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1. What is a dialect?

A. Dialects are mutually unintelligible forms of a language that differs in systematic ways
B. Dialects are intelligible forms of a language that differs in systematic ways
C. Dialects are mutually intelligible forms of a language that differs in systematic ways
D. Dialects are unintelligible forms of a language that differs in systematic ways
2. What factors contribute to language variation?
A. Geographical and social
B. Social and psychological
C. Physical and geographical
D. Geographical, Social, Physical and Psychological
3. What constitutes a speech community? (TWO ANSWERS)
A. A regionally or socially defined social group where the members share a language variety
B. A group that share the same language, speech characteristics and identity
C. Persons who know about language
D. A group that not share the same language, speech characteristics and identity
4. What is social network?
A. The relationship that does not exists among all members of a given group
B. A group of social media accounts
C. The relationship that exists among some members of a given group
D. The social relationship that exists among all of the members of a given group
5. When you go window-shopping do you walk on
(Which one is British English vocabulary?)
A. The pavement or
B. The sidewalk
C. The walking lot
D. The parking lot
6. Do you put your shopping in the car's __________?
(Which one is British English vocabulary?)
A. Trunk
B. Boot
C. Hook
D. Moot
7. When the car's engine needs oil do you open the _______?
(Which one is British English vocabulary?)
A. Honk
B. Hood
C. Bonnet
D. Helmet
8. Do you fill up the car with _________?
(Which one is British English vocabulary?)
A. Gas
B. Petrol
C. Petroleum
D. Gas and petrol
9. When is it cold do you put on a _____________?
(Which one is British English vocabulary?)
A. Jersey
B. Cardigan
C. Coat
D. Sweater
10. When you go on holiday do you take _______?
(Which one is British English vocabulary?)
A. Luggage
B. Sack
C. Baggage
D. Bag
11. Write down the correct word(s) for the following. (TWO WORDS)
Bilingual speakers switch from one language to the other in the same discourse.
12. Write down the correct word for the following.
Two languages or varieties of a language exist side by side, one is used for formal situations and
the other for informal situations.
13. Write down the correct word for the following.
Use of more than one language, either by an individual or a community of speakers.
14. Write down the correct word for the following.
Relationship between language use and the social world, particularly how language operates
within and creates social structures.
15. Write down two words for the following:

People who share a set of linguistic norms and expectations regarding the use of language.
Hints for the first and second word: s____________ c____________
Speech community
16. Write down two words for the following:

More than one way of saying the same thing. Speakers may vary pronunciation, word choice, or
morphology and syntax.
Hints for the first and second word: l________ v_________
Language variation
17. Write down the correct word for the following:

Knowledge to speak or write in only one language.

18. Write down the correct word for the following:
It is a variety of a language determined by geographical and/or social factors.
19. The term "accent" is restricted to the description of aspects of pronunciation that identify
where an individual speaker is socially from.
20. The term "dialect" is used to describe features of grammar and vocabulary as well as
aspects of pronunciation.
21. Linguistic believe the standard language should be perceived and valued over other dialects.
22. Accents are how words are pronounced and it helps identify where someone is from
regionally or socially.
23. Everyone who speaks a language in a different dialect of that language is a result from
unsuccessful attempts to speak the standard/correct form of the language.
24. Dialect refers to the sounds of speech, so it's a phonological feature.
25. Regional variation is...
A. different states split up
B. different countries demanding a certain language be spoken
C. a regional dialect that is distinct form of a language spoken in a particular geographical area
26. What is an accent?
A. The description of aspects of pronunciation that identify where an individual speaker is from
B. The description of pronunciation which identifies what language a speaker speaks
C. The description of features of grammar and vocabulary, as well as aspects of pronunciation
27. Cockney is an English dialect closely associated with the city of Birmingham
28. Which accent is also known as "BBC English", "Oxford English", and "The Queen's English"?
Heightened RP (Received Pronunciation)
Received Pronunciation (RP)
29. What do we call a variation in a language that involves the use of different word choices,
spellings, and pronunciations?
