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Black History Month- Jazz Jazz is a music genre that originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States. It originated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. ... Jazz is characterized by swing and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Some will say that Jazz was born in 1895, when cornet player Buddy Bolden started his first band, but Louis Armstrong is widely known as the father of Jazz. Jazz is important because it is not just a style of music. Jazz is a music that can shape our character by giving us courage, prepare us to improvise, innovate, give others an equal voice, and listen. Jazz is beneficial because Jazz Influences Your Brain. According to psychology experts, jazz can reduce your stress level. Many areas of the jazz musician's brain are stimulated while playing, he or she must think critically and creatively. Over time Jazz has Influenced Modern Music, Literature, Fashion, and Culture. It has championed equality in employing women and African Americans as musicians, songwriters & composers. Musicians have faced prejudice, discrimination and died for the privilege to live their lives in the key of Jazz. Today we celebrate Black History Month by paying homage to this greatest of American art forms with legendary music as performed by our talented ensemble.

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