way. Returning home, I wash
my face, teeth, hands and feet very well and have my meal. I say my Asar
prayer. After taking a little rest, I go to the play ground. I play football or other
games with my class mates. Before the sun set I return to my home.
In the evening: Returning home, I take my ablution and say my Magrib prayer.
Then I sat at my reading table and prepare my lessons till 10 p.m. After that I say
my Esha prayer. I take my supper. Normally I go to bed at 11 p.m. Besides this I
read the daily newspapers and weeklies. I enjoy television. I maintain my dairy.
This is my daily routine. But there are minor changes. On Friday I go to different
places to remove the monotony. So during long vacation and holidays I go to the
house of my relatives. I also take part in social work.
Importance of learning English
Introduction: English is a global language.For various reasons English has got
the status of International language.In today’s world of information
technology and hi-tech communication,learning English is must.English is
important for other reasons also.
English: Language Of Globalization: The present age is an age of
globalization.Anything produced or invented in any part of the world gets global
character or recognition very rapidly.To keep pace with the process of
globalization, we need to learn English.Conversely, the globalizing process
requires single language for international communication.For various reasons
English has achieved the prestige of global language.As a result,it has crossed
the national borders ofEnglish speaking countries and reached people who
speak other languages.English is no longer a unique possession of the British
or American people, but a language that belongs to world’s people.

English As An International Language: Today about 300 million people speak

English as the first language and another 350 million use it as a second
language.It is the official or semi-official language in more than 60 countries and
of many international organizations.International organizations held their meeting
in English.
English: A Lingue Franca: English is widely spoken all over the world.When
people of two different language meet or need to communicate, they resort to a
third language for better mutual communication and understanding.English,for its
widespread use and acceptance,plays the role of the common language
well.That is why English is called Lingua Franca or Common language.

Importance Of English: Today importance of English needs no

explanation.English is important for a number of reasons:
In Business: English is used widely by international business community.To
communicate across national borders and maintain correspondence with
overseas business parties or professionals,English is essential.
In Education: English is important for higher education and specialized
training.Most of the books on any subjects are written in English or quickly
translated in English.English is the medium of instruction in Education in most
universities and higher education institutes of the world.
For Getting Job: English is essential for getting a good job and better
salaries.Multinational business organizations and many international
corporations ask for people who have a good working knowledge of
English.Even job advertisements in local market also require English knowing
people.People who go abroad for work also need to know English.English is
need for a variety of jobs as like air hostess,pilot,travel guide,media manager etc.
For International Relation: English is important for maintaining international
relations and communications.It is the language of diplomacy,international
politics and meetings and conferences.
For Information: In today’s world of information superhighway,English is
essential for getting easy access to any information.Almost any information is
available is English.English is the language of information technology and
In Media And Entertainment: English is important for access to world media
and Entertainment.Satellite channels around the world telecast news and views
in English.Games and sports are telecast live and their commentaries are also
broadcasted in English.Cinemas,cartoons and other media productions are
available in English.
English Culture and Literature: Knowing English gives an essay access to the
vast resource of English literature.World’s famous
books,novels,histories,stories,poems are available in English.Besides,English
helps to know about cultures of other people,discoveries,inventions and life
styles of the other nations.
Conclusion: The importance of English can not be denied.Knowing English is
like having an international visa.Anywhere in the world English is useful and
helpful.So,learning English is very important.
Introduction: Mr. Johnson is my favorite teacher. He is our English teacher. He
is an M.A. in English. I love him, respect him and like him best. He has left a
permanent impression on my mind by his conquering qualities of love and
affection,convincing power, high personality and admirable teaching method. He
is our friend, philosopher and guide.

Reasons of my being favorite: Mr. Johnson not only observes dutifulness but

also combines in him a number of other qualities. He is endowed with
scholarship, love for teaching, capacity to create interest in his subject, inherent
earnestness to see his pupils really educated and improved in character. He
carries out his responsibilities fully without fear or favour and strictly enforces the
rules of study and conduct. For all this these he is disliked at first by
some students but before long they change their opinion about him and make
themselves diligent,attentive and regular in doing the task assigned by him.

Qualities: Mr. Johnson has many virtues of an ideal man with a high sense of
humanity. So he has easily earned the genuine love and admiration of all right-
thinking boys. He and his students are bound much by the ties of the same
relation as between a father and his sons. He not only teaches but also tends
them.That is to say, he is a tutor, a father and a friend to his students. He takes
loving care of his students in all matters of importance. As for example, he looks
after their education, helps them in distress, gives them his edifying association
and always keeps them on the right back. If a boy is backward in his class, he is
sure to get help from Mr. Johnson. If any poor boy can not buy a book, he will no
doubt get a book from Mr. Johnson. Many a night he spends by the sick bed of
ailing students living in the hostel. He checks and reforms a student who may
have fallen
in evil company. Such is his love and kindness to students. He never hesitates to
borrow money to help a needy boy. But he dislikes people talking about his
Method of teaching: His method of teaching is very easy and lucid. He has a
strong,clear and pleasant voice. Everyday he teaches us in a new style. He can
make any grammatical problem easy. He knows well how to increase the
curiosity of the students. His pronunciation is very good. In his class he creates
an English environment. We never feel boring in his class. Rather we feel
encouraged in his class. If any student fails to understand any grammatical
problem, then he helps the student to understand it.

Conclusion: Mr. Johnson is a born teacher and affectionate friend. He finds

delight in working with us both in the classroom and outside. He is always ready
to help us in all possible ways. So I appreciate and like him most. Such a teacher
is liked not only by me but also by all sensible students.
My Daily Routine
Each of us has a daily routine that all follow. Similiary I also have a daily routine
that I follow. It is simple and very effective and also makes me a very active
child. Since there is a routine, it is easy and I am more systematic.
This saves a lot of time also and thereby increases our productivity and keep us
I get up in the morning around 6:00 a.m. I pray and then begin my day. After the
morning chores. I get ready to go to school. The uniform would be kept ready by
my mom. I just need to wear them, get myself dressed full, comb my hair and get
fully ready to go to school.
I then drink my milk and have my munch with little cornflakes. I then wait for my
school van to arrive to pick me up. The school van comes around 7: 00 a.m. and
I borad the van. In the van lots of fun with my friends. We reach school by 7:45
a.m. and we go our respective classes.
During the school hours, we have different periods for each subject and I listen to
the class being taught. During breaks, I play and have lunch. Once the school
hours are over, I play for some time and then wait for my van.
I board the van and reach home by 4:15 p.m. Once I reach home I rest for a few
minutes and then, my mom makes me to take my bath. After bath, I have my
snacks that my mom prepares and watch for some time. By 5:30 I go to play with
my friends in my apartment and we play many games. We all disper after games
by 7:00 p.m. After which I take my bath.
After getting fresh I sit to do my daily homework and to finsih the lessons taught
for the day. By 9:00 p.m. I would be done and then I keep the time table for the
next day. By then my dad would also reach home and by 9:30 we have our
dinner. We all sit together and have food. After food, we say our prayers and I
and my sister would go to sleep. This is how I spend my day.

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