an accent
mutual intelligibility
a dialect
30. Some people say the word 'thunder' with a distinct pronunciation of the 'r' at the end.
Others, might say the same word and leave the 'r' sound off to end their pronunciation
sounding more like 'ah'. These differences in pronunciation
an accent
mutual intelligibility
a dialect
31. How could you describe a prestigious dialect?
A. It is associated with a certain lower social class
B. It is associated with family values
C. It is associated with a center of economic and political power
D. It is associated with the country one resides in
32. A dialect is a variation of speech or language based on
geographic area
native language background
social or ethnic group
all of the above
33. Fill in the blank with one word .(The first letter has been given)
From l______ point of view: none of the varieties of a language is inherently "better" than any
other. They are simply different.
34. Fill in the blank with one word .(The first letter has been given)
From s_____ point of view: some varieties are more prestigious. The variety that develops as
the standard language has usually been one socially prestigious dialect, originally associated
with a center of economic and political power.
35. Fill in the blank with one word.
_______________ is a way of pronouncing words that indicates the place of origin or social
background of the speaker
36. Fill in the blank with one word .
__________: aspects of articulation, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation that differ from
Standard English
37. Fill in the blank with one word .
___________ language is the variety of a language treated as the official language and used in
public broadcasting, publishing and education.
38. Fill in the blank with one word.
Dialectology is the study of regional ________________ in language.
39. Fill in the blank with one word .
B________________ is the ability to communicate in two languages
40. Fill in the blank with one word .
Language ______________: choosing and developing an official language or languages for use
