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Analyze the S.W.O.

T of Starbucks

Starbuck is one of the world's leading coffee brands that was first
founded in Seattle, Washington by 3 people, namely Jerry Baldwin, Zev
Siegel, and Gordon Bowker in 1971. Almost everyone knows Starbucks,
especially teenagers now. In addition to its delicious taste, Starbucks
also has its own charm for teenagers. And now has about 15,012
branches in 44 countries

In analyzing market opportunities in Asia, the Starbucks company uses a

SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threath). The
following is a Starbucks SWOT analysis, namely:

1. Strength

a) Starbucks is known for providing excellent products and services.

b) Starbuck also has pretty good marketing, such as giving half-
price promos that make people think again about buying it. And
attract people's attention.
c) Strong brand image with the motto 'The Starbucks Experience.

2. Weakness
a) The price is expensive when the promo is not up to 50 thousand
which makes people hesitate to buy it.
b) Now Starbucks has many competitors with cheaper prices such
as max coffee, Janji Jiwa, Kopi Kenangan and others.
c) And the most well-known brand in Starbucks is coffee so that
cakes or other milk drinks are not selling well.
3. Opportunity
a) Promotions from its customers make this brand still have a lot
of enthusiasts.
b) Expand supplier network.
c) Extend supply range.
4. Threats
a) Local coffee which is much cheaper.
b) The cost of staples is expected to increase in the near future.
c) Economic conditions in our country due to corona reduce
consumer spending

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