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A. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini dengan baik dan benar!

1. Match the words with their Indonesian equivalents.

a. cancel (verb) berdasar (pendaftar) yg dlu G

b. a stadium (noun) stadion B

c. an approval (noun) dipesan J

d. proceed (verb) banyak;luar biasa H

e. in accordance with (noun) biaya pendaftaran I

f. unforeseen (adjective) membatalkan A

g. a first-come basis (noun) persetujuan C

h. tremendous (adjective) tidak terduga F

i. a registration fee (noun) menindaklanjuti D

j. reserved (adjective) sesuai dengan E

2. Observe the crossword puzzle below. Find 10 regular and 10 irregular verbs in the past

regular :Screamed, pushed, watched, walked, touched, looked, cleaned, lived, tried, entered,
irrgular :found, kept, lost, brought, went, fell, saw, grew, held, drove
3. Complete the sentence using the words from the box
1. friendly

2. showed up

3. crowd

4. nervous

5. sing along

6. excited

7. autograph

8. speechless

9. hit by lightning

10. amazing

4. Read the following text and answer the questions!

a. Who is the announcement for? : for passengers

b. What is the announcement about? : About the following items that never allowed to
be taken and the items may be placed in checked luggage.
c. What items are never allowed to be taken onto plane by passengers? : Weapons,
including knives and guns: explosives, like dynamite and fireworks.
d. Does sports equipment allowed to be taken onto plane?: Yes, but the following items
may be placed in checked luggage but not on carry-on bags.
e. Where will you probably hear the announcement? : In the airport’s

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