in government and education
41. Fill in the blank with one word . (The first letter has been given)
Regional Dialect is based on g______ factor
42. Received Pronunciation is sometimes referred to as what?
Channel 4 English
ITV English
BBC English
Channel 5 English
43. Linguistics focuses on:
A. The study of world languages
B. The rules and conventions of language
C. English phonetics
D. The scientific study of language
44. The branches of linguistics that focus on the structure of language:
A. Syntax & Pragmatics
B. Morphology & Phonology
C. Morphology & Syntax
D. Syntax & Semantics
45. The branches of linguistics that focus on the meaning of a language:
A. Semantics & Phonology
B. Semantics & Pragmatics
C. Pragmatics & Phonology
D. Morphology & Pragmatics
46. The branches of linguistics that focus on the sound system of a language:
A. Phonetics & Semantics
B. Phonetics & Phonology
C. Semantics & Syntax
D. Morphology & Pragmatics
47. Sociolinguistics studies:
A. The language as a human faculty
B. The branches of linguistics
C. The relationship between language and society
D. The relationship between language and culture
48. Sociolinguists use the term "variety" to refer to
A. A set of linguistics used under specific social circumstances
B. The setting of the conversation
C. A scale related to the
49. The social factors that account for using a particular variety are:
A. Participants
B. Topic
C. Setting
D. All the previous ones
E. None
50. This is one social dimension:
A. Social distance
B. A type of variety
C. A science
51. The functional scale is related to:
A. The place of interaction
B. The purpose on topic of interaction
C. The participants
52. Social distance indicates:
A. Social ranking
B. The measure of the amount of information being shared in a discourse
C. How well we know someone that we are talking to
D. The presence or absences colloquial/slang in a person's communication
53. Status can be defined as:
A. The presence or absence of colloquial/slang in a person's communication
B. The way we speak to people depending on the social ranking
C. The purpose of communication, it could be referencial or affective
D. The way in which you communicate with people and the vocabulary you use
54. Formality is a social dimension in communication that indicates:
A. The amount of information being shared in a discourse
B. The social ranking
C. The style of speaking, presence or absences of colloquial/slang in a person's communication
D. How well we know someone
55. Function (Referential) indicates:
A. How well you know somebody
B. The emotional content of communication and indicates how someone feels about the topic
C. The use of facts, statistics, directions, etc.
D. Social ranking
56. Function (Affective) indicates:
A. The emotional content of communication and indicates how someone feels about the topic
B. How well you know somebody
C. The use of facts, statistics, directions, etc.
D. The presence or absences of colloquial/slang in a person's communication
57. Social Dimensions of Language can be defined as:
A. The place where communication is develop
B. The communicative competence of the speaker
C. The use of formal or informal languages in communication
D. The characteristics of the context that affect how language is used
58. Dropping the /h/ sounds indicates the lower class people, what is the example?
A. Sittin'
B. 'ello
C. 'ungry
D. Drinkin'
E. B&C
59. When the post vocalic sound /r/ is produced frequently, it means_____?
A. Higher socio economic status
B. Lower socio economic status
C. Middle socio economic status
D. All answers are incorrect
60. How many social dimensions discussed by Holmes?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
61. One-word gap filling:
The study of the smallest units of language is _______________
62. One-word gap filling:
The study of meanings of words, phrases, clauses and sentences is_______________
63. One-word gap filling
The study of how sociocultural norms and contexts shape use in society is called
64. One-word gap filling
Speakers might switch from a "high" form or their language to a "____________" form as and
when the social environment suggest that they should do so
65. Social class in the position of the speaker in the society, measured by the level of education,
parental background, profession and their effect on syntax and lexis used by the speaker.
66. Ethnicity is similarities in the use of a given language by its native speakers and other ethnic
67. Sociolinguistics is an important discipline which studies the effects of language use on a
given society
68. Sociolinguistics is a field of study which is interested in describing language as an asocial
69. The way a person speaks is influenced by the participants and the setting only
70. Sociolinguistics differs from sociology of language in that the focus of sociolinguistics is the
effect of the society on the language, while the latter's focus is on the language's effect on the
71. Language choice does not convey information about the social relationships between
people as well as about the topic of discussion.
72. Degree of formality are always determined by solidarity and status relationship.
73. Pidgins become creoles when they are used by people as a mother tongue.
74. Many Afro-Caribbean Englishes are creoles.
75. Almost all Creole is derived from pidgin.
76. Vernacular is a standardized variety and it is used in any context.
77. The term vernacular simply means a language which is an official language in a particular
78. Pidgin languages emerge because of the need for intercommunication between speakers of
different languages.
79. Creoles are pidgin languages (second languages) that have become the first language of a
new generation of speakers.
80. Pidgins have high prestige and are associated with positive attitudes.
81. One of the aspects of standardization is acceptance by the _______________ community.
82. Standardization is not a property of any language: not all languages have a standard
83. "World Englishes" may be identified as Inner, Outer, and _______________ circles of
84. Lingua franca is "a language which is used habitually by people whose mother tongues are
different in order to facilitate _________________ between them".
85. To what does the term "lingua franca" refer?
A. A dialect spoken in the Franconian region of Germany
B. Speaking French
C. A shared language primarily used for business, education or political reasons.
D. Speaking bluntly or directly
86. "Pidgin" most closely refers to:
A. An extinct Native American language
B. A language group in central Africa
C. People who speak multiple dialects
D. A rudimentary language used primarily for business/trade interactions
87. The development of a pidgin requires:
A. Prolonged regular contact between the different language communities.
B. A need for communication between them.
C. An absence of a widespread accessible common language between them.
D. All of above
88. Which country is one of the most multilingual nations in the world
89. It generally refers to a language which has not been standardised and which does not have
official status
vernacular languages
90. Which kind of linguistic varieties is generally one which is written, and which has undergone
some degree of regularisation or codification; it is recognised as a prestigious variety or code by
a community, and it is used for H functions alongside a diversity of L varieties.
