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Một số câu hỏi của đề thi năm học 2018-2019

SV không được sử dụng tài liệu khi làm bài.

A. SYNTAX TOTAL: _________________

I. (1 pt) Identify the sub-category of the verb and the functions of the major elements in the
following sentences: S (subject), V (verb), dO (direct object), iO (indirect object), sP (subject-
predicative), oP (object-predicative), PC (prepositional complement), aA (adjunct adverbial),
and sA (sentence adverbial).
Example: Otto devoured the couscous.
S V [trans] dO
1. The surface felt smoother after some polishing.

2. The temperature fell several degrees during the night.

3. Luckily, a hiker saved them.

4. The rain brought us relief.

II. (0.5 pt) Some verbs can belong to different categories. The verb smell is one of them. Now,
to illustrate that the verb smell belongs to different categories, construct a sentence in which the
verb smell is used as: a) an intransitive verb b) a transitive verb c) an intensive verb
III. (0.5 pt) Underline the subordinate clauses in the following sentences and briefly explain
the different functions of these clauses in the sentence.
1. The hypothesis, which has been tested throughout the research, is rejected.
2. The hypothesis that scientists still argue about is rejected.
3. The hypothesis that intelligence is inherited is rejected.

IV. (1.5 pts) Give abbreviated clausal analyses (ACAs) of the following sentences and state
in details the function of all subordinate clauses.
Example: I thought Georgette said she burned the fritters.

S1 = main clause
S2 = complement to V (thought): dO
S3 = complement to V (said): dO

1. I realized that my best friend, who I trusted most, was lying.

2. My concern is that they’ll never find the money that has been stolen.

V. (1.5 pts) Draw phrase markers for the following sentences.

1. It is surprising that Henry could pass the test. (You can use triangles for NPs only)

2. The building was designed by a well-known French architect. (DO NOT use any triangles)

B. SEMANTICS: Write all your answers in the table below. TOTAL: _______

I. (1 pt): Fill in each blank with only ONE word.

1. The …….. of an expression is its semantic relationship with other expressions in the language.
2. The sentence “I don’t seem to have a chair” is ……… ambiguous.
3. A word having different but related meanings is a(n) ………. word.
4. A sentence that is necessarily true is a(n) ………… sentence.

II. (1 pt): Choose the best answer to each question.

1. The expression “The MeKong river” has
a. Variable reference b. Constant reference c. Co-reference d. None of the above
2. Which of the following is a pair of gradable antonyms?
a. sink – float b. true – false c. narrow – wide d. import - export
3. The word “current” (e.g.: up to date vs. flow of water) is a case of
a. Synonymy b. Hyponymy c. Homonymy d. Antonymy
4. Which of the following is a pair of incompatibility?
a. flour / flower b. ravage / destroy c. hammer / tool d. breakfast / supper

III. (1 pt): Decide whether these sentences are Analytic (A), Contradiction(C), or Synthetic (S).
1. Two halves make up a whole.
2. My neighbor’s child is an adult.
3. Witches are wicked.

IV. (1 pt): Indicate the relationship between the following words: Synonyms (S), Binary
antonyms (B), Gradable antonyms (G), Converse antonyms (C), Multiple Incompatibles (I),
Hyponymy (HY) or Homonymy (H). Write your answers in the table on page 6.

1. Feeble / powerful
2. Daisy / sunflower

V. What principal semantic features do the words in each group share?

1. Bake, grill, fry, steam, roast

2. Wasp, bee, moth, ant, horsefly

VI. What is the relationship between sentence (A) and sentence (B)?

1. “I detest horror movies” (A) and “ I am not fond of horror movies” (B)
2. “The laser has a wide variety of applications” (A) and “As we have seen, the use of laser
is numerous” (B)

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