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Midterm Requirements in Mythology and Foklore (LIT 101)

Prequel Of Pandora Box


Menor, Ellyssa Lei C.

There is a god named Zeus who is the greatest and most powerful among the gods and
goddesses in Mount Olympus. The monarch and controller of the Mount Olympus realm was
Zeus. Of all the kingdoms above the earth, Mount Olympus is the largest. The gods, goddesses,
and titans grew close to one another early on. They create a connection with one another as a
result of becoming allies in all wars. Each god and goddess is related to the titans in some way.
The titans have been tasked in maintaining the earth by the gods and goddesses. One of the
gods, Zeus, assigns Prometheus and Epimetheus, the most renowned twin titans, with their task
of taking the earth.

Zeus once received a message from Prometheus informing him that they will be visiting Mount
Olympus, though no specific date was given. After several days since Prometheus send a
message to him, he still not come to mount Olympus so Zeus decided to call Hermes to send a
message to him asking when he would be the exact date he will visit. Due to his absence of a
child with Hera, who could serve as a source of distraction, he feels bored while waiting. Out of
boredom, he thinks visiting other kingdoms that are close to his own. After making up his mind,
he said Hera farewell and informed her that he would be gone for a while in order to travel to
other realms and make them a visit. Hera said, “Why do you want to see other kingdoms?,
What's your goal?", she continued.”. For a moment, Zeus remained silent since he was
uncertain of the precise purpose of visiting the kingdoms. Zeus, however, came up with an
explanation, telling Hera that he would go there to assess the state of each country. Hera
expressed her belief in Zeus by saying, "Take care of my husband on your journey."

He continues to think about why he is going to the kingdoms. Zeus' sudden realization that "Oh!
I already know what I'll be doing in each kingdom; I want to observe their characteristics and
come upon what behaviors they possess. And as soon as he finished speaking, Zeus's
journey began. The first kingdom he encountered was the kingdom of hubris, ruled by the god
of pride King Hybris. Zeus felt the evil presence as soon as he spotted the mens. He could see
the negative traits and actions in their eyes. He observed that everyone he encountered
seemed arrogant toward one another as he walked to the palace. He is unable to see any
humbleness or humility in any of them. He heard king Hybris proclaim, "In this kingdom, I am
the most powerful. Everything I say is always right, and I'll never say the word sorry to anyone,"
as soon as he entered the palace. On the contrary, his slave apologized to the monarch, saying
that everyone knew that everything he had stated was right and that it needed to be done
immediately away. Zeus determines from this that the pride that characterizes this realm
comes in two types: excessive pride and inadequate pride.

He visited the Kingdom of Pleonexia after leaving the realm of Hybris. King Mammon, the god
of greed, is the monarch of the Kingdom of Pleonexia. He immediately went to the palace.
When he entered the palace, he observed the king and his people in their present situation and
observed King Mammon hiding the leftover food. He then declared, "We have no food here; it
has become scarce for our food, and I am powerless to stop it." However, despite the fact that
his men are starving to death, he merely wants to hide the food because he is frightened of
running out of it. So Zeus, encounter the king's greed and self-centeredness.

He made the decision to continue on his journey after visiting the two kingdoms in order
to explore more kingdoms. He spoke with King Phtonus of the Kingdom Zelotupia. The third
kingdom he visited. King Phtonus says, "I want to be like you, you are the most powerful among
the god and goddesses, and you have control over everything," as they greet each other.
Additionally, he added, "How can I have powers like you? I want all of your abilities." When
Zeus heard it from King Phtonus, he knows that the kingdom of Zelotupia was populated by
envious individuals who were dissatisfied with what they had and lacked any sense of inner
contentment. He has already stated that there is much jealousy in this realm.
After leaving the Kingdom of Zelotupia, he made the decision to travel to the Kingdom of Orge,
which was nearby and ruled by Queen Alyssa. On the route there, he could already hear voices
screaming loudly. He believes that the screams are more raging and angry than they are joyful.
Zeus can't stand to hear about the wild people and animals who are out of control. Zeus
decided against visiting the kingdom after he heard the voices because, only on what he had
heard and without having seen it, he believed it to be filled with wrath and anger.