91. Which kind of language are usually the first languages learned by people in multilingual
communities, and they are often used for a relatively narrow range of informal functions
92. the term which describes a language serving as a regular means of communication between
different linguistic groups in a multilingual speech community
Lingua franca
93. Which one is a language that has no native speakers
94. Which often develop initially as trade languages - illustrating again the influence of
economic factors on language change
Lingua franca
95. A creole is a ... which has acquired native speakers, has expanded in structure and
vocabulary to express the range of meanings and serve the range of functions required of a first
96. Vernacular languages contrast with standardised varieties predominantly
on the status and formality dimensions
97. The local varieties of English which have developed in New Zealand, Australia, Canada and
the USA, where most of the populations are monolingual English speakers, are examples of
____ English varieties
98. Language shift is not always the result of migration.
99. When colonial powers invade other countries their languages do not often become
100. All the people who speak a language die, the language dies with them.
101. The most obvious factor contributing to language shift is that the community sees an
important reason for learning the second language.
102. If families from a minority group live near each other and see each other frequently, this
won't help them maintain their language.
103. In a multilingual speech community, the many different ethnic or tribal languages used by
different groups are not referred to as vernacular languages
104. A standard variety is generally one which is written, and which has undergone some
degree of regularisation or codification.
105. A lingua franca is a language used for communication between people whose second
languages differ.
106. Pidgin languages have high status or prestige.
107. A pidgin can become so useful as a lingua franca that it may be expanded and used even
by people who share a tribal language.
108. Results of migration:
Language shift, Social changes, Economic changes
109. Language shift often indicates the influence of:
Political & economic factors
110. Language maintenance is the result of:
The patterns of language use, Demographic factors, Attitudes to the minority
111. Which are dimensions for analysing language maintenance:
Economic & Political, Institutional & Demographic, Attitudinal & Educational, Socio-cultural
112. 'Ethnolinguistic vitality' measure a language maintenance by:
Status of language
113. What are the demographic factors?
The speed of language shift
114. Factors contributing to language shift
Economic, social & political issues, Job opportunities
115. What is the death language
No longer spoken naturally anywhere in the world
116. Language shift tend to be slower among communities where
The minority language is highly valued
117. Intermarriage between groups can accelerate language shift. Unless
Multilingualism is normal in a country
118. States denied entry or naturalization to those immigrants who were perceived as unable
or unwilling to assimilate, and anyone seeking citizenship was expected and sometimes even
required to renounce or hide their earlier ethnic identities.
Immigrant Minorities
119. not migrant
120. People may shift both location and language because of the political and economic factors.
Over the last couples of centuries, many speakers of Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Welsh, for
instance, have sifted to England, and consequently to English, primarily in order to get work.
Migrant Majorities
121. These are factors that are used to define the characteristics of a person or a population,
including variables such as race, age, income, marital status, and educational achievement,
among others.
Demographic factors
122. Language shift tends to be slower among communities where the minority language is
123. Refers to the language or dialect that is spoken by people that are inhabiting a particular
country or region.
vernacular language (vernacular)
124. A language variety that has undergone substantial codification of grammar and usage and
is employed by a population for public communication.
standard language
125. The differences in the English language that emerge as it is used in various contexts across
the world.
World Englishes
126. A language that is adopted as a common language between speakers whose native
languages are different.
Lingua francas
127. A grammatically simplified form of a language, used for communication between people
not sharing a common language.
128. In__________ countries, the same language serves both purposes.
129. Can a creole language become a national language?
130. Pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary are differ from country to country?
131. Is language variation stable overtime?
132. "RP" is the variation that is used by the BBC, the royals, the upper-class?
133. What does "RP" stand for?
Received Pronunciation
134. ______ and _______the code to handle a wider range of functions are
Codification - Elaborating
135. Why do many countries only have one national language?
Symbolising the unity of the country
136. What is the National Language?
It is the language of a political, cultural and social unit.
137. What is Official Language?
It is the language used for government business.
138. The Language planning activity is trying to:
Establish their language autonomy and to include concern for minority and endangered
139. What is necessary for language acceptance?
Political and social
140. It is a step needed to develop a language, also known as "corpus planning"
141. ________: language used for communication by peoples whose first language differs.
