Grammar Pretest

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Grammar Pretest 1. Choose the correct sentence. A) The desk and the chair sits in the corner.

B) The desk and the chair sit in the corner. 2. Choose the correct sentence. A) Each of us was scheduled to take the test. B) Each of us were scheduled to take the test. 3. Choose the correct sentence. A) The coach, not the players, has been ill. B) The coach, not the players, have been ill. 4. Choose the correct sentence. A) There are only four days until Christmas. B) There is only four days until Christmas. 5. Choose the correct sentence. A) She is one of the women who works hard. B) She is one of the women who work hard. 6. Choose the correct sentence. A) That was Yusuf and me whom you saw. B) That was Yusuf and I whom you saw. 7. Choose the correct sentence. A) This phone call is for Bill and me. B) This phone call is for Bill and I. 8. Choose the correct sentence. A) Terrell is the smartest of the two. B) Terrell is the smarter of the two. 9. Choose the correct sentence. A) It was I whom called. B) It was I who called. 10. Choose the correct sentence. A) It is us clerks who work hard. B) It is we clerks who work hard. 11. Choose the correct sentence. A) He took the plate off the table. B) He took the plate off of the table. 12. Choose the correct sentence. A) None of the neighbors offered his support. B) None of the neighbors offered their support. 13. Choose the correct sentence. A) They mailed the copies to him and me. B) They mailed the copies to him and I. 14. Choose the correct sentence. A) Neither of the candidates have spoken. B) Neither of the candidates has spoken. 15. Choose the correct sentence. A) How will you be effected financially if the effect of downsizing means you will lose your job? B) How will you be affected financially if the effect of downsizing means you will lose your job? 16. Choose the correct sentence. A) Joan walks slower so her children can keep up with her. B) Joan walks slowly so her children can keep up with her. 17. Choose the correct sentence. A) Jake is the older of the two brothers. B) Jake is the oldest of the two brothers. 18. Choose the correct sentence. A) May did well on the test she took yesterday. B) May did good on the test she took yesterday. 19. Choose the correct sentence. A) He and she were real close friends. B) He and she were really close friends. 20. Choose the correct sentence. A) Whomever drove in the carpool lane without any passengers will be fined. B) Whoever drove in the carpool lane without any passengers will be fined. 21. Choose the correct sentence. A) Please allow Jenna or me to assist you. B) Please allow Jenna or myself to assist you. 22. Choose the correct sentence. A) I work with people that judge others by their nationalities and accents. B) I work with people who judge others by their nationalities and accents.

23. Choose the correct sentence. A) They fought over their father's estate because they felt angry about the way he had treated them. B) They fought over their father's estate because they felt angrily about the way he had treated them. 24. Choose the correct sentence. A) You look well in that running outfit. B) You look good in that running outfit. 25. Choose the correct sentence. A) Don't feel badly about forgetting my birthday. B) Don't feel bad about forgetting my birthday. 26. Choose the correct sentence. A) We saw two puppies at the pound and took home the cutest one. B) We saw two puppies at the pound and took home the cuter one. 27. Choose the correct sentence. A) Speak more slowly please. B) Speak slower please. 28. Choose the correct sentence. A) Samantha will meet us later. B) Samantha will meet us later on. 29. Choose the correct sentence. A) Pollen effects my sinuses and makes me sneeze. B) Pollen affects my sinuses and makes me sneeze. 30. Choose the correct sentence. A) I want to lay down for a nap but the phone keeps ringing. B) I want to lie down for a nap but the phone keeps ringing. 31. Choose the correct sentence. A) That SUV, that landed on its hood after the accident, was traveling at 80 miles per hour. B) That SUV, which landed on its hood after the accident, was traveling at 80 miles per hour. 32. Choose the correct sentence. A) Yesterday, Barry laid my jacket on the hood of the car. B) Yesterday, Barry lay my jacket on the hood of the car. 33. Choose the correct sentence. A) We need to discuss this further. B) We need to discuss this farther. 34. Choose the correct sentence. A) My daughter became a honorary member of the city council for the day. B) My daughter became an honorary member of the city council for the day. 35. Choose the correct sentence. A) In the end, we had to decide among a minivan and a station wagon as our second car. B) In the end, we had to decide between a minivan and a station wagon as our second car. 36. Choose the correct sentence. A) Your the only one for me. B) You're the only one for me. 37. Choose the correct sentence. A) That redwood tree has become taller than the oak tree next door. B) That redwood tree has become taller then the oak tree next door. 38. Choose the correct sentence. A) The time for action has long since passed. B) The time for action has long since past.

39. Choose the correct sentence. A) Its a long way from here to Tierra del Fuego. B) It's a long way from here to Tierra del Fuego. 40. Choose the correct sentence. A) Mother, can I go to the movies with Ashton this afternoon? B) Mother, may I go to the movies with Ashton this afternoon? 41. Choose the correct sentence. A) I could have danced all night. B) I could of danced all night. 42. Choose the correct sentence. A) Srdjian emigrated from his native Bosnia about five years ago. B) Srdjian immigrated from his native Bosnia about five years ago. 43. Choose the correct sentence. A) Did you see the beautiful broach Genevieve was wearing today? B) Did you see the beautiful brooch Genevieve was wearing today? 44. Choose the correct sentence. A) The teacher tried to elicit a discussion about the novel. B) The teacher tried to illicit a discussion about the novel. 45. Choose the correct sentence. A) La Donna talks fondly about the four years that she has went to the university. B) La Donna talks fondly about the four years that she went to the university. 46. Choose the correct sentence. A) The answer is plain and simple. B) The answer is plane and simple. 47. Choose the correct sentence. A) Let me set this book down on the table before I answer your question. B) Let me sit this book down on the table before I answer your question. 48. Choose the correct sentence. A) The legislature finally authorized the funds to polish the gold on the dome of the capital. B) The legislature finally authorized the funds to polish the gold on the dome of the capitol. 49. Choose the correct sentence. A) How quickly he runs. B) How quick he runs. 50. Choose the correct sentence. A) Neither DeAndre nor I are to follow. B) Neither DeAndre nor I am to follow.

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