He encountered King Eros, the god of lust who rules over the realm of Epithumia, in the fifth
kingdom he visited. Before getting to the palace, he encountered a variety of women who
approached him and became entwined in his arms. He came across several individuals on the
route to the palace who had several slaves bound to them. As soon as he entered the palace,
he saw that King Eros was surrounded by three other women. King Eros said " Zeus, the king of
the gods who is powerful among the god and goddesses, you want this women?. Just tell me
and I will give you and you may take home with you". Zeus, however, turned down Eros's offer.
He comes across this kingdom where lust is a trait.

Zeus' third to the last journey took him to the Kingdom of Argos, whose ruler is Queen Argeia.
Queen Argeia is a laziness queen that Zeus met because of what he saw when he arrive in the
palace of Argos.  He could see that Queen Argos was a demanding ruler who constantly gave
commands to her slaves, ordering them to do things like get fruit for herself even though it was
evident that she was capable of doing it on her own. Zeus also noticed that she always needed
assistance from others and was unable to repair herself, her outfit, or her hair on her own. Zeus
concludes that this kingdom is ruled by slothfulness based on what he has witnessed.

The kingdom of Laimargia is the second-to-last one he wants to visit. King Adephagia, who was
also known as the god of gluttony, was the monarch of this realm. When he first arrived in this
realm, he observed that every man he encountered was excessive consumption in food. He
observed that there are numerous tables set up throughout the kingdom with a variety of
meals, as well as numerous individuals who eat a lot of food. Because he had already seen
what he needed to see, which was the distinctive characteristic of this kingdom, which is
gluttony, he opted not to enter the palace. As wells, he had seen unique dishes that he had
never known what they were.

After visiting seven kingdoms, he wondered if there was a kingdom that, in contrast to the
more recent ones he had visited, had only the characteristics of evil deeds. He hopes that the
final kingdom he visits will be filled with admirable traits. Finally, he came onto the Kingdom of
Elpida, headed by King Elpis. He observed everyone exchanging words of wisdom and helpful
advice regarding their experiences. One of the slaves was heard by Zeus saying, "My friend, I
know you can do it, you can overcome your problems you experience today."Zeus smiled when
he heard that because he realized how wonderful and optimistic their attitude toward one
another was in comparison to all the other kingdoms he had previously visited. They had hope
for life, food, and their situations, and instead of viewing their struggles as problems, they
regarded them as changes to the unimaginable. wishing to forget and forgive. Hope for a better
life that we sometimes aren't able to have. Zeus was relieved after seeing this kingdom because
he saw there was still good in the world, even if he had seen only evil deeds in the previous

He chose to return to his home, Mount Olympus, after visiting the eight kingdoms because he
assumed Prometheus had already sent him a message. He is right when he gets to his home
since he saw Hermes holding the message while standing next to her wife. Zeus, this is the
message from earth, Hermes stated. Prometheus writes you a note of regret for the delay in
their arrival since they had to respond to a situation on earth. Hermes added, "Prometheus
indicated that he will come here because he has something to tell you and ask. Zeus said to
Hermes, "If that is the case, then I will wait until they are available and free to meet me."
Prometheus and Epimetheus were discussing their goals and the reasons they were traveling to
Mount Olympus in the earth. “We must head there right away since, ,it's the only thing I can
think of that will solve our current issue, Prometheus said to his twin brother, Epimetheus. As
soon as his twin brother demanded it, Epimetheus agreed, and the two of them set off for
Mount Olympus. They encountered Athena and Aphrodite when they were getting close to the
realm of Mount Olympus. They are asked by Athena where they are going and why. “We're
going to Mount Olympus to talk to Zeus and ask him a question for the sake of humans”,
Epimetheus stated. Athena replied, “ If that's the case, we hope that your goal will be
accomplished and successful”. The twins express gratitude to the goddesses for their good
fortune and helpful guidance. After they met the goddesses, they finally arrived in the Mount
Olympus and greet Zeus and Hera.

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