Lingua Franca
142. ________: activities which aim at changing the linguistic behavior of a speech community.
Language planning
143. ________: activities which attempt to change the internal structure of the language -
practices of codification and lexical expansion
Corpus planning
144. There are only 2 steps in establishing the spread of a new national language: selection,
145. English is an official language in the USA and Britain
146. National language function as symbol of nation's special identity
147. Many countries have multiple national languages because they do not want to evoke riots
nor wars between indigenous tribes.
148. Selection and acceptance are steps which involve____and____factors
Social - Political
149. In monolingual countries, what purpose do their languages serve?
150. Many countries have regarded the development of a single national language as a way of
symbolising the_____of a nation.
151. The term "accent" is restricted to the description of aspects of pronunciation that identify
where an individual speaker is socially from.
152. The term "dialect" is used to describe features of grammar and vocabulary as well as
aspects of pronunciation.
153. These two sentences: "You don't know what you're talking about'' and "Ye dinnae ken whit
yer haverin' aboot'' have the same______
154. From ______ point of view: none of the varieties of a language is inherently "better" than
any other. They are simply different.
155. From _____ point of view: some varieties are more prestigious. The variety that develops
as the standard language has usually been one socially prestigious dialect, originally associated
with a center of economic and political power.
156. What are the steps to make Language Planning for an official language?
Selection, Codification, Elaboration, Securing its acceptance
157. The goal of language planning refers to activities that attempt to bring about changes in
the structure and functions of languages and/or language varieties, using sociolinguistic
concepts and information to make policy decisions and to implement them.
158. Is Language Planning the same as Language Policy?
159. What is the meaning of dialects?
Dialects are linguistic varieties which are distinguishable by their vocabulary, grammar and
160. A Southern American might say, "howdy." Is this the correct example of a dialect?
161. Social dialect surveys clearly divide English-speaking communities into:
The higher class, middle class and working class
162. The term social class is used here as a shorthand term for differences between people
which are associated with differences in social prestige, wealth and education
163. How are dialects developed?
Dialects and accents developed historically when groups of language users lived in relative
isolation, without regular contact with other people using the same language
164. A ___________ is not spoken in one particular area of a country
Regional Dialect
165. What is the main difference between regional dialects and social dialects:
A regional dialect is spoken in one particular area of a country. A social dialect is a variety of a
language spoken by a particular group based on social characteristics other than geography.
166. The dialect we grace with the name standard English is spoken with many different
167. An American's "god" sounds like an English person's "guard"?
168. What does sociolinguistics study?
Study about relationship between language and society
169. Why do we say the same thing in different ways?
Because there are more than one way to saying between the people in particular situation
170. What are the different ways we say things
Vocabulary, sounds, word structure and grammar
171. Social factors include:
The participants, the setting of social context of the interaction, the topic and the function
172. The setting of social context of the interaction is:
Where are they speaking?
173. Sociolingusitcs explores... ?
The connection between language and society, how the use of language varies according to
different social factors.
174. Many factors may be relevant to people's relative social status, except?
175. The control of the various styles of better-educated people is...
176. A person who speaks three languages fluently is most properly referred to by which of
these terms?
177. Sociolinguistics is a field of study which is interested in describing language as a social
178. Sociolinguists believe that speakers know not only how to form sentences but also how to
use them appropriately.
179. Hymes advocated the social view to the study of language and emphasized on the humans'
ability to use language appropriately in different settings
180. For sociolinguistics, the process of acquiring a language is also a social process which only
expands in social interaction.
181. Sociolinguistics is an approach to the study of language that includes the study of language
182. Sociolinguistics study the relationship between ___ and ___
language, society
183. Another concern of sociolinguistics is the ___ between the language and the context in
which it is used.
184. The choice of one linguistic form rather than another is a useful clue to ____ information.
185. Sociolinguists aim to ___ sociolinguistics variation and if possible ___ why it happens.
describe, explain
186. ____ increases between participants ( speaker and hearer ) when the social distance is
187. Which sounds have changed their pronunciation of /k/ sound to silent after the 15th
knit, knife
188. What did the word 'nice' used to mean?
189. Does language itself change or does the speaker/write change their use of language?
190. Three major ways that language varies.
Over time,Physical space,Socially
191. The possibility of a linguistic change exists:
As soon as a new form develops and begins to be used alongside an existing form
192. Which of the following pronunciations was considered acceptable for the word 'hotel'?
193. "Post-vocalic [r] does not occur in RP nor in the London Cockney dialect." What does 'RP' in
this sentence stand for?
Received Pronunciation
194. Changing from one language or dialect to another according to the context in which one is
speaking is known as:
Code switching
195. Why does Martha's Vineyard island resent the summer tourist?
Because of the tourists pronunciation
196. Members of the group with most social status, for example, tend to introduce changes
into a speech community from neighbouring communities which have:
greater status and prestige
197. Language is an entity independent of its speakers and writers
198. All language change has its origins in variation
199. Differences in women's and men's speech are another source of variation which can result
in linguistic change
200. Women tend to be associated with changes towards both prestige and vernacular norms.
201. All language change has its origins in ________.
202. The possibility of a linguistic change exists as soon as a new form ________ and begins to
be used alongside an existing form.
203. A ______________occurs when one sound is replaced in people's speech by another over
a period of time
sound change
204. In sociolinguistics, ___________ is the process by which a new variety of a language
emerges from the mixing, leveling, and simplifying of different dialects.
205. Three social factors and their relevance to language change are social status, ______ and
206. The term "Variety" is used to refer to:
set of linguistics used under specific social circumstances
207. The formality scale:
is useful in assessing the influence of the social setting or type of interaction on language
208. These are areas of language variation EXCEPT
209. Which of the following would NOT be considered a part of sociolinguistics?
The study of the sounds in spoken language.
210. Communicative competence requires that speakers be aware of which two aspects of their
Linguistics and pragmatics
211. The linguistic term "code-switching" refers to which of the following?
A speaker's use of more than one language, dialect or register in an utterance or interaction.
212. How many social dimensions are discussed?
213. Vocabulary or word choice is one area of linguistic variation.
214. The status scale points to the relevance of relative status in some linguistic choices.
215. Linguistic variation can provide social information
216. Status scale emphasises how well the participants know each other
217. Linguistic variation occurs at many levels of linguistic analysis: sounds, word-structure (or
morphology), and grammar (or syntax) as well as vocabulary.
218. Sociolinguists use the term variety (or sometimes code) to refer to any set of linguistic
forms which patterns according to social factors.
219. The way a speaker uses language differently in different circumstances is the meaning of
220. The basis for the distinctions between the styles was the amount of attention people were
paying to their speech
221. Relationship between language use and the social world, particularly how language
operates within and creates social structures.
222. The act of using or promoting the use of multiple languages
223. The study of culture, including the cultural and social patterns of speech variation within a
culture is known as:
224. The ______of a language can be formal or informal
225. Studies how society is related to languages.
Sociology of Languages
226. Two languages or varieties of a language exist side by side, one is used for formal
situations and the other for informal situations.
227. In ______, English is the most frequently selected code for official transactions, regardless
of the speaker's ethnicity.
228. A ______ may be related to a particular participant or addressee:
229. Regional variation is:
A regional dialect that is distinct form of a language spoken in a particular
230. It becomes a dialect and not its own language when .........
The "language" has phonology, morphology and syntax
231. When you don't have to go to work or school, you will have a: (which one is British English
232. What does the term communicative competence refer to?
the competence of a native speaker - the linguistic aspects that are also part of the
communication process:silence, turn-taking, gestures... - the ability of humans to communicate
233. People sometimes switch code within a domain or social situation.
234. Domain is clearly a very general concept which draws on three important social factors in
code choice - participants, setting, topic.
235. Language diversity arises from the aspect of who speaks what language or language
236. "Representation" can be understood as the linguistics choices that a person make
237. Variation to a language is not related to the degree of formality of a situation in which
language is used
238. "______" is a characteristic of speech communities rather than individuals.
239. Bilingual speakers switch from one language to the other in the same discourse
240. The set of language varieties used in speaking and writing practices of a speech community
Linguistic Repertoire
241. "....." is when someone uses one word or phrase from one language to another language
242. Relating to a word or phrase for one thing that is used as symbol of something else
243. A communication situation in which more than three languages are used in a community
244. When a pidgin has been spoken by many generations, it becomes a _____.
245. Ethnography focuses on the use of language in a particular region; __________studies the
structure of language and focuses on a particular area of the language.
246. People do not often complain about language change
247. Why do women use language differently from men?
Men don't like them using language just like the men
248. How would you describe the usual women's speech?
249. You will not arrive late tomorrow, won't you?
250. Why do women use more standard forms than men?
Society tends to expect 'better' behaviors from women than from men.
251. Do women use standard forms of speech all the time?
No, they are likely to use informal and relaxed style in their familiar environment, like at home
or with their friends.
252. How do vernacular forms express feminine?
253. What may women's greater use of standard speech forms indicate about themselves?
Sensitivity to contextual factors
254. How is the pitch of women compared to men?
Higher most of the time
255. Which slang do earlier generations of New Zealanders use?
256. How do people's forms of speech change as they get older?
Vernacular forms - standard forms - vernacular forms
257. What happens when a linguistic change is spreading through a community?
Increase and decrease in the use of the linguistic form over time
258. What can disappear if a minority group adopts the language of the dominant society?
259. Which sentence contains African American Vernacular English?
They be like a bunch of idiots
260. How is the word 'kia ora' of Maori English used?
261. What does 'density' refer to?
Whether members of a person's network are in touch with each other
262. Women speak the same way as men?
263. Men and women use different affixes?
264. English language pronouns encode the gender of the speaker?
265. Differences in the speeches of both women and men can not be identifiable clearly?
266. Slangs can't reflect a person's age?
267. Different aspect of an individual's social identity will be more or less relevant in specific
social contexts?
268. In some languages, there are differences between the ___ items used by women and
269. Gender differences in language are often just one aspect of more pervasive _____
differences in the society reflecting social status or power differences?
270. In many speech communities, when women use more of a linguistic form than men, it is
generally the ______ form - the overtly prestigious form - that women favour?
271. As people get older their speech becomes gradually more standard, and then later it
becomes less standard and is once again characterised by ____ forms?
272. Do men and women speak differently?
273. Can vernacular forms express feminine?
274. What two factors can differentiate the age of a person?
Pronunciation and Grammar
275. Can a woman have deeper pitch than a man?
276. Choose two slangs older generations British would use?
Fab and Fart catcher
277. Can the language of a group disappear when they adopt the dominant language of the
278. Which can be classified as New Englishes?
New Zealand English and Indian English
279. The word refers to when one interacts with others along several dimensions.
280. Which 'community of practice' is the most temporary?
281. Some languages ___ the gender of the speaker in the pronoun system?
282. Women use more standard speech forms than men because they are more _______ than
283. One of the most obvious speech differences between women and men is in the ____ of
their voices?
284. Not only pitch, but vocabulary, _____ and grammar can differentiate age groups?
285. Many ethnic groups use a _____ language associated with their ethnic identity?
286. _____ is a measure of the range of different types of transaction people are involved in
with different individuals?
287. Most people prefer deeper voice when talking about politics?
288. Standard English and New English are the same
290. A uniplex relationship is one where the link with the other person is in multiple areas
291. It is usually in their early teenage years that a person's stylistic repertoire expands

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